blob: 6c80ceaf53f6b95ec052305fe41b893cbe473321 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 2017-2019 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
* Header file containing the public API for the System Controller (SC)
* Timer function.
* @addtogroup TIMER_SVC (SVC) Timer Service
* Module for the Timer service. This includes support for the watchdog, RTC,
* and system counter. Note every resource partition has a watchdog it can
* use.
* @{
#ifndef SC_TIMER_API_H
#define SC_TIMER_API_H
/* Includes */
#include <soc/imx8/sc/types.h>
#include <soc/imx8/sc/svc/rm/api.h>
/* Defines */
* @name Defines for type widths
#define SC_TIMER_ACTION_W 3U /* Width of sc_timer_wdog_action_t */
* @name Defines for sc_timer_wdog_action_t
#define SC_TIMER_WDOG_ACTION_PARTITION 0U /* Reset partition */
#define SC_TIMER_WDOG_ACTION_WARM 1U /* Warm reset system */
#define SC_TIMER_WDOG_ACTION_COLD 2U /* Cold reset system */
#define SC_TIMER_WDOG_ACTION_BOARD 3U /* Reset board */
#define SC_TIMER_WDOG_ACTION_IRQ 4U /* Only generate IRQs */
/* Types */
* This type is used to configure the watchdog action.
typedef uint8_t sc_timer_wdog_action_t;
* This type is used to declare a watchdog time value in milliseconds.
typedef uint32_t sc_timer_wdog_time_t;
/* Functions */
* @name Wathdog Functions
* @{
* This function sets the watchdog timeout in milliseconds. If not
* set then the timeout defaults to the max. Once locked this value
* cannot be changed.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] timeout timeout period for the watchdog
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success, SC_ERR_LOCKED
* = locked).
sc_err_t sc_timer_set_wdog_timeout(sc_ipc_t ipc,
sc_timer_wdog_time_t timeout);
* This function sets the watchdog pre-timeout in milliseconds. If not
* set then the pre-timeout defaults to the max. Once locked this value
* cannot be changed.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] pre_timeout pre-timeout period for the watchdog
* When the pre-timout expires an IRQ will be generated. Note this timeout
* clears when the IRQ is triggered. An IRQ is generated for the failing
* partition and all of its child partitions.
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
sc_err_t sc_timer_set_wdog_pre_timeout(sc_ipc_t ipc,
sc_timer_wdog_time_t pre_timeout);
* This function starts the watchdog.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] lock boolean indicating the lock status
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* If \a lock is set then the watchdog cannot be stopped or the timeout
* period changed.
sc_err_t sc_timer_start_wdog(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_bool_t lock);
* This function stops the watchdog if it is not locked.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success, SC_ERR_LOCKED
* = locked).
sc_err_t sc_timer_stop_wdog(sc_ipc_t ipc);
* This function pings (services, kicks) the watchdog resetting the time
* before expiration back to the timeout.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
sc_err_t sc_timer_ping_wdog(sc_ipc_t ipc);
* This function gets the status of the watchdog. All arguments are
* in milliseconds.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[out] timeout pointer to return the timeout
* @param[out] max_timeout pointer to return the max timeout
* @param[out] remaining_time pointer to return the time remaining
* until trigger
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
sc_err_t sc_timer_get_wdog_status(sc_ipc_t ipc,
sc_timer_wdog_time_t *timeout, sc_timer_wdog_time_t *max_timeout,
sc_timer_wdog_time_t *remaining_time);
* This function gets the status of the watchdog of a partition. All
* arguments are in milliseconds.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] pt partition to query
* @param[out] enb pointer to return enable status
* @param[out] timeout pointer to return the timeout
* @param[out] remaining_time pointer to return the time remaining
* until trigger
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
sc_err_t sc_timer_pt_get_wdog_status(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rm_pt_t pt, sc_bool_t *enb,
sc_timer_wdog_time_t *timeout, sc_timer_wdog_time_t *remaining_time);
* This function configures the action to be taken when a watchdog
* expires.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] pt partition to affect
* @param[in] action action to take
* Default action is inherited from the parent.
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if invalid parameters,
* - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition is not the SYSTEM owner,
* - SC_ERR_LOCKED if the watchdog is locked
sc_err_t sc_timer_set_wdog_action(sc_ipc_t ipc,
sc_rm_pt_t pt, sc_timer_wdog_action_t action);
/* @} */
* @name Real-Time Clock (RTC) Functions
* @{
* This function sets the RTC time. Only the owner of the SC_R_SYSTEM
* resource or a partition with access permissions to SC_R_SYSTEM can
* set the time.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] year year (min 1970)
* @param[in] mon month (1-12)
* @param[in] day day of the month (1-31)
* @param[in] hour hour (0-23)
* @param[in] min minute (0-59)
* @param[in] sec second (0-59)
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if invalid time/date parameters,
* - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition cannot access SC_R_SYSTEM
sc_err_t sc_timer_set_rtc_time(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint16_t year, uint8_t mon,
uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t min, uint8_t sec);
* This function gets the RTC time.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[out] year pointer to return year (min 1970)
* @param[out] mon pointer to return month (1-12)
* @param[out] day pointer to return day of the month (1-31)
* @param[out] hour pointer to return hour (0-23)
* @param[out] min pointer to return minute (0-59)
* @param[out] sec pointer to return second (0-59)
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
sc_err_t sc_timer_get_rtc_time(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint16_t *year, uint8_t *mon,
uint8_t *day, uint8_t *hour, uint8_t *min, uint8_t *sec);
* This function gets the RTC time in seconds since 1/1/1970.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[out] sec pointer to return second
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
sc_err_t sc_timer_get_rtc_sec1970(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t *sec);
* This function sets the RTC alarm.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] year year (min 1970)
* @param[in] mon month (1-12)
* @param[in] day day of the month (1-31)
* @param[in] hour hour (0-23)
* @param[in] min minute (0-59)
* @param[in] sec second (0-59)
* Note this alarm setting clears when the alarm is triggered. This is an
* absolute time.
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if invalid time/date parameters
sc_err_t sc_timer_set_rtc_alarm(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint16_t year, uint8_t mon,
uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t min, uint8_t sec);
* This function sets the RTC alarm (periodic mode).
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] sec period in seconds
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Note this is a relative time.
* Return errors:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if invalid time/date parameters
sc_err_t sc_timer_set_rtc_periodic_alarm(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t sec);
* This function cancels the RTC alarm.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* Note this alarm setting clears when the alarm is triggered.
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if invalid time/date parameters
sc_err_t sc_timer_cancel_rtc_alarm(sc_ipc_t ipc);
* This function sets the RTC calibration value. Only the owner of the SC_R_SYSTEM
* resource or a partition with access permissions to SC_R_SYSTEM can set the
* calibration.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] count calbration count (-16 to 15)
* The calibration value is a 5-bit value including the sign bit, which is
* implemented in 2's complement. It is added or subtracted from the RTC on
* a perdiodic basis, once per 32768 cycles of the RTC clock.
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
sc_err_t sc_timer_set_rtc_calb(sc_ipc_t ipc, int8_t count);
/* @} */
* @name System Counter (SYSCTR) Functions
* @{
* This function sets the SYSCTR alarm.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] ticks number of 8MHz cycles
* Note the \a ticks parameter is an absolute time. This alarm
* setting clears when the alarm is triggered.
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if invalid time/date parameters
sc_err_t sc_timer_set_sysctr_alarm(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint64_t ticks);
* This function sets the SYSCTR alarm (periodic mode).
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] ticks number of 8MHz cycles
* Note the \a ticks parameter is a relative time.
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if invalid time/date parameters
sc_err_t sc_timer_set_sysctr_periodic_alarm(sc_ipc_t ipc,
uint64_t ticks);
* This function cancels the SYSCTR alarm.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* Note this alarm setting clears when the alarm is triggered.
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if invalid time/date parameters
sc_err_t sc_timer_cancel_sysctr_alarm(sc_ipc_t ipc);
/* @} */
#endif /* SC_TIMER_API_H */