blob: 4914e9f04c98d15f8c26f045c548d8cded5f031b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/sh -e
# Remove leftover bootstrap log files.
rm -f /var/log/bootstrap.log
# Fix up our hostname and make sure it can be resolved to something sane
echo aiy >/etc/hostname
echo aiy >>/etc/hosts
# We need spidev stuff loaded so that we get SPI access
# XXX: Should this live here? Seems specific to a particular board.
echo spidev >> /etc/modules
# Choose a locale and regenerate it to eliminate LC warnings.
echo en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 >/etc/locale.gen
echo LANG=en_US.UTF-8 >/etc/locale.conf
# Add the aiy user and give them all the access they need.
if ! grep -qE '^aiy:' /etc/passwd; then
adduser aiy --home /home/aiy --shell /bin/bash --disabled-password --gecos ""
mkdir -p /home/aiy
chown aiy:aiy /home/aiy
echo 'aiy:aiy' |chpasswd
# Create group apex to give aiy user r/w privileges to apex devices
if ! grep -qE '^apex:' /etc/group; then
groupadd apex
GROUPS="adm audio bluetooth games i2c input plugdev staff sudo users video netdev systemd-journal apex"
for group in $GROUPS; do
adduser aiy $group
if ! grep -q aiy /etc/sudoers; then
echo 'aiy ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >>/etc/sudoers