blob: 0697f48518fc483d6545ef335ca4c8222c256ab1 [file] [log] [blame]
from time import sleep
from mdt.discoverer import Discoverer
from mdt.config import Config
class DevicesCommand:
'''Usage: mdt devices
Returns a list of device names and IP addresses found on the local network
segment. Also indicates if a given device is marked as your default.
Variables used:
preferred-device: contains the device name you want as your default
Note: MDT uses a python implementation of mDNS ZeroConf for discovery, so
it does not require a running Avahi daemon.
def __init__(self):
self.discoverer = Discoverer()
self.device = Config().preferredDevice()
def run(self, args):
discoveries = self.discoverer.discoveries
for host, address in discoveries.items():
if self.device and host == self.device:
print('{0}\t\t({1},default)'.format(host, address))
print('{0}\t\t({1})'.format(host, address))
class DevicesWaitCommand:
'''Usage: mdt wait-for-device
Waits for either the first device found, or your preferred device to be
discovered on the local network segment.
Variables used:
preferred-device: contains the device name you want as your default
Note: if preferred-device is cleared, then this will return on the first
available device found. Also, MDT uses a python implementation of mDNS
ZeroConf for discovery, so it does not require a running Avahi daemon.
def __init__(self):
self.found_devices = False
self.discoverer = Discoverer(self)
def add_device(self, hostname, address):
self.found_devices = True
self.hostname = hostname
self.address = address
def run(self, args):
print('Waiting for device...')
while not self.found_devices:
print('Device found: {0} ({1})'.format(self.hostname, self.address))