blob: f5f26a8b66dde650b8c3aae07a05dc87b254fed2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/compatibility.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/memory_planner/memory_planner.h"
namespace tflite {
constexpr int kOnlinePlannedBuffer = -1;
// A memory planner that uses a greedy algorithm to arrange buffers in memory
// to minimize the overall arena size needed.
// The algorithm works like this:
// - The client enters the buffer information through AddBuffer().
// - When a function like GetOffsetForBuffer() is called, the
// CalculateOffsetsIfNeeded() method is invoked.
// - If an up to date plan is not already present, one will be calculated.
// - The buffers are sorted in descending order of size.
// - The largest buffer is placed at offset zero.
// - The rest of the buffers are looped through in descending size order.
// - The other buffers that need to be in memory at the same time are found.
// - The first gap between simultaneously active buffers that the current
// buffer fits into will be used.
// - If no large-enough gap is found, the current buffer is placed after the
// last buffer that's simultaneously active.
// - This continues until all buffers are placed, and the offsets stored.
// This is not guaranteed to produce the best placement, since that's an
// NP-Complete problem, but in practice it should produce one that's decent.
class GreedyMemoryPlanner : public MemoryPlanner {
// You need to pass in an area of memory to be used for planning. This memory
// needs to have a lifetime as long as the planner, but isn't owned by this
// object, so management should be handled by the client. This is so it can be
// stack or globally allocated if necessary on devices without dynamic memory
// allocation. How many buffers can be planned for will depend on the size of
// this scratch memory, so you should enlarge it if you see an error when
// calling AddBuffer(). The memory can be reused once you're done with the
// planner, as long as you copy the calculated offsets to another location.
// Each buffer requires about 36 bytes of scratch.
GreedyMemoryPlanner(unsigned char* scratch_buffer, int scratch_buffer_size);
~GreedyMemoryPlanner() override;
// Record details of a buffer we want to place.
TfLiteStatus AddBuffer(ErrorReporter* error_reporter, int size,
int first_time_used, int last_time_used) override;
// Record details of an offline planned buffer offset we want to place.
// offline_offset is the buffer offset from the start of the arena.
TfLiteStatus AddBuffer(ErrorReporter* error_reporter, int size,
int first_time_used, int last_time_used,
int offline_offset);
// Returns the high-water mark of used memory. This is the minimum size of a
// memory arena you'd need to allocate to hold these buffers.
size_t GetMaximumMemorySize() override;
// How many buffers have been recorded.
int GetBufferCount() override;
// Where a given buffer should be placed in the memory arena.
// This information is stored in the memory arena itself, so once the arena
// is used for inference, it will be overwritten.
TfLiteStatus GetOffsetForBuffer(ErrorReporter* error_reporter,
int buffer_index, int* offset) override;
// Prints an ascii-art diagram of the buffer layout plan.
void PrintMemoryPlan(ErrorReporter* error_reporter);
// Debug method to check whether any buffer allocations are overlapping. This
// is an O(N^2) complexity operation, so only use for testing.
bool DoAnyBuffersOverlap(ErrorReporter* error_reporter);
// Used to store a list of buffers ordered by their offset.
struct ListEntry {
int offset;
int requirements_index;
int next_entry_index;
// Number of bytes required in order to plan a buffer.
static size_t per_buffer_size() {
const int per_buffer_size =
sizeof(BufferRequirements) + // requirements_
sizeof(int) + // buffer_sizes_sorted_
sizeof(int) + // buffer_ids_sorted_
sizeof(ListEntry) + // buffers_sorted_by_offset_
sizeof(int); // buffer_offsets_;
return per_buffer_size;
// Whether a buffer is active in a given time range.
bool DoesEntryOverlapInTime(const ListEntry* entry, const int first_time_used,
const int last_time_used) const;
// Walks the list to return the next buffer that is active in a given time
// range, or a null pointer if there are none.
ListEntry* NextSimultaneouslyActiveBuffer(const ListEntry* start,
const int first_time_used,
const int last_time_used);
// If there isn't an up to date plan, calculate a new one.
void CalculateOffsetsIfNeeded();
// How many buffers we can plan for, based on the arena size we're given in
// the constructor.
int max_buffer_count_;
// The number of buffers added so far.
int buffer_count_;
// Records the client-provided information about each buffer.
struct BufferRequirements {
int size;
int offline_offset;
int first_time_used;
int last_time_used;
// Working arrays used during the layout algorithm.
BufferRequirements* requirements_;
// buffer_sizes_sorted_ and buffer_ids_sorted_ are sorted according to:
// {
// offline planned buffers,
// online planned buffers sorted by size
// }
int* buffer_sizes_sorted_;
int* buffer_ids_sorted_;
ListEntry* buffers_sorted_by_offset_;
int next_free_entry_; // Index of the next free entry of
// buffers_sorted_by_offset_
int first_entry_index_; // Index of the first entry (smallest offset) of
// buffers_sorted_by_offset_
// Stores the outcome of the plan, the location of each buffer in the arena.
int* buffer_offsets_;
// Whether buffers have been added since the last plan was calculated.
bool need_to_calculate_offsets_;
} // namespace tflite