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| <title>GstGLWindow: GStreamer Bad Plugins 1.0 Library Reference Manual</title> |
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| <a href="#GstGLWindow.description" class="shortcut">Description</a></span><span id="nav_hierarchy"> <span class="dim">|</span> |
| <a href="#GstGLWindow.object-hierarchy" class="shortcut">Object Hierarchy</a></span><span id="nav_signals"> <span class="dim">|</span> |
| <a href="#GstGLWindow.signals" class="shortcut">Signals</a></span> |
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| <div class="refentry"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindow"></a><div class="titlepage"></div> |
| <div class="refnamediv"><table width="100%"><tr> |
| <td valign="top"> |
| <h2><span class="refentrytitle"><a name="GstGLWindow.top_of_page"></a>GstGLWindow</span></h2> |
| <p>GstGLWindow — window/surface abstraction</p> |
| </td> |
| <td class="gallery_image" valign="top" align="right"></td> |
| </tr></table></div> |
| <div class="refsect1"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindow.functions"></a><h2>Functions</h2> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="functions_return"> |
| <col class="functions_name"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Quarks.html#GQuark"><span class="returnvalue">GQuark</span></a> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-error-quark" title="gst_gl_window_error_quark ()">gst_gl_window_error_quark</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="define_keyword">#define</td> |
| <td class="function_name"><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GST-GL-WINDOW-ERROR:CAPS" title="GST_GL_WINDOW_ERROR">GST_GL_WINDOW_ERROR</a></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <span class="c_punctuation">(</span><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GstGLWindowResizeCB" title="GstGLWindowResizeCB ()">*GstGLWindowResizeCB</a><span class="c_punctuation">)</span> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="define_keyword">#define</td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GST-GL-WINDOW-RESIZE-CB:CAPS" title="GST_GL_WINDOW_RESIZE_CB()">GST_GL_WINDOW_RESIZE_CB</a><span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <span class="c_punctuation">(</span><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GstGLWindowCB" title="GstGLWindowCB ()">*GstGLWindowCB</a><span class="c_punctuation">)</span> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="define_keyword">#define</td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GST-GL-WINDOW-CB:CAPS" title="GST_GL_WINDOW_CB()">GST_GL_WINDOW_CB</a><span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="returnvalue">GstGLWindow</span></a> * |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-new" title="gst_gl_window_new ()">gst_gl_window_new</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-draw" title="gst_gl_window_draw ()">gst_gl_window_draw</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-draw-unlocked" title="gst_gl_window_draw_unlocked ()">gst_gl_window_draw_unlocked</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gboolean"><span class="returnvalue">gboolean</span></a> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-is-running" title="gst_gl_window_is_running ()">gst_gl_window_is_running</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-quit" title="gst_gl_window_quit ()">gst_gl_window_quit</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-run" title="gst_gl_window_run ()">gst_gl_window_run</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLContext.html" title="GstGLContext"><span class="returnvalue">GstGLContext</span></a> * |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-get-context" title="gst_gl_window_get_context ()">gst_gl_window_get_context</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#guintptr"><span class="returnvalue">guintptr</span></a> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-get-display" title="gst_gl_window_get_display ()">gst_gl_window_get_display</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-send-message" title="gst_gl_window_send_message ()">gst_gl_window_send_message</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-send-message-async" title="gst_gl_window_send_message_async ()">gst_gl_window_send_message_async</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-set-close-callback" title="gst_gl_window_set_close_callback ()">gst_gl_window_set_close_callback</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-set-draw-callback" title="gst_gl_window_set_draw_callback ()">gst_gl_window_set_draw_callback</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-set-resize-callback" title="gst_gl_window_set_resize_callback ()">gst_gl_window_set_resize_callback</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-set-window-handle" title="gst_gl_window_set_window_handle ()">gst_gl_window_set_window_handle</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#guintptr"><span class="returnvalue">guintptr</span></a> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-get-window-handle" title="gst_gl_window_get_window_handle ()">gst_gl_window_get_window_handle</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-set-preferred-size" title="gst_gl_window_set_preferred_size ()">gst_gl_window_set_preferred_size</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-show" title="gst_gl_window_show ()">gst_gl_window_show</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-get-surface-dimensions" title="gst_gl_window_get_surface_dimensions ()">gst_gl_window_get_surface_dimensions</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="function_type"> |
| <span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| </td> |
| <td class="function_name"> |
| <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-handle-events" title="gst_gl_window_handle_events ()">gst_gl_window_handle_events</a> <span class="c_punctuation">()</span> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="refsect1"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindow.signals"></a><h2>Signals</h2> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="signals_return"> |
| <col width="300px" class="signals_name"> |
| <col width="200px" class="signals_flags"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="signal_type"><span class="returnvalue">void</span></td> |
| <td class="signal_name"><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GstGLWindow-key-event" title="The “key-event” signal">key-event</a></td> |
| <td class="signal_flags"><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/unstable/gobject-Signals.html#G-SIGNAL-RUN-LAST:CAPS">Run Last</a></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="signal_type"><span class="returnvalue">void</span></td> |
| <td class="signal_name"><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GstGLWindow-mouse-event" title="The “mouse-event” signal">mouse-event</a></td> |
| <td class="signal_flags"><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/unstable/gobject-Signals.html#G-SIGNAL-RUN-LAST:CAPS">Run Last</a></td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="refsect1"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindow.other"></a><h2>Types and Values</h2> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="name"> |
| <col class="description"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="datatype_keyword">enum</td> |
| <td class="function_name"><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GstGLWindowError" title="enum GstGLWindowError">GstGLWindowError</a></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="datatype_keyword"> </td> |
| <td class="function_name"><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GstGLWindow-struct" title="GstGLWindow">GstGLWindow</a></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="datatype_keyword"> </td> |
| <td class="function_name"><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GstGLWindowClass" title="GstGLWindowClass">GstGLWindowClass</a></td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="refsect1"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindow.object-hierarchy"></a><h2>Object Hierarchy</h2> |
| <pre class="screen"> <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/unstable/gobject-The-Base-Object-Type.html#GObject">GObject</a> |
| <span class="lineart">╰──</span> <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/unstable/gobject-The-Base-Object-Type.html#GInitiallyUnowned">GInitiallyUnowned</a> |
| <span class="lineart">╰──</span> <a href="http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gstreamer/html/GstObject.html">GstObject</a> |
| <span class="lineart">╰──</span> GstGLWindow |
| </pre> |
| </div> |
| <div class="refsect1"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindow.description"></a><h2>Description</h2> |
| <p>GstGLWindow represents a window that elements can render into. A window can |
| either be a user visible window (onscreen) or hidden (offscreen).</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="refsect1"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindow.functions_details"></a><h2>Functions</h2> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-error-quark"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_error_quark ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Quarks.html#GQuark"><span class="returnvalue">GQuark</span></a> |
| gst_gl_window_error_quark (<em class="parameter"><code><span class="type">void</span></code></em>);</pre> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <pre class="programlisting">#define GST_GL_WINDOW_ERROR (gst_gl_window_error_quark ()) |
| </pre> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindowResizeCB"></a><h3>GstGLWindowResizeCB ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| <span class="c_punctuation">(</span>*GstGLWindowResizeCB<span class="c_punctuation">)</span> (<em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gpointer"><span class="type">gpointer</span></a> data</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#guint"><span class="type">guint</span></a> width</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#guint"><span class="type">guint</span></a> height</code></em>);</pre> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <pre class="programlisting">#define GST_GL_WINDOW_RESIZE_CB(f) ((GstGLWindowResizeCB) (f)) |
| </pre> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindowCB"></a><h3>GstGLWindowCB ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| <span class="c_punctuation">(</span>*GstGLWindowCB<span class="c_punctuation">)</span> (<em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gpointer"><span class="type">gpointer</span></a> data</code></em>);</pre> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="GST-GL-WINDOW-CB:CAPS"></a><h3>GST_GL_WINDOW_CB()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting">#define GST_GL_WINDOW_CB(f) ((GstGLWindowCB) (f)) |
| </pre> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-new"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_new ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="returnvalue">GstGLWindow</span></a> * |
| gst_gl_window_new (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLDisplay.html" title="GstGLDisplay"><span class="type">GstGLDisplay</span></a> *display</code></em>);</pre> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody><tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>display</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLDisplay.html" title="GstGLDisplay"><span class="type">GstGLDisplay</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr></tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Returns</h4> |
| <p> a new <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> using <em class="parameter"><code>display</code></em> |
| 's connection. </p> |
| <p><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="Free data after the code is done."><span class="acronym">transfer full</span></acronym>]</span></p> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-draw"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_draw ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_draw (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Redraw the window contents. Implementations should invoke the draw callback.</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody><tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr></tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-draw-unlocked"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_draw_unlocked ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_draw_unlocked (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Redraw the window contents. Implementations should invoke the draw callback.</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody><tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr></tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-is-running"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_is_running ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gboolean"><span class="returnvalue">gboolean</span></a> |
| gst_gl_window_is_running (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Whether the runloop is running</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody><tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr></tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-quit"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_quit ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_quit (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Quit the runloop's execution.</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody><tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr></tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-run"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_run ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_run (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Start the execution of the runloop.</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody><tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr></tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-get-context"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_get_context ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><a class="link" href="GstGLContext.html" title="GstGLContext"><span class="returnvalue">GstGLContext</span></a> * |
| gst_gl_window_get_context (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>);</pre> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody><tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr></tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Returns</h4> |
| <p> the <a class="link" href="GstGLContext.html" title="GstGLContext"><span class="type">GstGLContext</span></a> associated with this <em class="parameter"><code>window</code></em> |
| . </p> |
| <p><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="Free data after the code is done."><span class="acronym">transfer full</span></acronym>]</span></p> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-get-display"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_get_display ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#guintptr"><span class="returnvalue">guintptr</span></a> |
| gst_gl_window_get_display (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>);</pre> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody><tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr></tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Returns</h4> |
| <p> the windowing system display handle for this <em class="parameter"><code>window</code></em> |
| </p> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-send-message"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_send_message ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_send_message (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GstGLWindowCB" title="GstGLWindowCB ()"><span class="type">GstGLWindowCB</span></a> callback</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gpointer"><span class="type">gpointer</span></a> data</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Invoke <em class="parameter"><code>callback</code></em> |
| with data on the window thread. <em class="parameter"><code>callback</code></em> |
| is guarenteed to |
| have executed when this function returns.</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>callback</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> function to invoke. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="The callback is valid until first called."><span class="acronym">scope async</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>data</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> data to invoke <em class="parameter"><code>callback</code></em> |
| with. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="This parameter is a 'user_data', for callbacks; many bindings can pass NULL here."><span class="acronym">closure</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-send-message-async"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_send_message_async ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_send_message_async (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GstGLWindowCB" title="GstGLWindowCB ()"><span class="type">GstGLWindowCB</span></a> callback</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gpointer"><span class="type">gpointer</span></a> data</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Datasets.html#GDestroyNotify"><span class="type">GDestroyNotify</span></a> destroy</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Invoke <em class="parameter"><code>callback</code></em> |
| with <em class="parameter"><code>data</code></em> |
| on the window thread. The callback may not |
| have been executed when this function returns.</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>callback</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> function to invoke. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="The callback is valid until first called."><span class="acronym">scope async</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>data</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> data to invoke <em class="parameter"><code>callback</code></em> |
| with. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="This parameter is a 'user_data', for callbacks; many bindings can pass NULL here."><span class="acronym">closure</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>destroy</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> called when <em class="parameter"><code>data</code></em> |
| is not needed anymore. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="This parameter is a 'destroy_data', for callbacks."><span class="acronym">destroy</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-set-close-callback"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_set_close_callback ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_set_close_callback (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GstGLWindowCB" title="GstGLWindowCB ()"><span class="type">GstGLWindowCB</span></a> callback</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gpointer"><span class="type">gpointer</span></a> data</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Datasets.html#GDestroyNotify"><span class="type">GDestroyNotify</span></a> destroy_notify</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Sets the callback called when the window is about to close.</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>callback</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> function to invoke. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="The callback is valid until the GDestroyNotify argument is called."><span class="acronym">scope notified</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>data</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> data to invoke <em class="parameter"><code>callback</code></em> |
| with. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="This parameter is a 'user_data', for callbacks; many bindings can pass NULL here."><span class="acronym">closure</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>destroy_notify</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> called when <em class="parameter"><code>data</code></em> |
| is not needed any more. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="This parameter is a 'destroy_data', for callbacks."><span class="acronym">destroy</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-set-draw-callback"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_set_draw_callback ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_set_draw_callback (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GstGLWindowCB" title="GstGLWindowCB ()"><span class="type">GstGLWindowCB</span></a> callback</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gpointer"><span class="type">gpointer</span></a> data</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Datasets.html#GDestroyNotify"><span class="type">GDestroyNotify</span></a> destroy_notify</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Sets the draw callback called everytime <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#gst-gl-window-draw" title="gst_gl_window_draw ()"><code class="function">gst_gl_window_draw()</code></a> is called</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>callback</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> function to invoke. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="The callback is valid until the GDestroyNotify argument is called."><span class="acronym">scope notified</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>data</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> data to invoke <em class="parameter"><code>callback</code></em> |
| with. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="This parameter is a 'user_data', for callbacks; many bindings can pass NULL here."><span class="acronym">closure</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>destroy_notify</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> called when <em class="parameter"><code>data</code></em> |
| is not needed any more. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="This parameter is a 'destroy_data', for callbacks."><span class="acronym">destroy</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-set-resize-callback"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_set_resize_callback ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_set_resize_callback (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html#GstGLWindowResizeCB" title="GstGLWindowResizeCB ()"><span class="type">GstGLWindowResizeCB</span></a> callback</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gpointer"><span class="type">gpointer</span></a> data</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Datasets.html#GDestroyNotify"><span class="type">GDestroyNotify</span></a> destroy_notify</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Sets the resize callback called everytime a resize of the window occurs.</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>callback</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> function to invoke. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="The callback is valid until the GDestroyNotify argument is called."><span class="acronym">scope notified</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>data</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> data to invoke <em class="parameter"><code>callback</code></em> |
| with. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="This parameter is a 'user_data', for callbacks; many bindings can pass NULL here."><span class="acronym">closure</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>destroy_notify</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> called when <em class="parameter"><code>data</code></em> |
| is not needed any more. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="This parameter is a 'destroy_data', for callbacks."><span class="acronym">destroy</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-set-window-handle"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_set_window_handle ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_set_window_handle (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#guintptr"><span class="type">guintptr</span></a> handle</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Sets the window that this <em class="parameter"><code>window</code></em> |
| should render into. Some implementations |
| require this to be called with a valid handle before drawing can commence.</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>handle</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>handle to the window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-get-window-handle"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_get_window_handle ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#guintptr"><span class="returnvalue">guintptr</span></a> |
| gst_gl_window_get_window_handle (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>);</pre> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody><tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr></tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Returns</h4> |
| <p> the window handle we are currently rendering into</p> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.4</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-set-preferred-size"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_set_preferred_size ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_set_preferred_size (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gint"><span class="type">gint</span></a> width</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gint"><span class="type">gint</span></a> height</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Set the preferred width and height of the window. Implementations are free |
| to ignore this information.</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>width</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>new preferred width</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>height</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>new preferred height</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.6</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-show"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_show ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_show (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Present the window to the screen.</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody><tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr></tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.6</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-get-surface-dimensions"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_get_surface_dimensions ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_get_surface_dimensions (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#guint"><span class="type">guint</span></a> *width</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#guint"><span class="type">guint</span></a> *height</code></em>);</pre> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>width</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> resulting surface width. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="Parameter for returning results. Default is transfer full."><span class="acronym">out</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>height</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p> resulting surface height. </p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"><span class="annotation">[<acronym title="Parameter for returning results. Default is transfer full."><span class="acronym">out</span></acronym>]</span></td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.6</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="gst-gl-window-handle-events"></a><h3>gst_gl_window_handle_events ()</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| gst_gl_window_handle_events (<em class="parameter"><code><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *window</code></em>, |
| <em class="parameter"><code><a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gboolean"><span class="type">gboolean</span></a> handle_events</code></em>);</pre> |
| <p>Tell a <em class="parameter"><code>window</code></em> |
| that it should handle events from the window system. These |
| events are forwarded upstream as navigation events. In some window systems |
| events are not propagated in the window hierarchy if a client is listening |
| for them. This method allows you to disable events handling completely |
| from the <em class="parameter"><code>window</code></em> |
| .</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>window</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>handle_events</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>a <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gboolean"><span class="type">gboolean</span></a> indicating if events should be handled or not.</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="refsect1"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindow.other_details"></a><h2>Types and Values</h2> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindowError"></a><h3>enum GstGLWindowError</h3> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Members</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="300px" class="enum_members_name"> |
| <col class="enum_members_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="enum_members_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="enum_member_name"><p><a name="GST-GL-WINDOW-ERROR-FAILED:CAPS"></a>GST_GL_WINDOW_ERROR_FAILED</p></td> |
| <td> </td> |
| <td> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="enum_member_name"><p><a name="GST-GL-WINDOW-ERROR-OLD-LIBS:CAPS"></a>GST_GL_WINDOW_ERROR_OLD_LIBS</p></td> |
| <td> </td> |
| <td> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td> </td> |
| <td> </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindow-struct"></a><h3>GstGLWindow</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting">typedef struct _GstGLWindow GstGLWindow;</pre> |
| <p><a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> is an opaque struct and should only be accessed through the |
| provided api.</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindowClass"></a><h3>GstGLWindowClass</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting">typedef struct { |
| GstObjectClass parent_class; |
| |
| guintptr (*get_display) (GstGLWindow *window); |
| void (*set_window_handle) (GstGLWindow *window, guintptr id); |
| guintptr (*get_window_handle) (GstGLWindow *window); |
| void (*draw_unlocked) (GstGLWindow *window); |
| void (*draw) (GstGLWindow *window); |
| void (*run) (GstGLWindow *window); |
| void (*quit) (GstGLWindow *window); |
| void (*send_message) (GstGLWindow *window, GstGLWindowCB callback, gpointer data); |
| void (*send_message_async) (GstGLWindow *window, GstGLWindowCB callback, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify destroy); |
| |
| gboolean (*open) (GstGLWindow *window, GError **error); |
| void (*close) (GstGLWindow *window); |
| void (*handle_events) (GstGLWindow *window, gboolean handle_events); |
| void (*set_preferred_size) (GstGLWindow *window, gint width, gint height); |
| void (*show) (GstGLWindow *window); |
| gboolean (*set_render_rectangle)(GstGLWindow *window, gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height); |
| void (*queue_resize) (GstGLWindow *window); |
| } GstGLWindowClass; |
| </pre> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Members</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="300px" class="struct_members_name"> |
| <col class="struct_members_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="struct_members_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><a href="http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gstreamer/html/GstObject.html#GstObjectClass"><span class="type">GstObjectClass</span></a> <em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.parent-class"></a>parent_class</code></em>;</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>Parent class</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.get-display"></a>get_display</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>Gets the current windowing system display connection</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.set-window-handle"></a>set_window_handle</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>Set a window to render into</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.get-window-handle"></a>get_window_handle</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>Gets the current window that this <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> is |
| rendering into</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.draw-unlocked"></a>draw_unlocked</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>redraw the window with the specified dimensions</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.draw"></a>draw</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>redraw the window with the specified dimensions</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.run"></a>run</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>run the mainloop</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.quit"></a>quit</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>send a quit to the mainloop</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.send-message"></a>send_message</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>invoke a function on the window thread. Required to be reentrant.</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.send-message-async"></a>send_message_async</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>invoke a function on the window thread. <em class="parameter"><code>run</code></em> |
| may or may |
| not have been called. Required to be reentrant.</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.open"></a>open</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>open the connection to the display</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.close"></a>close</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>close the connection to the display</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.handle-events"></a>handle_events</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>whether to handle 'extra' events from the windowing system. |
| Basic events like surface moves and resizes are still valid |
| things to listen for.</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.set-preferred-size"></a>set_preferred_size</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_description"><p>request that the window change surface size. The |
| implementation is free to ignore this information.</p></td> |
| <td class="struct_member_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.show"></a>show</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td> </td> |
| <td> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.set-render-rectangle"></a>set_render_rectangle</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td> </td> |
| <td> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="struct_member_name"><p><em class="structfield"><code><a name="GstGLWindowClass.queue-resize"></a>queue_resize</code></em> ()</p></td> |
| <td> </td> |
| <td> </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="refsect1"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindow.signal-details"></a><h2>Signal Details</h2> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindow-key-event"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">“key-event”</code> signal</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| user_function (<a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *object, |
| <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gchar"><span class="type">gchar</span></a> *id, |
| <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gchar"><span class="type">gchar</span></a> *key, |
| <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gpointer"><span class="type">gpointer</span></a> user_data)</pre> |
| <p>Will be emitted when a key event is received by the GstGLwindow.</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>object</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>the <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>id</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>the name of the event</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>key</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>the id of the key pressed</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>user_data</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>user data set when the signal handler was connected.</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p>Flags: <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/unstable/gobject-Signals.html#G-SIGNAL-RUN-LAST:CAPS">Run Last</a></p> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.6</p> |
| </div> |
| <hr> |
| <div class="refsect2"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindow-mouse-event"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">“mouse-event”</code> signal</h3> |
| <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">void</span> |
| user_function (<a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a> *object, |
| <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gchar"><span class="type">gchar</span></a> *id, |
| <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gint"><span class="type">gint</span></a> button, |
| <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gdouble"><span class="type">gdouble</span></a> x, |
| <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gdouble"><span class="type">gdouble</span></a> y, |
| <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-Basic-Types.html#gpointer"><span class="type">gpointer</span></a> user_data)</pre> |
| <p>Will be emitted when a mouse event is received by the GstGLwindow.</p> |
| <div class="refsect3"> |
| <a name="id-"></a><h4>Parameters</h4> |
| <div class="informaltable"><table width="100%" border="0"> |
| <colgroup> |
| <col width="150px" class="parameters_name"> |
| <col class="parameters_description"> |
| <col width="200px" class="parameters_annotations"> |
| </colgroup> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>object</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>the <a class="link" href="GstGLWindow.html" title="GstGLWindow"><span class="type">GstGLWindow</span></a></p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>id</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>the name of the event</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>button</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>the id of the button</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>x</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>the x coordinate of the mouse event</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>y</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>the y coordinate of the mouse event</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="parameter_name"><p>user_data</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_description"><p>user data set when the signal handler was connected.</p></td> |
| <td class="parameter_annotations"> </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table></div> |
| </div> |
| <p>Flags: <a href="https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/unstable/gobject-Signals.html#G-SIGNAL-RUN-LAST:CAPS">Run Last</a></p> |
| <p class="since">Since: 1.6</p> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="refsect1"> |
| <a name="GstGLWindow.see-also"></a><h2>See Also</h2> |
| <p><a class="link" href="GstGLContext.html" title="GstGLContext"><span class="type">GstGLContext</span></a>, <a class="link" href="GstGLDisplay.html" title="GstGLDisplay"><span class="type">GstGLDisplay</span></a></p> |
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