help: Make the help subcommand actually useful

This provides the framework for making this useful using class docstrings.
Should be easier to maintain the documentation for this tool that way, rather
than using man pages.

Change-Id: Iad9cdebae8e2a8bb903cbda902f55d4a3ff67ff7
diff --git a/mdt/ b/mdt/
index de5a336..5cf9c0d 100755
--- a/mdt/
+++ b/mdt/
@@ -14,9 +14,33 @@
 import keys
 import shell
 class HelpCommand:
     def run(self, args):
-        print('implement me')
+        if len(args) <= 1:
+            print('Usage: mdt <subcommand> [<options>]')
+            print()
+            print('Where <subcommand> may be one of the following:')
+            print('    help            - this command, gets help on another command.')
+            print('    devices         - lists all detected devices.')
+            print('    wait-for-device - waits for a device to be discovered on the network')
+            print('    get             - gets an MDT variable value')
+            print('    set             - sets an MDT variable value')
+            print('    clear           - clears an MDT variable')
+            print('    genkey          - generates an SSH key for connecting to a device')
+            print('    shell           - opens an interactive shell to a device')
+            print()
+            print('Use "mdt help <subcommand>" for more details.')
+            print()
+            return 1
+        subcommand = args[1]
+        command = COMMANDS[subcommand]
+        if command.__doc__:
+            print(command.__doc__)
+        else:
+            print("No help is available for subcommand '{0}' "
+                  "-- please yell at the developers. :)".format(subcommand))
@@ -34,13 +58,17 @@
 def main():
         if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
-            command = 'help'
+            exit(COMMANDS['help'].run([]))
             command = sys.argv[1].lower()
-        command = COMMANDS.get(command)
-        if command != None:
+        if command in COMMANDS:
+            command = COMMANDS[command]
+        print("Unknown command '{0}': try 'mdt help'".format(command))
+        return 1
     except KeyboardInterrupt: