blob: 0e1e302cf70d46d946e87fce5174657ef53fb2e8 [file] [log] [blame]
ITE it66121 HDMI bridge bindings
Required properties:
- compatible : "ite,it66121".
- reg : I2C address, use 0x4c or 0x4d
- vcn33-supply : Digital Supply Voltage (3.3V)
- vcn18-supply : I/O Supply Voltage (1.8V)
- vrf12-supply : Analog Supply Voltage (1.2V)
- interrupts: interrupt specifier of INT pin
- reset-gpios: gpio specifier of RESET pin (active low)
- pclk-dual-edge: dual edge clocking
- video interfaces: Device node can contain one video interface port
node for HDMI encoder according to [1].
[1]: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/video-interfaces.txt
it66121hdmitx: it66121hdmitx@4c {
compatible = "ite,it66121";
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&ite_pins_default>;
vcn33-supply = <&mt6358_vcn33_wifi_reg>;
vcn18-supply = <&mt6358_vcn18_reg>;
vrf12-supply = <&mt6358_vrf12_reg>;
reset-gpios = <&pio 160 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
interrupt-parent = <&pio>;
interrupts = <4 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
reg = <0x4c>;
port {
it66121_in: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&dpi_out>;