blob: e08d2f7367334920056dd038d814be7cebf73b3e [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */
* Copyright (c) 2015, Linaro Limited
* Copyright (c) 2014, STMicroelectronics International N.V.
#include <tee_syscall_numbers.h>
#include <asm.S>
#if defined(CFG_UNWIND)
#define UNWIND(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define UNWIND(...)
.section .text
.balign 4
.code 32
.macro UTEE_SYSCALL name, scn, num_args
FUNC \name , :
UNWIND( .fnstart)
push {r5-r7,lr}
UNWIND( .save {r5-r7,lr})
#if defined(CFG_SYSCALL_WRAPPERS_MCOUNT) && !defined(__LDELF__)
.if \scn != TEE_SCN_RETURN
mov ip, sp
push {r0-r4, fp, ip}
add fp, ip, #16
push {lr}
bl __gnu_mcount_nc
pop {r0-r4, fp, ip}
mov sp, ip
mov r7, #(\scn)
.if \num_args > TEE_SVC_MAX_ARGS
.error "Too many arguments for syscall"
.if \num_args <= 4
@ No arguments passed on stack
mov r6, #0
@ Tell number of arguments passed on the stack
mov r6, #(\num_args - 4)
@ Point just before the push (4 registers) above on the first argument
add r5, sp, #(4 * 4)
svc #0
pop {r5-r7,pc}
UNWIND( .fnend)
END_FUNC \name
FUNC utee_panic, :
UNWIND( .fnstart)
push {r0-r11, lr}
UNWIND( .save {r0-r11, lr})
mov lr, pc
push {lr}
UNWIND( .save {lr})
mov r1, sp
bl __utee_panic
/* Not reached */
UNWIND( .fnend)
END_FUNC utee_panic
#include "utee_syscalls_asm.S"