blob: 70c96e1dd2b61829c51fd36845c0cdacdb381054 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */
* Copyright (c) 2015, Linaro Limited
#include <platform_config.h>
#include <arm64_macros.S>
#include <arm.h>
#include <asm.S>
#include <elf_common.h>
#include <generated/asm-defines.h>
#include <keep.h>
#include <sm/optee_smc.h>
#include <sm/teesmc_opteed.h>
#include <sm/teesmc_opteed_macros.h>
* Setup SP_EL0 and SPEL1, SP will be set to SP_EL0.
* SP_EL0 is assigned stack_tmp_export + cpu_id * stack_tmp_stride
* SP_EL1 is assigned thread_core_local[cpu_id]
.macro set_sp
bl __get_core_pos
/* Unsupported CPU, park it before it breaks something */
bge unhandled_cpu
adr x1, stack_tmp_stride
ldr w1, [x1]
mul x1, x0, x1
adrp x0, stack_tmp_export
add x0, x0, :lo12:stack_tmp_export
ldr x0, [x0]
msr spsel, #0
add sp, x1, x0
bl thread_get_core_local
msr spsel, #1
mov sp, x0
msr spsel, #0
.macro set_sctlr_el1
mrs x0, sctlr_el1
orr x0, x0, #SCTLR_I
orr x0, x0, #SCTLR_SA
orr x0, x0, #SCTLR_WXN
orr x0, x0, #SCTLR_A
bic x0, x0, #SCTLR_A
msr sctlr_el1, x0
FUNC _start , :
mov x19, x0 /* Save pagable part address */
#if defined(CFG_DT_ADDR)
ldr x20, =CFG_DT_ADDR
mov x20, x2 /* Save DT address */
adr x0, reset_vect_table
msr vbar_el1, x0
* Move init code into correct location and move hashes to a
* temporary safe location until the heap is initialized.
* The binary is built as:
* [Pager code, rodata and data] : In correct location
* [Init code and rodata] : Should be copied to __init_start
* [struct boot_embdata + data] : Should be saved before
* initializing pager, first uint32_t tells the length of the data
adr x0, __init_start /* dst */
adr x1, __data_end /* src */
adr x2, __init_end
sub x2, x2, x0 /* init len */
ldr w4, [x1, x2] /* length of hashes etc */
add x2, x2, x4 /* length of init and hashes etc */
/* Copy backwards (as memmove) in case we're overlapping */
add x0, x0, x2 /* __init_start + len */
add x1, x1, x2 /* __data_end + len */
adr x3, cached_mem_end
str x1, [x3]
adr x2, __init_start
ldp x3, x4, [x1, #-16]!
stp x3, x4, [x0, #-16]!
cmp x0, x2 copy_init
* The binary is built as:
* [Core, rodata and data] : In correct location
* [struct boot_embdata + data] : Should be saved before
* initializing pager, first uint32_t tells the length of the data
adr x0, __end /* dst */
adr x1, __data_end /* src */
ldr w2, [x1] /* struct boot_embdata::total_len */
/* Copy backwards (as memmove) in case we're overlapping */
add x0, x0, x2
add x1, x1, x2
adr x3, cached_mem_end
str x1, [x3]
adr x2, __end
ldp x3, x4, [x1, #-16]!
stp x3, x4, [x0, #-16]!
cmp x0, x2 copy_init
* Clear .bss, this code obviously depends on the linker keeping
* start/end of .bss at least 8 byte aligned.
adr_l x0, __bss_start
adr_l x1, __bss_end
str xzr, [x0], #8
cmp x0, x1 clear_bss
* Clear .nex_bss, this code obviously depends on the linker keeping
* start/end of .bss at least 8 byte aligned.
adr x0, __nex_bss_start
adr x1, __nex_bss_end
str xzr, [x0], #8
cmp x0, x1 clear_nex_bss
/* Setup SP_EL0 and SP_EL1, SP will be set to SP_EL0 */
/* Enable aborts now that we can receive exceptions */
msr daifclr, #DAIFBIT_ABT
adr_l x0, __text_start
ldr x1, cached_mem_end
sub x1, x1, x0
bl dcache_inv_range
/* Enable Console */
bl console_init
mov x0, x20
bl get_aslr_seed
mov x0, #0
adr x1, boot_mmu_config
bl core_init_mmu_map
* Process relocation information again updating for the new
* offset. We're doing this now before MMU is enabled as some of
* the memory will become write protected.
ldr x0, boot_mmu_config + CORE_MMU_CONFIG_LOAD_OFFSET
bl relocate
bl __get_core_pos
bl enable_mmu
* Reinitialize console, since register_serial_console() has
* previously registered a PA and with ASLR the VA is different
* from the PA.
bl console_init
mov x0, x19 /* pagable part address */
mov x1, #-1
mov x2, x20 /* DT address */
bl generic_boot_init_primary
* In case we've touched memory that secondary CPUs will use before
* they have turned on their D-cache, clean and invalidate the
* D-cache before exiting to normal world.
mov x19, x0
adr_l x0, __text_start
ldr x1, cached_mem_end
sub x1, x1, x0
bl dcache_cleaninv_range
* Clear current thread id now to allow the thread to be reused on
* next entry. Matches the thread_init_boot_thread in
* generic_boot.c.
bl thread_clr_boot_thread
* Pass the vector address returned from main_init
* Compensate for the load offset since cpu_on_handler() is
* called with MMU off.
ldr x0, boot_mmu_config + CORE_MMU_CONFIG_LOAD_OFFSET
sub x1, x19, x0
smc #0
b . /* SMC should not return */
END_FUNC _start
KEEP_INIT _start
.balign 8
LOCAL_DATA cached_mem_end , :
.skip 8
END_DATA cached_mem_end
LOCAL_FUNC relocate , :
/* x0 holds load offset */
adr x4, __end
ldp w2, w3, [x4, #BOOT_EMBDATA_RELOC_OFFSET]
mov_imm x1, TEE_RAM_START
add x2, x2, x4 /* start of relocations */
add x3, x3, x2 /* end of relocations */
* Relocations are not formatted as Rela64, instead they are in a
* compressed format created by get_reloc_bin() in
* scripts/
* All the R_AARCH64_RELATIVE relocations are translated into a
* list list of 32-bit offsets from TEE_RAM_START. At each address
* a 64-bit value pointed out which increased with the load offset.
b 2f
/* Loop over the relocation addresses and process all entries */
1: ldr w4, [x2], #4
add x4, x4, x1
ldr x5, [x4]
add x5, x5, x0
str x5, [x4]
2: cmp x2, x3 1b
END_FUNC relocate
* void enable_mmu(unsigned long core_pos);
* This function depends on being mapped with in the identity map where
* physical address and virtual address is the same. After MMU has been
* enabled the instruction pointer will be updated to execute as the new
* offset instead. Stack pointers and the return address are updated.
LOCAL_FUNC enable_mmu , : , .identity_map
adr x1, boot_mmu_config
load_xregs x1, 0, 2, 6
* x0 = core_pos
* x2 = tcr_el1
* x3 = mair_el1
* x4 = ttbr0_el1_base
* x5 = ttbr0_core_offset
* x6 = load_offset
msr tcr_el1, x2
msr mair_el1, x3
* ttbr0_el1 = ttbr0_el1_base + ttbr0_core_offset * core_pos
madd x1, x5, x0, x4
msr ttbr0_el1, x1
msr ttbr1_el1, xzr
/* Invalidate TLB */
tlbi vmalle1
* Make sure translation table writes have drained into memory and
* the TLB invalidation is complete.
dsb sy
/* Enable the MMU */
mrs x1, sctlr_el1
orr x1, x1, #SCTLR_M
msr sctlr_el1, x1
/* Update vbar */
mrs x1, vbar_el1
add x1, x1, x6
msr vbar_el1, x1
/* Invalidate instruction cache and branch predictor */
ic iallu
/* Enable I and D cache */
mrs x1, sctlr_el1
orr x1, x1, #SCTLR_I
orr x1, x1, #SCTLR_C
msr sctlr_el1, x1
/* Adjust stack pointers and return address */
msr spsel, #1
add sp, sp, x6
msr spsel, #0
add sp, sp, x6
add x30, x30, x6
END_FUNC enable_mmu
.balign 8
DATA boot_mmu_config , : /* struct core_mmu_config */
END_DATA boot_mmu_config
FUNC cpu_on_handler , :
mov x19, x0
mov x20, x1
mov x21, x30
adr x0, reset_vect_table
msr vbar_el1, x0
/* Enable aborts now that we can receive exceptions */
msr daifclr, #DAIFBIT_ABT
bl __get_core_pos
bl enable_mmu
/* Setup SP_EL0 and SP_EL1, SP will be set to SP_EL0 */
mov x0, x19
mov x1, x20
mov x30, x21
b generic_boot_cpu_on_handler
END_FUNC cpu_on_handler
KEEP_PAGER cpu_on_handler
LOCAL_FUNC unhandled_cpu , :
b unhandled_cpu
END_FUNC unhandled_cpu
* This macro verifies that the a given vector doesn't exceed the
* architectural limit of 32 instructions. This is meant to be placed
* immedately after the last instruction in the vector. It takes the
* vector entry as the parameter
.macro check_vector_size since
.if (. - \since) > (32 * 4)
.error "Vector exceeds 32 instructions"
.section .identity_map
.align 11
LOCAL_FUNC reset_vect_table , :, .identity_map
/* -----------------------------------------------------
* Current EL with SP0 : 0x0 - 0x180
* -----------------------------------------------------
b SynchronousExceptionSP0
check_vector_size SynchronousExceptionSP0
.align 7
b IrqSP0
check_vector_size IrqSP0
.align 7
b FiqSP0
check_vector_size FiqSP0
.align 7
b SErrorSP0
check_vector_size SErrorSP0
/* -----------------------------------------------------
* Current EL with SPx: 0x200 - 0x380
* -----------------------------------------------------
.align 7
b SynchronousExceptionSPx
check_vector_size SynchronousExceptionSPx
.align 7
b IrqSPx
check_vector_size IrqSPx
.align 7
b FiqSPx
check_vector_size FiqSPx
.align 7
b SErrorSPx
check_vector_size SErrorSPx
/* -----------------------------------------------------
* Lower EL using AArch64 : 0x400 - 0x580
* -----------------------------------------------------
.align 7
b SynchronousExceptionA64
check_vector_size SynchronousExceptionA64
.align 7
b IrqA64
check_vector_size IrqA64
.align 7
b FiqA64
check_vector_size FiqA64
.align 7
b SErrorA64
check_vector_size SErrorA64
/* -----------------------------------------------------
* Lower EL using AArch32 : 0x0 - 0x180
* -----------------------------------------------------
.align 7
b SynchronousExceptionA32
check_vector_size SynchronousExceptionA32
.align 7
b IrqA32
check_vector_size IrqA32
.align 7
b FiqA32
check_vector_size FiqA32
.align 7
b SErrorA32
check_vector_size SErrorA32
END_FUNC reset_vect_table