| Overview of Amiga Filesystems |
| ============================= |
| |
| Not all varieties of the Amiga filesystems are supported for reading and |
| writing. The Amiga currently knows six different filesystems: |
| |
| DOS\0 The old or original filesystem, not really suited for |
| hard disks and normally not used on them, either. |
| Supported read/write. |
| |
| DOS\1 The original Fast File System. Supported read/write. |
| |
| DOS\2 The old "international" filesystem. International means that |
| a bug has been fixed so that accented ("international") letters |
| in file names are case-insensitive, as they ought to be. |
| Supported read/write. |
| |
| DOS\3 The "international" Fast File System. Supported read/write. |
| |
| DOS\4 The original filesystem with directory cache. The directory |
| cache speeds up directory accesses on floppies considerably, |
| but slows down file creation/deletion. Doesn't make much |
| sense on hard disks. Supported read only. |
| |
| DOS\5 The Fast File System with directory cache. Supported read only. |
| |
| All of the above filesystems allow block sizes from 512 to 32K bytes. |
| Supported block sizes are: 512, 1024, 2048 and 4096 bytes. Larger blocks |
| speed up almost everything at the expense of wasted disk space. The speed |
| gain above 4K seems not really worth the price, so you don't lose too |
| much here, either. |
| |
| The muFS (multi user File System) equivalents of the above file systems |
| are supported, too. |
| |
| Mount options for the AFFS |
| ========================== |
| |
| protect If this option is set, the protection bits cannot be altered. |
| |
| setuid[=uid] This sets the owner of all files and directories in the file |
| system to uid or the uid of the current user, respectively. |
| |
| setgid[=gid] Same as above, but for gid. |
| |
| mode=mode Sets the mode flags to the given (octal) value, regardless |
| of the original permissions. Directories will get an x |
| permission if the corresponding r bit is set. |
| This is useful since most of the plain AmigaOS files |
| will map to 600. |
| |
| nofilenametruncate |
| The file system will return an error when filename exceeds |
| standard maximum filename length (30 characters). |
| |
| reserved=num Sets the number of reserved blocks at the start of the |
| partition to num. You should never need this option. |
| Default is 2. |
| |
| root=block Sets the block number of the root block. This should never |
| be necessary. |
| |
| bs=blksize Sets the blocksize to blksize. Valid block sizes are 512, |
| 1024, 2048 and 4096. Like the root option, this should |
| never be necessary, as the affs can figure it out itself. |
| |
| quiet The file system will not return an error for disallowed |
| mode changes. |
| |
| verbose The volume name, file system type and block size will |
| be written to the syslog when the filesystem is mounted. |
| |
| mufs The filesystem is really a muFS, also it doesn't |
| identify itself as one. This option is necessary if |
| the filesystem wasn't formatted as muFS, but is used |
| as one. |
| |
| prefix=path Path will be prefixed to every absolute path name of |
| symbolic links on an AFFS partition. Default = "/". |
| (See below.) |
| |
| volume=name When symbolic links with an absolute path are created |
| on an AFFS partition, name will be prepended as the |
| volume name. Default = "" (empty string). |
| (See below.) |
| |
| Handling of the Users/Groups and protection flags |
| ================================================= |
| |
| Amiga -> Linux: |
| |
| The Amiga protection flags RWEDRWEDHSPARWED are handled as follows: |
| |
| - R maps to r for user, group and others. On directories, R implies x. |
| |
| - If both W and D are allowed, w will be set. |
| |
| - E maps to x. |
| |
| - H and P are always retained and ignored under Linux. |
| |
| - A is always reset when a file is written to. |
| |
| User id and group id will be used unless set[gu]id are given as mount |
| options. Since most of the Amiga file systems are single user systems |
| they will be owned by root. The root directory (the mount point) of the |
| Amiga filesystem will be owned by the user who actually mounts the |
| filesystem (the root directory doesn't have uid/gid fields). |
| |
| Linux -> Amiga: |
| |
| The Linux rwxrwxrwx file mode is handled as follows: |
| |
| - r permission will set R for user, group and others. |
| |
| - w permission will set W and D for user, group and others. |
| |
| - x permission of the user will set E for plain files. |
| |
| - All other flags (suid, sgid, ...) are ignored and will |
| not be retained. |
| |
| Newly created files and directories will get the user and group ID |
| of the current user and a mode according to the umask. |
| |
| Symbolic links |
| ============== |
| |
| Although the Amiga and Linux file systems resemble each other, there |
| are some, not always subtle, differences. One of them becomes apparent |
| with symbolic links. While Linux has a file system with exactly one |
| root directory, the Amiga has a separate root directory for each |
| file system (for example, partition, floppy disk, ...). With the Amiga, |
| these entities are called "volumes". They have symbolic names which |
| can be used to access them. Thus, symbolic links can point to a |
| different volume. AFFS turns the volume name into a directory name |
| and prepends the prefix path (see prefix option) to it. |
| |
| Example: |
| You mount all your Amiga partitions under /amiga/<volume> (where |
| <volume> is the name of the volume), and you give the option |
| "prefix=/amiga/" when mounting all your AFFS partitions. (They |
| might be "User", "WB" and "Graphics", the mount points /amiga/User, |
| /amiga/WB and /amiga/Graphics). A symbolic link referring to |
| "User:sc/include/dos/dos.h" will be followed to |
| "/amiga/User/sc/include/dos/dos.h". |
| |
| Examples |
| ======== |
| |
| Command line: |
| mount Archive/Amiga/Workbench3.1.adf /mnt -t affs -o loop,verbose |
| mount /dev/sda3 /Amiga -t affs |
| |
| /etc/fstab entry: |
| /dev/sdb5 /amiga/Workbench affs noauto,user,exec,verbose 0 0 |
| |
| ============== |
| |
| If you boot Windows 95 (don't know about 3.x, 98 and NT) while you |
| have an Amiga harddisk connected to your PC, it will overwrite |
| the bytes 0x00dc..0x00df of block 0 with garbage, thus invalidating |
| the Rigid Disk Block. Sheer luck has it that this is an unused |
| area of the RDB, so only the checksum doesn't match anymore. |
| Linux will ignore this garbage and recognize the RDB anyway, but |
| before you connect that drive to your Amiga again, you must |
| restore or repair your RDB. So please do make a backup copy of it |
| before booting Windows! |
| |
| If the damage is already done, the following should fix the RDB |
| (where <disk> is the device name). |
| |
| dd if=/dev/<disk> of=rdb.tmp count=1 |
| cp rdb.tmp rdb.fixed |
| dd if=/dev/zero of=rdb.fixed bs=1 seek=220 count=4 |
| dd if=rdb.fixed of=/dev/<disk> |
| |
| Bugs, Restrictions, Caveats |
| =========================== |
| |
| Quite a few things may not work as advertised. Not everything is |
| tested, though several hundred MB have been read and written using |
| this fs. For a most up-to-date list of bugs please consult |
| fs/affs/Changes. |
| |
| By default, filenames are truncated to 30 characters without warning. |
| 'nofilenametruncate' mount option can change that behavior. |
| |
| Case is ignored by the affs in filename matching, but Linux shells |
| do care about the case. Example (with /wb being an affs mounted fs): |
| rm /wb/WRONGCASE |
| will remove /mnt/wrongcase, but |
| rm /wb/WR* |
| will not since the names are matched by the shell. |
| |
| The block allocation is designed for hard disk partitions. If more |
| than 1 process writes to a (small) diskette, the blocks are allocated |
| in an ugly way (but the real AFFS doesn't do much better). This |
| is also true when space gets tight. |
| |
| You cannot execute programs on an OFS (Old File System), since the |
| program files cannot be memory mapped due to the 488 byte blocks. |
| For the same reason you cannot mount an image on such a filesystem |
| via the loopback device. |
| |
| The bitmap valid flag in the root block may not be accurate when the |
| system crashes while an affs partition is mounted. There's currently |
| no way to fix a garbled filesystem without an Amiga (disk validator) |
| or manually (who would do this?). Maybe later. |
| |
| If you mount affs partitions on system startup, you may want to tell |
| fsck that the fs should not be checked (place a '0' in the sixth field |
| of /etc/fstab). |
| |
| It's not possible to read floppy disks with a normal PC or workstation |
| due to an incompatibility with the Amiga floppy controller. |
| |
| If you are interested in an Amiga Emulator for Linux, look at |
| |
| http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.freiburg.linux.de/~uae/ |