| #!/usr/bin/env groovy |
| |
| library 'functions' |
| |
| def workspacePath = "/home/jenkins/workspace" |
| def buildLabel = "task.publish.unstable-${UUID.randomUUID().toString()}" |
| def sourcePath = "${workspacePath}/src" |
| |
| // FIXME(jtgans): Get rid of privileged! This is a security risk! |
| def jnlpContainer = containerTemplate(name: 'jnlp', |
| image: 'jenkins/jnlp-slave:alpine') |
| def debianContainer = containerTemplate(name: 'debian', |
| image: 'gcr.io/mendel-linux-cloud-infra/mendel-builder:latest', |
| command: 'cat', |
| args: '', |
| ttyEnabled: true, |
| privileged: true, |
| alwaysPullImage: true) |
| def aptlyVolume = persistentVolumeClaim(claimName: 'aptly-state', mountPath: '/var/lib/aptly') |
| def gpgVolume = secretVolume(secretName: 'mendel-release-credentials', mountPath: '/var/lib/aptly/keyring') |
| |
| podTemplate(label: buildLabel, containers: [jnlpContainer, debianContainer], volumes: [aptlyVolume, gpgVolume], envVars: []) { |
| node(buildLabel) { |
| dir(sourcePath) { |
| container('debian') { |
| String stamp = functions.generateDateStamp() |
| def releaseName = params.release |
| def boards = params.boards.split(' ') |
| |
| if (boards.size() == 0) { |
| error 'No boards to create releases for!' |
| } |
| |
| sh "cp /etc/aptly.conf ~/.aptly.conf" |
| |
| withEnv(['GNUPGHOME=/var/lib/aptly/.gnupg']) { |
| functions.installGpgKeyring() |
| |
| for (board in boards) { |
| def unstablePublishedBspSnapshotName = functions.getSnapshotFromPublish('unstable', "unstable-bsp-${board}", 'main') |
| def releasedBspSnapshotName = "${releaseName}-bsp-${board}-${stamp}" |
| |
| sh "aptly snapshot merge ${releasedBspSnapshotName} ${unstablePublishedBspSnapshotName}" |
| |
| if (functions.bspIsPublished(releaseName, board)) { |
| sh "aptly publish switch --batch --force-overwrite --passphrase-file=/var/lib/aptly/keyring/passphrase.txt ${releaseName} filesystem:public:${releaseName}-bsp-${board} ${releasedBspSnapshotName}" |
| } else { |
| sh "aptly publish snapshot --batch --force-overwrite --passphrase-file=/var/lib/aptly/keyring/passphrase.txt --architectures=source,amd64,arm64,armhf --distribution=${releaseName} ${releasedBspSnapshotName} filesystem:public:${releaseName}-bsp-${board}" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def unstablePublishedCoreSnapshotName = functions.getSnapshotFromPublish('unstable', 'unstable', 'main') |
| def releasedCoreSnapshotName = "core-full-${releaseName}-${stamp}" |
| |
| sh "aptly snapshot merge ${releasedCoreSnapshotName} ${unstablePublishedCoreSnapshotName}" |
| |
| if (functions.coreIsPublished(releaseName)) { |
| sh "aptly publish switch --batch --force-overwrite --passphrase-file=/var/lib/aptly/keyring/passphrase.txt ${releaseName} filesystem:public:${releaseName} ${releasedCoreSnapshotName}" |
| } else { |
| sh "aptly publish snapshot --batch --force-overwrite --passphrase-file=/var/lib/aptly/keyring/passphrase.txt --architectures=source,amd64,arm64,armhf --distribution=${releaseName} ${releasedCoreSnapshotName} filesystem:public:${releaseName}" |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |