blob: 024759d40d21a1d0dc5d47866ece4698aa6c9bdd [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
* algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
/* The implementation is based on:
* "Extending the Salsa20 nonce",
* "Salsa20 specification",
* and salsa20-ref.c version 20051118
* Public domain from D. J. Bernstein
#include "tomcrypt.h"
#ifdef LTC_XSALSA20
static const char * const constants = "expand 32-byte k";
#define QUARTERROUND(a,b,c,d) \
x[b] ^= (ROL((x[a] + x[d]), 7)); \
x[c] ^= (ROL((x[b] + x[a]), 9)); \
x[d] ^= (ROL((x[c] + x[b]), 13)); \
x[a] ^= (ROL((x[d] + x[c]), 18));
/* use modified salsa20 doubleround (no final addition as in salsa20) */
static void _xsalsa20_doubleround(ulong32 *x, int rounds)
int i;
for (i = rounds; i > 0; i -= 2) {
/* columnround */
QUARTERROUND( 0, 4, 8,12)
QUARTERROUND( 5, 9,13, 1)
QUARTERROUND(10,14, 2, 6)
QUARTERROUND(15, 3, 7,11)
/* rowround */
QUARTERROUND( 0, 1, 2, 3)
QUARTERROUND( 5, 6, 7, 4)
QUARTERROUND(10,11, 8, 9)
Initialize an XSalsa20 context
@param st [out] The destination of the XSalsa20 state
@param key The secret key
@param keylen The length of the secret key, must be 32 (octets)
@param nonce The nonce
@param noncelen The length of the nonce, must be 24 (octets)
@param rounds Number of rounds (must be evenly divisible by 2, default is 20)
@return CRYPT_OK if successful
int xsalsa20_setup(salsa20_state *st, const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen,
const unsigned char *nonce, unsigned long noncelen,
int rounds)
const int sti[] = {0, 5, 10, 15, 6, 7, 8, 9}; /* indices used to build subkey fm x */
ulong32 x[64]; /* input to & output fm doubleround */
unsigned char subkey[32];
int i;
LTC_ARGCHK(keylen == 32);
LTC_ARGCHK(nonce != NULL);
LTC_ARGCHK(noncelen == 24);
if (rounds == 0) rounds = 20;
LTC_ARGCHK(rounds % 2 == 0); /* number of rounds must be evenly divisible by 2 */
/* load the state to "hash" the key */
LOAD32L(x[ 0], constants + 0);
LOAD32L(x[ 5], constants + 4);
LOAD32L(x[10], constants + 8);
LOAD32L(x[15], constants + 12);
LOAD32L(x[ 1], key + 0);
LOAD32L(x[ 2], key + 4);
LOAD32L(x[ 3], key + 8);
LOAD32L(x[ 4], key + 12);
LOAD32L(x[11], key + 16);
LOAD32L(x[12], key + 20);
LOAD32L(x[13], key + 24);
LOAD32L(x[14], key + 28);
LOAD32L(x[ 6], nonce + 0);
LOAD32L(x[ 7], nonce + 4);
LOAD32L(x[ 8], nonce + 8);
LOAD32L(x[ 9], nonce + 12);
/* use modified salsa20 doubleround (no final addition) */
_xsalsa20_doubleround(x, rounds);
/* extract the subkey */
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
STORE32L(x[sti[i]], subkey + 4 * i);
/* load the final initial state */
LOAD32L(st->input[ 0], constants + 0);
LOAD32L(st->input[ 5], constants + 4);
LOAD32L(st->input[10], constants + 8);
LOAD32L(st->input[15], constants + 12);
LOAD32L(st->input[ 1], subkey + 0);
LOAD32L(st->input[ 2], subkey + 4);
LOAD32L(st->input[ 3], subkey + 8);
LOAD32L(st->input[ 4], subkey + 12);
LOAD32L(st->input[11], subkey + 16);
LOAD32L(st->input[12], subkey + 20);
LOAD32L(st->input[13], subkey + 24);
LOAD32L(st->input[14], subkey + 28);
LOAD32L(st->input[ 6], &(nonce[16]) + 0);
LOAD32L(st->input[ 7], &(nonce[16]) + 4);
st->input[ 8] = 0;
st->input[ 9] = 0;
st->rounds = rounds;
st->ksleft = 0;
st->ivlen = 24; /* set switch to say nonce/IV has been loaded */
zeromem(x, sizeof(x));
zeromem(subkey, sizeof(subkey));
return CRYPT_OK;
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