blob: 3e19fbad7dd7154360c12a41aaf85a6bdece379c [file] [log] [blame]
/* GStreamer
* Copyright (C) 2013 Stefan Sauer <>
* gstlatency.c: tracing module that logs processing latency stats
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* SECTION:gstlatency
* @short_description: log processing latency stats
* A tracing module that determines src-to-sink latencies by injecting custom
* events at sources and process them at sinks.
/* TODO(ensonic): if there are two sources feeding into a mixer/muxer and later
* we fan-out with tee and have two sinks, each sink would get all two events,
* the later event would overwrite the former. Unfortunately when the buffer
* arrives on the sink we don't know to which event it correlates. Better would
* be to use the buffer meta in 1.0 instead of the event. Or we track a min/max
* latency.
# include "config.h"
#include "gstlatency.h"
GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (gst_latency_debug);
#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT gst_latency_debug
#define _do_init \
GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (gst_latency_debug, "latency", 0, "latency tracer");
#define gst_latency_tracer_parent_class parent_class
G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GstLatencyTracer, gst_latency_tracer, GST_TYPE_TRACER,
static GQuark latency_probe_id;
static GQuark latency_probe_pad;
static GQuark latency_probe_ts;
/* data helpers */
* Get the element/bin owning the pad.
* in: a normal pad
* out: the element
* in: a proxy pad
* out: the element that contains the peer of the proxy
* in: a ghost pad
* out: the bin owning the ghostpad
/* TODO(ensonic): gst_pad_get_parent_element() would not work here, should we
* add this as new api, e.g. gst_pad_find_parent_element();
static GstElement *
get_real_pad_parent (GstPad * pad)
GstObject *parent;
if (!pad)
return NULL;
parent = GST_OBJECT_PARENT (pad);
/* if parent of pad is a ghost-pad, then pad is a proxy_pad */
if (parent && GST_IS_GHOST_PAD (parent)) {
pad = GST_PAD_CAST (parent);
parent = GST_OBJECT_PARENT (pad);
return GST_ELEMENT_CAST (parent);
/* hooks */
static void
log_latency (const GstStructure * data, GstPad * sink_pad, guint64 sink_ts)
GstPad *src_pad;
guint64 src_ts;
gchar *src, *sink;
gst_structure_id_get (data,
latency_probe_pad, GST_TYPE_PAD, &src_pad,
latency_probe_ts, G_TYPE_UINT64, &src_ts, NULL);
src = g_strdup_printf ("%s_%s", GST_DEBUG_PAD_NAME (src_pad));
sink = g_strdup_printf ("%s_%s", GST_DEBUG_PAD_NAME (sink_pad));
/* TODO(ensonic): report format is still unstable */
gst_tracer_log_trace (gst_structure_new ("latency",
"src", G_TYPE_STRING, src,
"sink", G_TYPE_STRING, sink,
"time", G_TYPE_UINT64, GST_CLOCK_DIFF (src_ts, sink_ts), NULL));
g_free (src);
g_free (sink);
static void
send_latency_probe (GstElement * parent, GstPad * pad, guint64 ts)
if (parent && (!GST_IS_BIN (parent)) &&
GstEvent *latency_probe = gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_DOWNSTREAM,
gst_structure_new_id (latency_probe_id,
latency_probe_pad, GST_TYPE_PAD, pad,
latency_probe_ts, G_TYPE_UINT64, ts,
gst_pad_push_event (pad, latency_probe);
static void
do_push_buffer_pre (GstTracer * self, guint64 ts, GstPad * pad)
GstElement *parent = get_real_pad_parent (pad);
send_latency_probe (parent, pad, ts);
static void
do_pull_range_pre (GstTracer * self, guint64 ts, GstPad * pad)
GstPad *peer_pad = GST_PAD_PEER (pad);
GstElement *parent = get_real_pad_parent (peer_pad);
send_latency_probe (parent, peer_pad, ts);
static void
calculate_latency (GstElement * parent, GstPad * pad, guint64 ts)
if (parent && (!GST_IS_BIN (parent)) &&
GstEvent *ev = g_object_get_qdata ((GObject *) pad, latency_probe_id);
log_latency (gst_event_get_structure (ev), pad, ts);
gst_event_unref (ev);
static void
do_push_buffer_post (GstTracer * self, guint64 ts, GstPad * pad)
GstPad *peer_pad = GST_PAD_PEER (pad);
GstElement *parent = get_real_pad_parent (peer_pad);
calculate_latency (parent, peer_pad, ts);
static void
do_pull_range_post (GstTracer * self, guint64 ts, GstPad * pad)
GstElement *parent = get_real_pad_parent (pad);
calculate_latency (parent, pad, ts);
static void
do_push_event_pre (GstTracer * self, guint64 ts, GstPad * pad, GstEvent * ev)
GstPad *peer_pad = GST_PAD_PEER (pad);
GstElement *parent = get_real_pad_parent (peer_pad);
if (parent && (!GST_IS_BIN (parent)) &&
const GstStructure *data = gst_event_get_structure (ev);
if (gst_structure_get_name_id (data) == latency_probe_id) {
/* store event and calculate latency when the buffer that follows
* has been processed */
g_object_set_qdata ((GObject *) peer_pad, latency_probe_id,
gst_event_ref (ev));
/* tracer class */
static void
gst_latency_tracer_class_init (GstLatencyTracerClass * klass)
latency_probe_id = g_quark_from_static_string ("");
latency_probe_pad = g_quark_from_static_string ("latency_probe.pad");
latency_probe_ts = g_quark_from_static_string ("latency_probe.ts");
/* announce trace formats */
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
gst_tracer_log_trace (gst_structure_new ("latency.class",
"src", GST_TYPE_STRUCTURE, gst_structure_new ("scope",
"related-to", G_TYPE_STRING, "pad", /* TODO: use genum */
"sink", GST_TYPE_STRUCTURE, gst_structure_new ("scope",
"related-to", G_TYPE_STRING, "pad", /* TODO: use genum */
"time", GST_TYPE_STRUCTURE, gst_structure_new ("value",
"description", G_TYPE_STRING,
"time it took for the buffer to go from src to sink ns",
"flags", G_TYPE_STRING, "aggregated", /* TODO: use gflags */
"max", G_TYPE_UINT64, G_MAXUINT64,
/* *INDENT-ON* */
static void
gst_latency_tracer_init (GstLatencyTracer * self)
GstTracer *tracer = GST_TRACER (self);
gst_tracing_register_hook (tracer, "pad-push-pre",
G_CALLBACK (do_push_buffer_pre));
gst_tracing_register_hook (tracer, "pad-push-list-pre",
G_CALLBACK (do_push_buffer_pre));
gst_tracing_register_hook (tracer, "pad-push-post",
G_CALLBACK (do_push_buffer_post));
gst_tracing_register_hook (tracer, "pad-push-list-post",
G_CALLBACK (do_push_buffer_post));
gst_tracing_register_hook (tracer, "pad-pull-range-pre",
G_CALLBACK (do_pull_range_pre));
gst_tracing_register_hook (tracer, "pad-pull-range-post",
G_CALLBACK (do_pull_range_post));
gst_tracing_register_hook (tracer, "pad-push-event-pre",
G_CALLBACK (do_push_event_pre));