blob: 6b84afc4bef9940183403a8d140418d69240f39e [file] [log] [blame]
Sample pipelines:
- replacing tcpserversink protocol=gdp with gdppay ! tcpserversink:
- raw audio:
- server:
gst-launch -v audiotestsrc ! gdppay version=0.2 ! tcpserversink
- client:
gst-launch -v tcpclientsrc protocol=gdp ! alsasink sync=FALSE
- vorbis packets:
- server:
gst-launch -v audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! vorbisenc ! gdppay version=0.2 ! tcpserversink
- client:
gst-launch -v tcpclientsrc protocol=gdp ! vorbisdec ! audioconvert ! alsasink sync=FALSE
- ogg packets:
- server:
gst-launch -v audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! vorbisenc ! oggmux ! gdppay version=0.2 ! tcpserversink
- client:
gst-launch -v tcpclientsrc protocol=gdp ! oggdemux ! vorbisdec ! audioconvert ! alsasink sync=FALSE
In all the client pipelines, tcpclientsrc protocol=gdp can be replaced with
tcpclientsrc ! gdpdepay