blob: 8c8226c0f770a45a263b2cfacd6ba0f1420dc408 [file] [log] [blame]
The qspi_polling example shows how to use qspi driver with polling:
In this example, qspi will send data and operate the external flash connected with QSPI. Some simple flash command will
be executed, such as Write Enable, Erase sector, Program page.
Example will first erase the sector and programe a page into the flash, at last check if the data in flash is correct.
Notice: While do program, it is not suggested to make the flash write frequency bigger than the core clock frequency.
In some tool chain's Debug version, this may cause core do not have enough speed to send data to flash.
The flash write frequency equals to QSPI working frequency plus data line number. For example, if QSPI working in 48MHz,
program command uses quad mode, the write frequency is 48MHz * 4 = 192MHz.
Toolchain supported
- IAR embedded Workbench 8.50.1
- GCC ARM Embedded 9.2.1
Hardware requirements
- Micro USB cable
- MIMX8MQ6-EVK board
- J-Link Debug Probe
- 12V power supply
- Personal Computer
Board settings
No special is needed.
Prepare the Demo
1. Connect 12V power supply and J-Link Debug Probe to the board, switch SW701 to power on the board
2. Connect a USB cable between the host PC and the J1701 USB port on the target board.
3. Open a serial terminal with the following settings:
- 115200 baud rate
- 8 data bits
- No parity
- One stop bit
- No flow control
4. Download the program to the target board.
5. Launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the demo.
Running the demo
When the example runs successfully, you can see the similar information from the terminal as below.
QSPI example started!
Erase finished!
Program data finished!
Program through QSPI polling succeed!
Customization options