[WCNCR00167017] p2p: Fix overriding flags in 2g/5g ieee80211_channel

If 00(Worldwide)'s channel 149~165 has PASSIVE-SCAN flags, after change to
another country, the country also has PASSIVE-SCAN flags instead of the
country's setting in db.txt.

The issue flow:
1. Register wlan wiphy (wiphy_register()@core.c)
   = chan->flags
   = 0

2. Apply WW regdomain (handle_channel()@reg.c):
   = chan->orig_flags|reg_channel_flags
   = 0               |WW_channel_flags

3. Register p2p wiphy:
   = chan->flags
   = WW channel flags

4. Apply US regdomain:
   = chan->orig_flags|reg_channel_flags
   = WW_channel_flags|US_channel_flags (includes WW flags)

When module inserted, both wlan/p2p register wiphy in sequence.
Wlan/p2p use the same 2g/5g ieee80211_channel, its flags are empty.
After wlan is registered, kernel updates the flags as WW.
Then p2p uses the WW flags to register instead of using empty flags,
and changes chan->orig_flags.
It makes kernel believe driver's default flags is WW instead of 0,
when country is changed to US, both WW and US flags are applied.

Clear flags before p2p registers wiphy in flow 3.

CR-Id: WCNCR00167017
Feature: p2p
Signed-off-by: ZD Hu <zd.hu@mediatek.com>
diff --git a/os/linux/gl_p2p.c b/os/linux/gl_p2p.c
index 1c38b32..7bbd977 100644
--- a/os/linux/gl_p2p.c
+++ b/os/linux/gl_p2p.c
@@ -1035,6 +1035,10 @@
 	struct wiphy *prWiphy = NULL;
 	struct wireless_dev *prWdev = NULL;
 	UINT_8	i = 0;
+	u32 band_idx, ch_idx;
+	struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband = NULL;
+	struct ieee80211_channel *chan = NULL;
 	prWdev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct wireless_dev), GFP_KERNEL);
 	if (!prWdev) {
@@ -1061,6 +1065,33 @@
 	prWiphy->bands[KAL_BAND_2GHZ] = &mtk_band_2ghz;
 	prWiphy->bands[KAL_BAND_5GHZ] = &mtk_band_5ghz;
+	/*
+	 * Clear flags in ieee80211_channel before p2p registers to resolve
+	 * overriding flags issue. For example, when country is changed to US,
+	 * both WW and US flags are applied. The issue flow is:
+	 *
+	 * 1. Register wlan wiphy (wiphy_register()@core.c)
+	 *    chan->orig_flags = chan->flags = 0
+	 * 2. Apply WW regdomain (handle_channel()@reg.c):
+	 *    chan->flags = chan->orig_flags|reg_channel_flags = 0|WW_channel_flags
+	 * 3. Register p2p wiphy:
+	 *    chan->orig_flags = chan->flags = WW channel flags
+	 * 4. Apply US regdomain:
+	 *    chan->flags = chan->orig_flags|reg_channel_flags
+	 *                = WW_channel_flags|US_channel_flags
+	 *                  (Unexpected! It includes WW flags)
+	 */
+	for (band_idx = 0; band_idx < KAL_NUM_BANDS; band_idx++) {
+		sband = prWiphy->bands[band_idx];
+		if (!sband)
+			continue;
+		for (ch_idx = 0; ch_idx < sband->n_channels; ch_idx++) {
+			chan = &sband->channels[ch_idx];
+			chan->flags = 0;
+		}
+	}
 	prWiphy->mgmt_stypes = mtk_cfg80211_default_mgmt_stypes;
 	prWiphy->max_remain_on_channel_duration = 5000;
 	prWiphy->n_cipher_suites = 5;