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| <div class="chapter"> |
| <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"> |
| <a name="gstreamer-video"></a>Video Library</h2></div></div></div> |
| <div class="toc"><dl class="toc"> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-gstvideo.html">gstvideo</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Support library for video operations</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-gstvideometa.html">gstvideometa</a></span><span class="refpurpose"></span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-gstvideooverlaycomposition.html">gstvideooverlaycomposition</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Video Buffer Overlay Compositions (Subtitles, Logos)</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-gstvideofilter.html">gstvideofilter</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Base class for video filters</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-GstVideoDither.html">GstVideoDither</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Utility object for dithering and quantizing lines of video</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-GstVideoChroma.html">GstVideoChroma</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Functions and utility object for operating on chroma video planes</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-GstVideoResampler.html">GstVideoResampler</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Utility structure for resampler information</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-GstVideoScaler.html">GstVideoScaler</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Utility object for rescaling video frames</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-gstvideosink.html">gstvideosink</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Base class for video sinks</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-gstcolorbalance.html">gstcolorbalance</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Interface for adjusting color balance settings</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-gstcolorbalancechannel.html">gstcolorbalancechannel</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Object representing a channel from the <span class="type">GstColorBalance</span> |
| interface.</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-gstvideoorientation.html">gstvideoorientation</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Interface for elements providing video orientation |
| controls</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-gstvideooverlay.html">gstvideooverlay</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Interface for setting/getting a window system resource |
| on elements supporting it to configure a window into which to render a |
| video.</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-GstVideoDecoder.html">GstVideoDecoder</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Base class for video decoders</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-GstVideoEncoder.html">GstVideoEncoder</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Base class for video encoders</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-GstVideoPool.html">GstVideoPool</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — GstBufferPool for raw video buffers</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-gstvideoutils.html">gstvideoutils</a></span><span class="refpurpose"></span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-base-libs-gstnavigation.html">gstnavigation</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Interface for creating, sending and parsing navigation |
| events.</span> |
| </dt> |
| </dl></div> |
| <p> |
| This library should be linked to by getting cflags and libs from |
| <code class="filename">gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0.pc</code> and adding |
| <code class="filename">-lgstvideo-1.0</code> to the library flags. |
| </p> |
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