blob: 9124eefc6ebed9038abb458e7470d636eff38c52 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
* algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
#include "tomcrypt_private.h"
@file lrw_start.c
LRW_MODE implementation, start mode, Tom St Denis
Initialize the LRW context
@param cipher The cipher desired, must be a 128-bit block cipher
@param IV The index value, must be 128-bits
@param key The cipher key
@param keylen The length of the cipher key in octets
@param tweak The tweak value (second key), must be 128-bits
@param num_rounds The number of rounds for the cipher (0 == default)
@param lrw [out] The LRW state
@return CRYPT_OK on success.
int lrw_start( int cipher,
const unsigned char *IV,
const unsigned char *key, int keylen,
const unsigned char *tweak,
int num_rounds,
symmetric_LRW *lrw)
int err;
unsigned char B[16];
int x, y, z, t;
LTC_ARGCHK(tweak != NULL);
#ifdef LTC_FAST
if (16 % sizeof(LTC_FAST_TYPE)) {
/* is cipher valid? */
if ((err = cipher_is_valid(cipher)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
if (cipher_descriptor[cipher]->block_length != 16) {
/* schedule key */
if ((err = cipher_descriptor[cipher]->setup(key, keylen, num_rounds, &lrw->key)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
lrw->cipher = cipher;
/* copy the IV and tweak */
XMEMCPY(lrw->tweak, tweak, 16);
/* setup tables */
/* generate the first table as it has no shifting (from which we make the other tables) */
zeromem(B, 16);
for (y = 0; y < 256; y++) {
B[0] = y;
gcm_gf_mult(tweak, B, &lrw->PC[0][y][0]);
/* now generate the rest of the tables based the previous table */
for (x = 1; x < 16; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < 256; y++) {
/* now shift it right by 8 bits */
t = lrw->PC[x-1][y][15];
for (z = 15; z > 0; z--) {
lrw->PC[x][y][z] = lrw->PC[x-1][y][z-1];
lrw->PC[x][y][0] = gcm_shift_table[t<<1];
lrw->PC[x][y][1] ^= gcm_shift_table[(t<<1)+1];
/* generate first pad */
return lrw_setiv(IV, 16, lrw);
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