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| <div><table class="navigation" id="top" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><tr><th valign="middle"><p class="title">GStreamer Bad Plugins 1.0 Library Reference Manual</p></th></tr></table></div> |
| <div><p class="releaseinfo"> |
| for GStreamer Bad Library 1.0 (1.2.3) |
| <a class="ulink" href="http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-plugins-bad-libs/html/" target="_top">http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-plugins-bad-libs/html/</a>. |
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| <div class="toc"><dl class="toc"> |
| <dt><span class="part"><a href="gstreamer-plugins-bad.html">I. GStreamer Bad Plugins Libraries</a></span></dt> |
| <dd><dl> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="compiling.html">Compiling</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — |
| How to compile against the bad plugins libraries |
| </span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt><span class="chapter"><a href="codecparsers.html">Bitstream parsing Library</a></span></dt> |
| <dd><dl> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-h264parser.html">h264parser</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Convenience library for h264 video |
| bitstream parsing.</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-mpegvideoparser.html">mpegvideoparser</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Convenience library for mpeg1 and 2 video |
| bitstream parsing.</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-mpeg4parser.html">mpeg4parser</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Convenience library for parsing mpeg4 part 2 video |
| bitstream.</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-vc1parser.html">vc1parser</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Convenience library for parsing vc1 video |
| bitstream.</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-gstmpegvideometa.html">gstmpegvideometa</a></span><span class="refpurpose"></span> |
| </dt> |
| </dl></dd> |
| <dt><span class="chapter"><a href="mpegts.html">Mpeg TS helper library</a></span></dt> |
| <dd><dl> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-Mpeg-ts-helper-library.html">Mpeg-ts helper library</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Mpeg-ts helper library for plugins and applications</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-Base-MPEG-TS-sections.html">Base MPEG-TS sections</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Sections for ITU H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-Base-MPEG-TS-descriptors.html">Base MPEG-TS descriptors</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Descriptors for ITU H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-ATSC-variants-of-MPEG-TS-sections.html">ATSC variants of MPEG-TS sections</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Sections for the various ATSC specifications</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-DVB-variants-of-MPEG-TS-sections.html">DVB variants of MPEG-TS sections</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Sections for the various DVB specifications</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-ATSC-variants-of-MPEG-TS-descriptors.html">ATSC variants of MPEG-TS descriptors</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Descriptors for the various ATSC specifications</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-DVB-variants-of-MPEG-TS-descriptors.html">DVB variants of MPEG-TS descriptors</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Descriptors for the various DVB specifications</span> |
| </dt> |
| <dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-ISDB-variants-of-MPEG-TS-descriptors.html">ISDB variants of MPEG-TS descriptors</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> — Descriptors for the various ISDB specifications</span> |
| </dt> |
| </dl></dd> |
| <dt><span class="chapter"><a href="tools.html">Useful elements</a></span></dt> |
| <dd><dl><dt> |
| <span class="refentrytitle"><a href="gst-plugins-bad-libs-GstInsertbin.html">GstInsertbin</a></span><span class="refpurpose">A <span class="type">GstBin</span> to insertally link filter-like elements.</span> |
| </dt></dl></dd> |
| </dl></dd> |
| <dt><span class="part"><a href="gstreamer-libs-hierarchy.html">II. Object Hierarchy</a></span></dt> |
| <dt><span class="index"><a href="api-index-full.html">Index</a></span></dt> |
| <dt><span class="index"><a href="api-index-deprecated.html">Index of deprecated API</a></span></dt> |
| <dt><span class="glossary"><a href="annotation-glossary.html">Annotation Glossary</a></span></dt> |
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