mdt: Add a device-side package installation tool

This is a simple script that atomically updates the local package archive and
installs the given package file to the system.

Change-Id: I6c00c6e747497068d4a7c60d2c3d47fe9721a10b
diff --git a/debian/mdt-services.install b/debian/mdt-services.install
index 45bf8b7..08f38f8 100644
--- a/debian/mdt-services.install
+++ b/debian/mdt-services.install
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 etc /
+usr /
diff --git a/usr/sbin/mdt-install-package b/usr/sbin/mdt-install-package
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bf10ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr/sbin/mdt-install-package
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+set -e
+PROGRAM=$(basename $0)
+# Exits the program gracefully with an error message.
+function die
+    echo $PROGRAM: $@
+    exit 1
+# Given a package filename, returns the actual Debian base package name,
+# excluding the version number.
+function get-package-name
+    local package_filename="$1"; shift
+    dpkg-deb -I $package_filename \
+        | grep -E '^ Package: ' \
+        | awk '{ print $2 }'
+# Given a package filename, copies the package into the local MDT package
+# repository for later installation.
+function add-package
+    local package_filename="$1"; shift
+    if [[ ! -f $package_filename ]]; then
+        die No such file or directory: $package_filename
+    fi
+    local package_name=$(get-package-name $package_filename)
+    (
+        flock -n -E 254 200
+        (
+            cp $package_filename $REPOSITORY_PATH
+            cd $REPOSITORY_PATH
+            apt-ftparchive packages . > Packages
+        )
+    ) 200>$LOCKFILE
+    local exitcode=$?
+    if [[ $exitcode == 254 ]]; then
+        die Couldn\'t acquire lockfile: $LOCKFILE
+    fi
+    return $exitcode
+# Given a package filename, removes the package from the local MDT package
+# repository.
+function remove-package
+    local package_filename="$1"; shift
+    local package_basename=$(basename $package_filename)
+    local package_path=$REPOSITORY_PATH/$package_basename
+    if [[ ! -f $package_path ]]; then
+        die No such file or directory: $package_path
+    fi
+    (
+        flock -n -E 254 200
+        (
+            rm -f $package_path
+            cd $BASEDIR
+            apt-ftparchive packages packages > Packages
+        )
+    ) 200>$LOCKFILE
+    local exitcode=$?
+    if [[ $exitcode == 254 ]]; then
+        die Couldn\'t acquire lockfile: $LOCKFILE
+    fi
+    return $exitcode
+function main
+    local package_to_install="$1"; shift
+    if [[ -z $package_to_install ]]; then
+        echo "Usage: mdt-install-package <package>"
+        echo 
+        echo "Installs a given Debian package to the system using a local repository"
+        echo "to help install all dependent packages. Forces reinstalls."
+        echo
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -f $package_to_install ]]; then
+        die No such file or directory: $PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -d $REPOSITORY_PATH ]]; then
+        die Can\'t find local repository: $REPOSITORY_PATH
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -x /usr/bin/apt-ftparchive ]]; then
+        die apt-utils is not installed: can\'t find apt-ftparchive
+    fi
+    add-package $package_to_install \
+        || die failed to add package to repository: $package_to_install
+    local package_name=$(get-package-name $package_to_install)
+    apt-get -qq update
+    apt-get install --reinstall $package_name
+    remove-package $package_to_install \
+        || die failed to remove package from repository: $package
+main "$@"