blob: db9b482f61ba42d9056a46c08a4016fa95cc7c79 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */
* Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Limited
#include <asm.S>
#include <elf_common.h>
* _start() - Entry of ldelf
* See include/ldelf.h for details on TEE Core interaction.
* void start(struct ldelf_arg *arg);
FUNC _ldelf_start , :
* First ldelf needs to be relocated. The binary is compiled to
* contain only a minimal number of R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations in
* read/write memory, leaving read-only and executeble memory
* untouched.
adr r4, reloc_begin_rel
ldr r5, reloc_begin_rel
ldr r6, reloc_end_rel
add r5, r5, r4
add r6, r6, r4
cmp r5, r6
beq 2f
adr r4, _ldelf_start /* Get the load offset */
/* Loop over the relocations (Elf32_Rel) and process all entries */
1: ldmia r5!, {r7-r8} /* r7 == r_offset, r8 = r_info */
and r8, r8, #0xff
/* We're currently only supporting R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations */
bne 3f
/* Update the pointer at r_offset + load_offset */
add r7, r7, r4
ldr r8, [r7]
add r8, r8, r4
str r8, [r7]
cmp r5, r6
blo 1b
2: bl ldelf
mov r0, #0
bl utee_return
3: mov r0, #0
bl utee_panic
.word __reloc_begin - reloc_begin_rel
.word __reloc_end - reloc_end_rel
END_FUNC _ldelf_start