blob: d27050255b2fd57e1b884fe89c62094b0ccd325a [file] [log] [blame]
# Input
# The output from mk/
# base-prefix
# conf-file [optional] if set, all objects will depend on $(conf-file)
# additional-compile-deps [optional] additional dependencies
# Output
# set objs
# update cleanfiles
# Generates explicit rules for all objs
objs :=
# Disable all builtin rules
comp-cflags$(sm) = -std=gnu99
comp-aflags$(sm) =
comp-cppflags$(sm) =
ifeq ($(CFG_WERROR),y)
comp-cflags$(sm) += -Werror
comp-cflags$(sm) += -fdiagnostics-show-option
comp-cflags-warns-high = \
-Wall -Wcast-align \
-Werror-implicit-function-declaration -Wextra -Wfloat-equal \
-Wformat-nonliteral -Wformat-security -Wformat=2 -Winit-self \
-Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-format-attribute \
-Wmissing-include-dirs -Wmissing-noreturn \
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wnested-externs -Wpointer-arith \
-Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes -Wswitch-default \
-Wwrite-strings \
-Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-format-zero-length
comp-cflags-warns-medium = \
-Waggregate-return -Wredundant-decls
comp-cflags-warns-low = \
-Wold-style-definition -Wstrict-aliasing=2 \
comp-cflags-warns-1:= $(comp-cflags-warns-high)
comp-cflags-warns-2:= $(comp-cflags-warns-1) $(comp-cflags-warns-medium)
comp-cflags-warns-3:= $(comp-cflags-warns-2) $(comp-cflags-warns-low)
WARNS ?= 3
comp-cflags$(sm) += $(comp-cflags-warns-$(WARNS)) \
CHECK ?= sparse
define process_srcs
objs += $2
comp-dep-$2 := $$(dir $2).$$(notdir $2).d
comp-cmd-file-$2:= $$(dir $2).$$(notdir $2).cmd
comp-sm-$2 := $(sm)
comp-lib-$2 := $(libname)-$(sm)
cleanfiles := $$(cleanfiles) $$(comp-dep-$2) $$(comp-cmd-file-$2) $2
ifeq ($$(filter %.c,$1),$1)
comp-q-$2 := CC
comp-flags-$2 = $$(filter-out $$(CFLAGS_REMOVE) $$(cflags-remove) \
$$(cflags-remove-$$(comp-sm-$2)) \
$$(cflags-remove-$2), \
$$(CFLAGS$$(arch-bits-$$(comp-sm-$2))) $$(CFLAGS_WARNS) \
$$(comp-cflags$$(comp-sm-$2)) $$(cflags$$(comp-sm-$2)) \
$$(cflags-lib$$(comp-lib-$2)) $$(cflags-$2))
ifeq ($C,1)
check-cmd-$2 = $(CHECK) $$(comp-cppflags-$2) $$<
echo-check-$2 := $(cmd-echo-silent)
echo-check-cmd-$2 = $(cmd-echo) $$(subst \",\\\",$$(check-cmd-$2))
else ifeq ($$(filter %.S,$1),$1)
comp-q-$2 := AS
comp-flags-$2 = $$(filter-out $$(AFLAGS_REMOVE) $$(aflags-remove) \
$$(aflags-remove-$$(comp-sm-$2)) \
$$(aflags-remove-$2), \
$$(AFLAGS) $$(comp-aflags$$(comp-sm-$2)) \
$$(aflags$$(comp-sm-$2)) $$(aflags-$2))
$$(error "Don't know what to do with $1")
comp-cppflags-$2 = $$(filter-out $$(CPPFLAGS_REMOVE) $$(cppflags-remove) \
$$(cppflags-remove-$$(comp-sm-$2)) \
$$(cppflags-remove-$2), \
$$(nostdinc$$(comp-sm-$2)) $$(CPPFLAGS) \
$$(addprefix -I,$$(incdirs$$(comp-sm-$2))) \
$$(addprefix -I,$$(incdirs-lib$$(comp-lib-$2))) \
$$(addprefix -I,$$(incdirs-$2)) \
$$(cppflags$$(comp-sm-$2)) \
$$(cppflags-lib$$(comp-lib-$2)) $$(cppflags-$2)) \
-D__FILE_ID__=$$(subst -,_,$$(subst /,_,$$(subst .,_,$1)))
comp-flags-$2 += -MD -MF $$(comp-dep-$2) -MT $$@
comp-flags-$2 += $$(comp-cppflags-$2)
comp-cmd-$2 = $$(CC$(sm)) $$(comp-flags-$2) -c $$< -o $$@
comp-objcpy-cmd-$2 = $$(OBJCOPY$(sm)) \
--rename-section .rodata=.rodata.$1 \
--rename-section .rodata.str1.1=.rodata.str1.1.$1 \
# Assign defaults if unassigned
echo-check-$2 ?= true
echo-check-cmd-$2 ?= true
check-cmd-$2 ?= true
-include $$(comp-cmd-file-$2)
-include $$(comp-dep-$2)
$2: $1 FORCE-GENSRC$(sm)
# Check if any prerequisites are newer than the target and
# check if command line has changed
$$(if $$(strip $$(filter-out FORCE-GENSRC$(sm), $$?) \
$$(filter-out $$(comp-cmd-$2), $$(old-cmd-$2)) \
$$(filter-out $$(old-cmd-$2), $$(comp-cmd-$2))), \
@set -e ;\
mkdir -p $$(dir $2) ;\
$$(echo-check-$2) ' CHECK $$<' ;\
$$(echo-check-cmd-$2) ;\
$$(check-cmd-$2) ;\
$(cmd-echo-silent) ' $$(comp-q-$2) $$@' ;\
$(cmd-echo) $$(subst \",\\\",$$(comp-cmd-$2)) ;\
$$(comp-cmd-$2) ;\
$(cmd-echo) $$(comp-objcpy-cmd-$2) ;\
$$(comp-objcpy-cmd-$2) ;\
echo "old-cmd-$2 := $$(subst \",\\\",$$(comp-cmd-$2))" > \
$$(comp-cmd-file-$2) ;\
$(foreach f, $(srcs), $(eval $(call \
process_srcs,$(f),$(out-dir)/$(base-prefix)$$(basename $f).o)))
# Handle generated source files, that is, files that are compiled from out-dir
$(foreach f, $(gen-srcs), $(eval $(call process_srcs,$(f),$$(basename $f).o)))
# Handle specified source files, that is, files that have a specified path
# but where the object file should go into a specified out directory
$(foreach f, $(spec-srcs), $(eval $(call \
process_srcs,$(f),$(spec-out-dir)/$$(notdir $$(basename $f)).o)))
$(objs): $(conf-file) $(additional-compile-deps)
define _gen-asm-defines-file
# c-filename in $1
# h-filename in $2
# s-filename in $3
FORCE-GENSRC$(sm): $(2)
comp-dep-$3 := $$(dir $3)$$(notdir $3).d
comp-cmd-file-$3:= $$(dir $3)$$(notdir $3).cmd
comp-sm-$3 := $(sm)
cleanfiles := $$(cleanfiles) $$(comp-dep-$3) $$(comp-cmd-file-$3) $3 $2
comp-flags-$3 = $$(filter-out $$(CFLAGS_REMOVE) $$(cflags-remove) \
$$(cflags-remove-$$(comp-sm-$3)) \
$$(cflags-remove-$3), \
$$(comp-cflags$$(comp-sm-$3)) $$(cflags$$(comp-sm-$3)) \
$$(cflags-lib$$(comp-lib-$3)) $$(cflags-$3))
comp-cppflags-$3 = $$(filter-out $$(CPPFLAGS_REMOVE) $$(cppflags-remove) \
$$(cppflags-remove-$$(comp-sm-$3)) \
$$(cppflags-remove-$3), \
$$(nostdinc$$(comp-sm-$3)) $$(CPPFLAGS) \
$$(addprefix -I,$$(incdirs$$(comp-sm-$3))) \
$$(addprefix -I,$$(incdirs-lib$$(comp-lib-$3))) \
$$(addprefix -I,$$(incdirs-$3)) \
$$(cppflags$$(comp-sm-$3)) \
$$(cppflags-lib$$(comp-lib-$3)) $$(cppflags-$3))
comp-flags-$3 += -MD -MF $$(comp-dep-$3) -MT $$@
comp-flags-$3 += $$(comp-cppflags-$3)
comp-cmd-$3 = $$(CC$(sm)) $$(comp-flags-$3) -fverbose-asm -S $$< -o $$@
-include $$(comp-cmd-file-$3)
-include $$(comp-dep-$3)
$3: $1 $(conf-file) FORCE
# Check if any prerequisites are newer than the target and
# check if command line has changed
$$(if $$(strip $$(filter-out FORCE, $$?) \
$$(filter-out $$(comp-cmd-$3), $$(old-cmd-$3)) \
$$(filter-out $$(old-cmd-$3), $$(comp-cmd-$3))), \
@set -e ;\
mkdir -p $$(dir $2) $$(dir $3) ;\
$(cmd-echo-silent) ' CC $$@'; \
$(cmd-echo) $$(subst \",\\\",$$(comp-cmd-$3)) ;\
$$(comp-cmd-$3) ;\
echo "old-cmd-$3 := $$(subst \",\\\",$$(comp-cmd-$3))" > \
$$(comp-cmd-file-$3) ;\
guard-$2 := $$(subst -,_,$$(subst .,_,$$(subst /,_,$2)))
$(2): $(3)
$(q)set -e; \
$(cmd-echo-silent) ' CHK $$@'; \
mkdir -p $$(dir $$@); \
echo "#ifndef $$(guard-$2)" >$$@.tmp; \
echo "#define $$(guard-$2)" >>$$@.tmp; \
sed -ne 's|^.*==>\([^ ]*\) [\$$$$#]*\([-0-9]*\) \([^@/]*\).*|#define \1\t\2\t/* \3*/|p' \
< $$< >>$$@.tmp; \
echo "#endif" >>$$@.tmp; \
$$(call mv-if-changed,$$@.tmp,$$@)
define gen-asm-defines-file
$(call _gen-asm-defines-file,$1,$2,$(dir $2).$(notdir $(2:.h=.s)))
$(foreach f,$(asm-defines-files),$(eval $(call gen-asm-defines-file,$(f),$(out-dir)/$(sm)/include/generated/$(basename $(notdir $(f))).h)))
# Device tree source file compilation
DTC := dtc
DTC_FLAGS += -I dts -O dtb
DTC_FLAGS += -Wno-unit_address_vs_reg
define gen-dtb-file
# dts file path/name in $1
# dtb file path/name in $2
dtb-basename-$2 := $$(basename $$(notdir $2))
dtb-predts-$2 := $$(dir $2)$$(dtb-basename-$2).pre.dts
dtb-predep-$2 := $$(dir $2).$$(dtb-basename-$2).pre.dts.d
dtb-dep-$2 := $$(dir $2).$$(notdir $2).d
dtb-cmd-file-$2 := $$(dir $2).$$(notdir $2).cmd
cleanfiles := $$(cleanfiles) $2 \
$$(dtb-predts-$2) $$(dtb-predep-$2) \
$$(dtb-dep-$2) $$(dtb-cmd-file-$2)
dtb-cppflags-$2 := -Icore/include/ -x assembler-with-cpp \
-E -ffreestanding $$(CPPFLAGS) \
-MD -MF $$(dtb-predep-$2) -MT $2
dtb-dtcflags-$2 := $$(DTC_FLAGS) -d $$(dtb-dep-$2)
-include $$(dtb-dep-$2)
-include $$(dtb-predep-$2)
-include $$(dtb-cmd-file-$2)
dtb-precmd-$2 = $$(CPP$(sm)) $$(dtb-cppflags-$2) -o $$(dtb-predts-$2) $$<
dtb-cmd-$2 = $$(DTC) $$(dtb-dtcflags-$2) -o $$@ $$(dtb-predts-$2)
$2: $1 FORCE
# Check if any prerequisites are newer than the target and
# check if command line has changed
$$(if $$(strip $$(filter-out FORCE, $$?) \
$$(filter-out $$(dtb-precmd-$2), $$(dtb-old-precmd-$2)) \
$$(filter-out $$(dtb-old-precmd-$2), $$(dtb-precmd-$2)) \
$$(filter-out $$(dtb-cmd-$2), $$(dtb-old-cmd-$2)) \
$$(filter-out $$(dtb-old-cmd-$2), $$(dtb-cmd-$2))), \
@set -e; \
mkdir -p $$(dir $2); \
$(cmd-echo-silent) ' CPP $$(dtb-predts-$2)'; \
$$(dtb-precmd-$2); \
$(cmd-echo-silent) ' DTC $$@'; \
$$(dtb-cmd-$2); \
echo "dtb-old-precmd-$2 := $$(subst \",\\\",$$(dtb-precmd-$2))" > \
$$(dtb-cmd-file-$2) ;\
echo "dtb-old-cmd-$2 := $$(subst \",\\\",$$(dtb-cmd-$2))" >> \
$$(dtb-cmd-file-$2) ;\
additional-compile-deps :=