blob: a27c903cc779714029ff06f6998a96e2344690f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
* algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
@file ocb3_init.c
OCB implementation, initialize state, by Tom St Denis
#include "tomcrypt_private.h"
#ifdef LTC_OCB3_MODE
static void _ocb3_int_calc_offset_zero(ocb3_state *ocb, const unsigned char *nonce, unsigned long noncelen, unsigned long taglen)
int x, y, bottom;
int idx, shift;
unsigned char iNonce[MAXBLOCKSIZE];
unsigned char iKtop[MAXBLOCKSIZE];
unsigned char iStretch[MAXBLOCKSIZE+8];
/* Nonce = zeros(127-bitlen(N)) || 1 || N */
zeromem(iNonce, sizeof(iNonce));
for (x = ocb->block_len-1, y=0; y<(int)noncelen; x--, y++) {
iNonce[x] = nonce[noncelen-y-1];
iNonce[x] = 0x01;
iNonce[0] |= ((taglen*8) % 128) << 1;
/* bottom = str2num(Nonce[123..128]) */
bottom = iNonce[ocb->block_len-1] & 0x3F;
/* Ktop = ENCIPHER(K, Nonce[1..122] || zeros(6)) */
iNonce[ocb->block_len-1] = iNonce[ocb->block_len-1] & 0xC0;
if ((cipher_descriptor[ocb->cipher]->ecb_encrypt(iNonce, iKtop, &ocb->key)) != CRYPT_OK) {
zeromem(ocb->Offset_current, ocb->block_len);
/* Stretch = Ktop || (Ktop[1..64] xor Ktop[9..72]) */
for (x = 0; x < ocb->block_len; x++) {
iStretch[x] = iKtop[x];
for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
iStretch[x+y] = iKtop[y] ^ iKtop[y+1];
/* Offset_0 = Stretch[1+bottom..128+bottom] */
idx = bottom / 8;
shift = (bottom % 8);
for (x = 0; x < ocb->block_len; x++) {
ocb->Offset_current[x] = iStretch[idx+x] << shift;
if (shift > 0) {
ocb->Offset_current[x] |= iStretch[idx+x+1] >> (8-shift);
static const struct {
int len;
unsigned char poly_mul[MAXBLOCKSIZE];
} polys[] = {
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1B }
}, {
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x87 }
Initialize an OCB context
@param ocb [out] The destination of the OCB state
@param cipher The index of the desired cipher
@param key The secret key
@param keylen The length of the secret key (octets)
@param nonce The session nonce
@param noncelen The length of the session nonce (octets, up to 15)
@param taglen The length of the tag (octets, up to 16)
@return CRYPT_OK if successful
int ocb3_init(ocb3_state *ocb, int cipher,
const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen,
const unsigned char *nonce, unsigned long noncelen,
unsigned long taglen)
int poly, x, y, m, err;
unsigned char *previous, *current;
LTC_ARGCHK(nonce != NULL);
/* valid cipher? */
if ((err = cipher_is_valid(cipher)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
ocb->cipher = cipher;
/* Valid Nonce?
* As of RFC7253: "string of no more than 120 bits" */
if (noncelen > (120/8)) {
/* The blockcipher must have a 128-bit blocksize */
if (cipher_descriptor[cipher]->block_length != 16) {
/* The TAGLEN may be any value up to 128 (bits) */
if (taglen > 16) {
ocb->tag_len = taglen;
/* determine which polys to use */
ocb->block_len = cipher_descriptor[cipher]->block_length;
x = (int)(sizeof(polys)/sizeof(polys[0]));
for (poly = 0; poly < x; poly++) {
if (polys[poly].len == ocb->block_len) {
if (poly == x) {
return CRYPT_INVALID_ARG; /* block_len not found in polys */
if (polys[poly].len != ocb->block_len) {
/* schedule the key */
if ((err = cipher_descriptor[cipher]->setup(key, keylen, 0, &ocb->key)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
/* L_* = ENCIPHER(K, zeros(128)) */
zeromem(ocb->L_star, ocb->block_len);
if ((err = cipher_descriptor[cipher]->ecb_encrypt(ocb->L_star, ocb->L_star, &ocb->key)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
/* compute L_$, L_0, L_1, ... */
for (x = -1; x < 32; x++) {
if (x == -1) { /* gonna compute: L_$ = double(L_*) */
current = ocb->L_dollar;
previous = ocb->L_star;
else if (x == 0) { /* gonna compute: L_0 = double(L_$) */
current = ocb->L_[0];
previous = ocb->L_dollar;
else { /* gonna compute: L_i = double(L_{i-1}) for every integer i > 0 */
current = ocb->L_[x];
previous = ocb->L_[x-1];
m = previous[0] >> 7;
for (y = 0; y < ocb->block_len-1; y++) {
current[y] = ((previous[y] << 1) | (previous[y+1] >> 7)) & 255;
current[ocb->block_len-1] = (previous[ocb->block_len-1] << 1) & 255;
if (m == 1) {
/* current[] = current[] XOR polys[poly].poly_mul[]*/
ocb3_int_xor_blocks(current, current, polys[poly].poly_mul, ocb->block_len);
/* initialize ocb->Offset_current = Offset_0 */
_ocb3_int_calc_offset_zero(ocb, nonce, noncelen, taglen);
/* initialize checksum to all zeros */
zeromem(ocb->checksum, ocb->block_len);
/* set block index */
ocb->block_index = 1;
/* initialize AAD related stuff */
ocb->ablock_index = 1;
ocb->adata_buffer_bytes = 0;
zeromem(ocb->aOffset_current, ocb->block_len);
zeromem(ocb->aSum_current, ocb->block_len);
return CRYPT_OK;
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