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* Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 2016 NXP
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#ifndef __USB_DEVICE_DCI_H__
#define __USB_DEVICE_DCI_H__
* @addtogroup usb_device_controller_driver
* @{
* Definitions
/*! @brief Macro to define controller handle */
#define usb_device_controller_handle usb_device_handle
(sizeof(uint32_t) * (1U + (sizeof(usb_device_callback_message_struct_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t)))
/*! @brief Available notify types for device notification */
typedef enum _usb_device_notification
kUSB_DeviceNotifyBusReset = 0x10U, /*!< Reset signal detected */
kUSB_DeviceNotifySuspend, /*!< Suspend signal detected */
kUSB_DeviceNotifyResume, /*!< Resume signal detected */
kUSB_DeviceNotifyLPMSleep, /*!< LPM signal detected */
kUSB_DeviceNotifyLPMResume, /*!< Resume signal detected */
kUSB_DeviceNotifyError, /*!< Errors happened in bus */
kUSB_DeviceNotifyDetach, /*!< Device disconnected from a host */
kUSB_DeviceNotifyAttach, /*!< Device connected to a host */
kUSB_DeviceNotifyDcdDetectFinished, /*!< Device charger detection finished */
} usb_device_notification_t;
/*! @brief Device notification message structure */
typedef struct _usb_device_callback_message_struct
uint8_t *buffer; /*!< Transferred buffer */
uint32_t length; /*!< Transferred data length */
uint8_t code; /*!< Notification code */
uint8_t isSetup; /*!< Is in a setup phase */
} usb_device_callback_message_struct_t;
/*! @brief Control type for controller */
typedef enum _usb_device_control_type
kUSB_DeviceControlRun = 0U, /*!< Enable the device functionality */
kUSB_DeviceControlStop, /*!< Disable the device functionality */
kUSB_DeviceControlEndpointInit, /*!< Initialize a specified endpoint */
kUSB_DeviceControlEndpointDeinit, /*!< De-initialize a specified endpoint */
kUSB_DeviceControlEndpointStall, /*!< Stall a specified endpoint */
kUSB_DeviceControlEndpointUnstall, /*!< Un-stall a specified endpoint */
kUSB_DeviceControlGetDeviceStatus, /*!< Get device status */
kUSB_DeviceControlGetEndpointStatus, /*!< Get endpoint status */
kUSB_DeviceControlSetDeviceAddress, /*!< Set device address */
kUSB_DeviceControlGetSynchFrame, /*!< Get current frame */
kUSB_DeviceControlResume, /*!< Drive controller to generate a resume signal in USB bus */
kUSB_DeviceControlSleepResume, /*!< Drive controller to generate a LPM resume signal in USB bus */
kUSB_DeviceControlSuspend, /*!< Drive controller to enter into suspend mode */
kUSB_DeviceControlSleep, /*!< Drive controller to enter into sleep mode */
kUSB_DeviceControlSetDefaultStatus, /*!< Set controller to default status */
kUSB_DeviceControlGetSpeed, /*!< Get current speed */
kUSB_DeviceControlGetOtgStatus, /*!< Get OTG status */
kUSB_DeviceControlSetOtgStatus, /*!< Set OTG status */
kUSB_DeviceControlSetTestMode, /*!< Drive xCHI into test mode */
kUSB_DeviceControlGetRemoteWakeUp, /*!< Get flag of LPM Remote Wake-up Enabled by USB host. */
kUSB_DeviceControlDcdDisable, /*!< disable dcd module function. */
kUSB_DeviceControlDcdEnable, /*!< enable dcd module function. */
kUSB_DeviceControlPreSetDeviceAddress, /*!< Pre set device address */
kUSB_DeviceControlUpdateHwTick, /*!< update hardware tick */
} usb_device_control_type_t;
/*! @brief USB device controller initialization function typedef */
typedef usb_status_t (*usb_device_controller_init_t)(uint8_t controllerId,
usb_device_handle handle,
usb_device_controller_handle *controllerHandle);
/*! @brief USB device controller de-initialization function typedef */
typedef usb_status_t (*usb_device_controller_deinit_t)(usb_device_controller_handle controllerHandle);
/*! @brief USB device controller send data function typedef */
typedef usb_status_t (*usb_device_controller_send_t)(usb_device_controller_handle controllerHandle,
uint8_t endpointAddress,
uint8_t *buffer,
uint32_t length);
/*! @brief USB device controller receive data function typedef */
typedef usb_status_t (*usb_device_controller_recv_t)(usb_device_controller_handle controllerHandle,
uint8_t endpointAddress,
uint8_t *buffer,
uint32_t length);
/*! @brief USB device controller cancel transfer function in a specified endpoint typedef */
typedef usb_status_t (*usb_device_controller_cancel_t)(usb_device_controller_handle controllerHandle,
uint8_t endpointAddress);
/*! @brief USB device controller control function typedef */
typedef usb_status_t (*usb_device_controller_control_t)(usb_device_controller_handle controllerHandle,
usb_device_control_type_t command,
void *param);
/*! @brief USB device controller interface structure */
typedef struct _usb_device_controller_interface_struct
usb_device_controller_init_t deviceInit; /*!< Controller initialization */
usb_device_controller_deinit_t deviceDeinit; /*!< Controller de-initialization */
usb_device_controller_send_t deviceSend; /*!< Controller send data */
usb_device_controller_recv_t deviceRecv; /*!< Controller receive data */
usb_device_controller_cancel_t deviceCancel; /*!< Controller cancel transfer */
usb_device_controller_control_t deviceControl; /*!< Controller control */
} usb_device_controller_interface_struct_t;
/*! @brief USB device status structure */
typedef struct _usb_device_struct
volatile uint64_t hwTick; /*!< Current hw tick(ms)*/
usb_device_controller_handle controllerHandle; /*!< Controller handle */
const usb_device_controller_interface_struct_t *controllerInterface; /*!< Controller interface handle */
USB_DEVICE_MESSAGES_SIZE); /*!< Message queue buffer*/
osa_msgq_handle_t notificationQueue; /*!< Message queue*/
usb_device_callback_t deviceCallback; /*!< Device callback function pointer */
epCallback[USB_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENDPOINTS << 1U]; /*!< Endpoint callback function structure */
uint8_t deviceAddress; /*!< Current device address */
uint8_t controllerId; /*!< Controller ID */
uint8_t state; /*!< Current device state */
uint8_t remotewakeup; /*!< Remote wakeup is enabled or not */
uint8_t isResetting; /*!< Is doing device reset or not */
uint8_t epCallbackDirectly; /*!< Whether call ep callback directly when the task is enabled */
} usb_device_struct_t;
* @brief Notify the device that the controller status changed.
* This function is used to notify the device that the controller status changed.
* @param handle The device handle. It equals the value returned from USB_DeviceInit.
* @param message The device callback message handle.
* @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
usb_status_t USB_DeviceNotificationTrigger(void *handle, void *msg);
/*! @}*/
#endif /* __USB_DEVICE_DCI_H__ */