blob: 23cde1081852d2268bb25c4b6c8466979a66d971 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2014 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* \file amdgpu.h
* Declare public libdrm_amdgpu API
* This file define API exposed by libdrm_amdgpu library.
* User wanted to use libdrm_amdgpu functionality must include
* this file.
#ifndef _AMDGPU_H_
#define _AMDGPU_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct drm_amdgpu_info_hw_ip;
/* --------------------------- Defines ------------------------------------ */
* Define max. number of Command Buffers (IB) which could be sent to the single
* hardware IP to accommodate CE/DE requirements
* \sa amdgpu_cs_ib_info
* Special timeout value meaning that the timeout is infinite.
#define AMDGPU_TIMEOUT_INFINITE 0xffffffffffffffffull
* Used in amdgpu_cs_query_fence_status(), meaning that the given timeout
* is absolute.
/* ----------------------------- Enums ------------------------------------ */
* Enum describing possible handle types
* \sa amdgpu_bo_import, amdgpu_bo_export
enum amdgpu_bo_handle_type {
/** GEM flink name (needs DRM authentication, used by DRI2) */
amdgpu_bo_handle_type_gem_flink_name = 0,
/** KMS handle which is used by all driver ioctls */
amdgpu_bo_handle_type_kms = 1,
/** DMA-buf fd handle */
amdgpu_bo_handle_type_dma_buf_fd = 2
/** Define known types of GPU VM VA ranges */
enum amdgpu_gpu_va_range
/** Allocate from "normal"/general range */
amdgpu_gpu_va_range_general = 0
/* -------------------------- Datatypes ----------------------------------- */
* Define opaque pointer to context associated with fd.
* This context will be returned as the result of
* "initialize" function and should be pass as the first
* parameter to any API call
typedef struct amdgpu_device *amdgpu_device_handle;
* Define GPU Context type as pointer to opaque structure
* Example of GPU Context is the "rendering" context associated
* with OpenGL context (glCreateContext)
typedef struct amdgpu_context *amdgpu_context_handle;
* Define handle for amdgpu resources: buffer, GDS, etc.
typedef struct amdgpu_bo *amdgpu_bo_handle;
* Define handle for list of BOs
typedef struct amdgpu_bo_list *amdgpu_bo_list_handle;
* Define handle to be used to work with VA allocated ranges
typedef struct amdgpu_va *amdgpu_va_handle;
* Define handle for semaphore
typedef struct amdgpu_semaphore *amdgpu_semaphore_handle;
/* -------------------------- Structures ---------------------------------- */
* Structure describing memory allocation request
* \sa amdgpu_bo_alloc()
struct amdgpu_bo_alloc_request {
/** Allocation request. It must be aligned correctly. */
uint64_t alloc_size;
* It may be required to have some specific alignment requirements
* for physical back-up storage (e.g. for displayable surface).
* If 0 there is no special alignment requirement
uint64_t phys_alignment;
* UMD should specify where to allocate memory and how it
* will be accessed by the CPU.
uint32_t preferred_heap;
/** Additional flags passed on allocation */
uint64_t flags;
* Special UMD specific information associated with buffer.
* It may be need to pass some buffer charactersitic as part
* of buffer sharing. Such information are defined UMD and
* opaque for libdrm_amdgpu as well for kernel driver.
* \sa amdgpu_bo_set_metadata(), amdgpu_bo_query_info,
* amdgpu_bo_import(), amdgpu_bo_export
struct amdgpu_bo_metadata {
/** Special flag associated with surface */
uint64_t flags;
* ASIC-specific tiling information (also used by DCE).
* The encoding is defined by the AMDGPU_TILING_* definitions.
uint64_t tiling_info;
/** Size of metadata associated with the buffer, in bytes. */
uint32_t size_metadata;
/** UMD specific metadata. Opaque for kernel */
uint32_t umd_metadata[64];
* Structure describing allocated buffer. Client may need
* to query such information as part of 'sharing' buffers mechanism
* \sa amdgpu_bo_set_metadata(), amdgpu_bo_query_info(),
* amdgpu_bo_import(), amdgpu_bo_export()
struct amdgpu_bo_info {
/** Allocated memory size */
uint64_t alloc_size;
* It may be required to have some specific alignment requirements
* for physical back-up storage.
uint64_t phys_alignment;
/** Heap where to allocate memory. */
uint32_t preferred_heap;
/** Additional allocation flags. */
uint64_t alloc_flags;
/** Metadata associated with buffer if any. */
struct amdgpu_bo_metadata metadata;
* Structure with information about "imported" buffer
* \sa amdgpu_bo_import()
struct amdgpu_bo_import_result {
/** Handle of memory/buffer to use */
amdgpu_bo_handle buf_handle;
/** Buffer size */
uint64_t alloc_size;
* Structure to describe GDS partitioning information.
* \note OA and GWS resources are asscoiated with GDS partition
* \sa amdgpu_gpu_resource_query_gds_info
struct amdgpu_gds_resource_info {
uint32_t gds_gfx_partition_size;
uint32_t compute_partition_size;
uint32_t gds_total_size;
uint32_t gws_per_gfx_partition;
uint32_t gws_per_compute_partition;
uint32_t oa_per_gfx_partition;
uint32_t oa_per_compute_partition;
* Structure describing CS fence
* \sa amdgpu_cs_query_fence_status(), amdgpu_cs_request, amdgpu_cs_submit()
struct amdgpu_cs_fence {
/** In which context IB was sent to execution */
amdgpu_context_handle context;
/** To which HW IP type the fence belongs */
uint32_t ip_type;
/** IP instance index if there are several IPs of the same type. */
uint32_t ip_instance;
/** Ring index of the HW IP */
uint32_t ring;
/** Specify fence for which we need to check submission status.*/
uint64_t fence;
* Structure describing IB
* \sa amdgpu_cs_request, amdgpu_cs_submit()
struct amdgpu_cs_ib_info {
/** Special flags */
uint64_t flags;
/** Virtual MC address of the command buffer */
uint64_t ib_mc_address;
* Size of Command Buffer to be submitted.
* - The size is in units of dwords (4 bytes).
* - Could be 0
uint32_t size;
* Structure describing fence information
* \sa amdgpu_cs_request, amdgpu_cs_query_fence,
* amdgpu_cs_submit(), amdgpu_cs_query_fence_status()
struct amdgpu_cs_fence_info {
/** buffer object for the fence */
amdgpu_bo_handle handle;
/** fence offset in the unit of sizeof(uint64_t) */
uint64_t offset;
* Structure describing submission request
* \note We could have several IBs as packet. e.g. CE, CE, DE case for gfx
* \sa amdgpu_cs_submit()
struct amdgpu_cs_request {
/** Specify flags with additional information */
uint64_t flags;
/** Specify HW IP block type to which to send the IB. */
unsigned ip_type;
/** IP instance index if there are several IPs of the same type. */
unsigned ip_instance;
* Specify ring index of the IP. We could have several rings
* in the same IP. E.g. 0 for SDMA0 and 1 for SDMA1.
uint32_t ring;
* List handle with resources used by this request.
amdgpu_bo_list_handle resources;
* Number of dependencies this Command submission needs to
* wait for before starting execution.
uint32_t number_of_dependencies;
* Array of dependencies which need to be met before
* execution can start.
struct amdgpu_cs_fence *dependencies;
/** Number of IBs to submit in the field ibs. */
uint32_t number_of_ibs;
* IBs to submit. Those IBs will be submit together as single entity
struct amdgpu_cs_ib_info *ibs;
* The returned sequence number for the command submission
uint64_t seq_no;
* The fence information
struct amdgpu_cs_fence_info fence_info;
* Structure which provide information about GPU VM MC Address space
* alignments requirements
* \sa amdgpu_query_buffer_size_alignment
struct amdgpu_buffer_size_alignments {
/** Size alignment requirement for allocation in
* local memory */
uint64_t size_local;
* Size alignment requirement for allocation in remote memory
uint64_t size_remote;
* Structure which provide information about heap
* \sa amdgpu_query_heap_info()
struct amdgpu_heap_info {
/** Theoretical max. available memory in the given heap */
uint64_t heap_size;
* Number of bytes allocated in the heap. This includes all processes
* and private allocations in the kernel. It changes when new buffers
* are allocated, freed, and moved. It cannot be larger than
* heap_size.
uint64_t heap_usage;
* Theoretical possible max. size of buffer which
* could be allocated in the given heap
uint64_t max_allocation;
* Describe GPU h/w info needed for UMD correct initialization
* \sa amdgpu_query_gpu_info()
struct amdgpu_gpu_info {
/** Asic id */
uint32_t asic_id;
/** Chip revision */
uint32_t chip_rev;
/** Chip external revision */
uint32_t chip_external_rev;
/** Family ID */
uint32_t family_id;
/** Special flags */
uint64_t ids_flags;
/** max engine clock*/
uint64_t max_engine_clk;
/** max memory clock */
uint64_t max_memory_clk;
/** number of shader engines */
uint32_t num_shader_engines;
/** number of shader arrays per engine */
uint32_t num_shader_arrays_per_engine;
/** Number of available good shader pipes */
uint32_t avail_quad_shader_pipes;
/** Max. number of shader pipes.(including good and bad pipes */
uint32_t max_quad_shader_pipes;
/** Number of parameter cache entries per shader quad pipe */
uint32_t cache_entries_per_quad_pipe;
/** Number of available graphics context */
uint32_t num_hw_gfx_contexts;
/** Number of render backend pipes */
uint32_t rb_pipes;
/** Enabled render backend pipe mask */
uint32_t enabled_rb_pipes_mask;
/** Frequency of GPU Counter */
uint32_t gpu_counter_freq;
uint32_t backend_disable[4];
/** Value of MC_ARB_RAMCFG register*/
uint32_t mc_arb_ramcfg;
/** Value of GB_ADDR_CONFIG */
uint32_t gb_addr_cfg;
/** Values of the GB_TILE_MODE0..31 registers */
uint32_t gb_tile_mode[32];
/** Values of GB_MACROTILE_MODE0..15 registers */
uint32_t gb_macro_tile_mode[16];
/** Value of PA_SC_RASTER_CONFIG register per SE */
uint32_t pa_sc_raster_cfg[4];
/** Value of PA_SC_RASTER_CONFIG_1 register per SE */
uint32_t pa_sc_raster_cfg1[4];
/* CU info */
uint32_t cu_active_number;
uint32_t cu_ao_mask;
uint32_t cu_bitmap[4][4];
/* video memory type info*/
uint32_t vram_type;
/* video memory bit width*/
uint32_t vram_bit_width;
/** constant engine ram size*/
uint32_t ce_ram_size;
/* vce harvesting instance */
uint32_t vce_harvest_config;
/* PCI revision ID */
uint32_t pci_rev_id;
/*------------------------- Functions --------------------------------------*/
* Initialization / Cleanup
* \param fd - \c [in] File descriptor for AMD GPU device
* received previously as the result of
* e.g. drmOpen() call.
* For legacy fd type, the DRI2/DRI3
* authentication should be done before
* calling this function.
* \param major_version - \c [out] Major version of library. It is assumed
* that adding new functionality will cause
* increase in major version
* \param minor_version - \c [out] Minor version of library
* \param device_handle - \c [out] Pointer to opaque context which should
* be passed as the first parameter on each
* API call
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \sa amdgpu_device_deinitialize()
int amdgpu_device_initialize(int fd,
uint32_t *major_version,
uint32_t *minor_version,
amdgpu_device_handle *device_handle);
* When access to such library does not needed any more the special
* function must be call giving opportunity to clean up any
* resources if needed.
* \param device_handle - \c [in] Context associated with file
* descriptor for AMD GPU device
* received previously as the
* result e.g. of drmOpen() call.
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \sa amdgpu_device_initialize()
int amdgpu_device_deinitialize(amdgpu_device_handle device_handle);
* Memory Management
* Allocate memory to be used by UMD for GPU related operations
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle.
* See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param alloc_buffer - \c [in] Pointer to the structure describing an
* allocation request
* \param buf_handle - \c [out] Allocated buffer handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \sa amdgpu_bo_free()
int amdgpu_bo_alloc(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
struct amdgpu_bo_alloc_request *alloc_buffer,
amdgpu_bo_handle *buf_handle);
* Associate opaque data with buffer to be queried by another UMD
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param buf_handle - \c [in] Buffer handle
* \param info - \c [in] Metadata to associated with buffer
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_bo_set_metadata(amdgpu_bo_handle buf_handle,
struct amdgpu_bo_metadata *info);
* Query buffer information including metadata previusly associated with
* buffer.
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle.
* See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param buf_handle - \c [in] Buffer handle
* \param info - \c [out] Structure describing buffer
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \sa amdgpu_bo_set_metadata(), amdgpu_bo_alloc()
int amdgpu_bo_query_info(amdgpu_bo_handle buf_handle,
struct amdgpu_bo_info *info);
* Allow others to get access to buffer
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle.
* See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param buf_handle - \c [in] Buffer handle
* \param type - \c [in] Type of handle requested
* \param shared_handle - \c [out] Special "shared" handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \sa amdgpu_bo_import()
int amdgpu_bo_export(amdgpu_bo_handle buf_handle,
enum amdgpu_bo_handle_type type,
uint32_t *shared_handle);
* Request access to "shared" buffer
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle.
* See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param type - \c [in] Type of handle requested
* \param shared_handle - \c [in] Shared handle received as result "import"
* operation
* \param output - \c [out] Pointer to structure with information
* about imported buffer
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \note Buffer must be "imported" only using new "fd" (different from
* one used by "exporter").
* \sa amdgpu_bo_export()
int amdgpu_bo_import(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
enum amdgpu_bo_handle_type type,
uint32_t shared_handle,
struct amdgpu_bo_import_result *output);
* Request GPU access to user allocated memory e.g. via "malloc"
* \param dev - [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param cpu - [in] CPU address of user allocated memory which we
* want to map to GPU address space (make GPU accessible)
* (This address must be correctly aligned).
* \param size - [in] Size of allocation (must be correctly aligned)
* \param buf_handle - [out] Buffer handle for the userptr memory
* resource on submission and be used in other operations.
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \note
* This call doesn't guarantee that such memory will be persistently
* "locked" / make non-pageable. The purpose of this call is to provide
* opportunity for GPU get access to this resource during submission.
* The maximum amount of memory which could be mapped in this call depends
* if overcommit is disabled or not. If overcommit is disabled than the max.
* amount of memory to be pinned will be limited by left "free" size in total
* amount of memory which could be locked simultaneously ("GART" size).
* Supported (theoretical) max. size of mapping is restricted only by
* "GART" size.
* It is responsibility of caller to correctly specify access rights
* on VA assignment.
int amdgpu_create_bo_from_user_mem(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
void *cpu, uint64_t size,
amdgpu_bo_handle *buf_handle);
* Free previosuly allocated memory
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param buf_handle - \c [in] Buffer handle to free
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \note In the case of memory shared between different applications all
* resources will be “physically” freed only all such applications
* will be terminated
* \note If is UMD responsibility to ‘free’ buffer only when there is no
* more GPU access
* \sa amdgpu_bo_set_metadata(), amdgpu_bo_alloc()
int amdgpu_bo_free(amdgpu_bo_handle buf_handle);
* Request CPU access to GPU accessible memory
* \param buf_handle - \c [in] Buffer handle
* \param cpu - \c [out] CPU address to be used for access
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \sa amdgpu_bo_cpu_unmap()
int amdgpu_bo_cpu_map(amdgpu_bo_handle buf_handle, void **cpu);
* Release CPU access to GPU memory
* \param buf_handle - \c [in] Buffer handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \sa amdgpu_bo_cpu_map()
int amdgpu_bo_cpu_unmap(amdgpu_bo_handle buf_handle);
* Wait until a buffer is not used by the device.
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param buf_handle - \c [in] Buffer handle.
* \param timeout_ns - Timeout in nanoseconds.
* \param buffer_busy - 0 if buffer is idle, all GPU access was completed
* and no GPU access is scheduled.
* 1 GPU access is in fly or scheduled
* \return 0 - on success
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_bo_wait_for_idle(amdgpu_bo_handle buf_handle,
uint64_t timeout_ns,
bool *buffer_busy);
* Creates a BO list handle for command submission.
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle.
* See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param number_of_resources - \c [in] Number of BOs in the list
* \param resources - \c [in] List of BO handles
* \param resource_prios - \c [in] Optional priority for each handle
* \param result - \c [out] Created BO list handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \sa amdgpu_bo_list_destroy()
int amdgpu_bo_list_create(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
uint32_t number_of_resources,
amdgpu_bo_handle *resources,
uint8_t *resource_prios,
amdgpu_bo_list_handle *result);
* Destroys a BO list handle.
* \param handle - \c [in] BO list handle.
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \sa amdgpu_bo_list_create()
int amdgpu_bo_list_destroy(amdgpu_bo_list_handle handle);
* Update resources for existing BO list
* \param handle - \c [in] BO list handle
* \param number_of_resources - \c [in] Number of BOs in the list
* \param resources - \c [in] List of BO handles
* \param resource_prios - \c [in] Optional priority for each handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \sa amdgpu_bo_list_update()
int amdgpu_bo_list_update(amdgpu_bo_list_handle handle,
uint32_t number_of_resources,
amdgpu_bo_handle *resources,
uint8_t *resource_prios);
* GPU Execution context
* Create GPU execution Context
* For the purpose of GPU Scheduler and GPU Robustness extensions it is
* necessary to have information/identify rendering/compute contexts.
* It also may be needed to associate some specific requirements with such
* contexts. Kernel driver will guarantee that submission from the same
* context will always be executed in order (first come, first serve).
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param context - \c [out] GPU Context handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \sa amdgpu_cs_ctx_free()
int amdgpu_cs_ctx_create(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
amdgpu_context_handle *context);
* Destroy GPU execution context when not needed any more
* \param context - \c [in] GPU Context handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \sa amdgpu_cs_ctx_create()
int amdgpu_cs_ctx_free(amdgpu_context_handle context);
* Query reset state for the specific GPU Context
* \param context - \c [in] GPU Context handle
* \param state - \c [out] One of AMDGPU_CTX_*_RESET
* \param hangs - \c [out] Number of hangs caused by the context.
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \sa amdgpu_cs_ctx_create()
int amdgpu_cs_query_reset_state(amdgpu_context_handle context,
uint32_t *state, uint32_t *hangs);
* Command Buffers Management
* Send request to submit command buffers to hardware.
* Kernel driver could use GPU Scheduler to make decision when physically
* sent this request to the hardware. Accordingly this request could be put
* in queue and sent for execution later. The only guarantee is that request
* from the same GPU context to the same ip:ip_instance:ring will be executed in
* order.
* The caller can specify the user fence buffer/location with the fence_info in the
* cs_request.The sequence number is returned via the 'seq_no' parameter
* in ibs_request structure.
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle.
* See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param context - \c [in] GPU Context
* \param flags - \c [in] Global submission flags
* \param ibs_request - \c [in/out] Pointer to submission requests.
* We could submit to the several
* engines/rings simulteniously as
* 'atomic' operation
* \param number_of_requests - \c [in] Number of submission requests
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \note It is required to pass correct resource list with buffer handles
* which will be accessible by command buffers from submission
* This will allow kernel driver to correctly implement "paging".
* Failure to do so will have unpredictable results.
* \sa amdgpu_command_buffer_alloc(), amdgpu_command_buffer_free(),
* amdgpu_cs_query_fence_status()
int amdgpu_cs_submit(amdgpu_context_handle context,
uint64_t flags,
struct amdgpu_cs_request *ibs_request,
uint32_t number_of_requests);
* Query status of Command Buffer Submission
* \param fence - \c [in] Structure describing fence to query
* \param timeout_ns - \c [in] Timeout value to wait
* \param flags - \c [in] Flags for the query
* \param expired - \c [out] If fence expired or not.\n
* 0 – if fence is not expired\n
* !0 - otherwise
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \note If UMD wants only to check operation status and returned immediately
* then timeout value as 0 must be passed. In this case success will be
* returned in the case if submission was completed or timeout error
* code.
* \sa amdgpu_cs_submit()
int amdgpu_cs_query_fence_status(struct amdgpu_cs_fence *fence,
uint64_t timeout_ns,
uint64_t flags,
uint32_t *expired);
* Wait for multiple fences
* \param fences - \c [in] The fence array to wait
* \param fence_count - \c [in] The fence count
* \param wait_all - \c [in] If true, wait all fences to be signaled,
* otherwise, wait at least one fence
* \param timeout_ns - \c [in] The timeout to wait, in nanoseconds
* \param status - \c [out] '1' for signaled, '0' for timeout
* \param first - \c [out] the index of the first signaled fence from @fences
* \return 0 on success
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \note Currently it supports only one amdgpu_device. All fences come from
* the same amdgpu_device with the same fd.
int amdgpu_cs_wait_fences(struct amdgpu_cs_fence *fences,
uint32_t fence_count,
bool wait_all,
uint64_t timeout_ns,
uint32_t *status, uint32_t *first);
* Query / Info API
* Query allocation size alignments
* UMD should query information about GPU VM MC size alignments requirements
* to be able correctly choose required allocation size and implement
* internal optimization if needed.
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param info - \c [out] Pointer to structure to get size alignment
* requirements
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_query_buffer_size_alignment(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
struct amdgpu_buffer_size_alignments
* Query firmware versions
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param fw_type - \c [in] AMDGPU_INFO_FW_*
* \param ip_instance - \c [in] Index of the IP block of the same type.
* \param index - \c [in] Index of the engine. (for SDMA and MEC)
* \param version - \c [out] Pointer to to the "version" return value
* \param feature - \c [out] Pointer to to the "feature" return value
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_query_firmware_version(amdgpu_device_handle dev, unsigned fw_type,
unsigned ip_instance, unsigned index,
uint32_t *version, uint32_t *feature);
* Query the number of HW IP instances of a certain type.
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param type - \c [in] Hardware IP block type = AMDGPU_HW_IP_*
* \param count - \c [out] Pointer to structure to get information
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_query_hw_ip_count(amdgpu_device_handle dev, unsigned type,
uint32_t *count);
* Query engine information
* This query allows UMD to query information different engines and their
* capabilities.
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param type - \c [in] Hardware IP block type = AMDGPU_HW_IP_*
* \param ip_instance - \c [in] Index of the IP block of the same type.
* \param info - \c [out] Pointer to structure to get information
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_query_hw_ip_info(amdgpu_device_handle dev, unsigned type,
unsigned ip_instance,
struct drm_amdgpu_info_hw_ip *info);
* Query heap information
* This query allows UMD to query potentially available memory resources and
* adjust their logic if necessary.
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param heap - \c [in] Heap type
* \param info - \c [in] Pointer to structure to get needed information
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_query_heap_info(amdgpu_device_handle dev, uint32_t heap,
uint32_t flags, struct amdgpu_heap_info *info);
* Get the CRTC ID from the mode object ID
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param id - \c [in] Mode object ID
* \param result - \c [in] Pointer to the CRTC ID
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_query_crtc_from_id(amdgpu_device_handle dev, unsigned id,
int32_t *result);
* Query GPU H/w Info
* Query hardware specific information
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param heap - \c [in] Heap type
* \param info - \c [in] Pointer to structure to get needed information
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_query_gpu_info(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
struct amdgpu_gpu_info *info);
* Query hardware or driver information.
* The return size is query-specific and depends on the "info_id" parameter.
* No more than "size" bytes is returned.
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param info_id - \c [in] AMDGPU_INFO_*
* \param size - \c [in] Size of the returned value.
* \param value - \c [out] Pointer to the return value.
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX error code
int amdgpu_query_info(amdgpu_device_handle dev, unsigned info_id,
unsigned size, void *value);
* Query information about GDS
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param gds_info - \c [out] Pointer to structure to get GDS information
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_query_gds_info(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
struct amdgpu_gds_resource_info *gds_info);
* Query information about sensor.
* The return size is query-specific and depends on the "sensor_type"
* parameter. No more than "size" bytes is returned.
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param sensor_type - \c [in] AMDGPU_INFO_SENSOR_*
* \param size - \c [in] Size of the returned value.
* \param value - \c [out] Pointer to the return value.
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_query_sensor_info(amdgpu_device_handle dev, unsigned sensor_type,
unsigned size, void *value);
* Read a set of consecutive memory-mapped registers.
* Not all registers are allowed to be read by userspace.
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize(
* \param dword_offset - \c [in] Register offset in dwords
* \param count - \c [in] The number of registers to read starting
* from the offset
* \param instance - \c [in] GRBM_GFX_INDEX selector. It may have other
* uses. Set it to 0xffffffff if unsure.
* \param flags - \c [in] Flags with additional information.
* \param values - \c [out] The pointer to return values.
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX error code
int amdgpu_read_mm_registers(amdgpu_device_handle dev, unsigned dword_offset,
unsigned count, uint32_t instance, uint32_t flags,
uint32_t *values);
* Flag to request VA address range in the 32bit address space
#define AMDGPU_VA_RANGE_32_BIT 0x1
* Allocate virtual address range
* \param dev - [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param va_range_type - \c [in] Type of MC va range from which to allocate
* \param size - \c [in] Size of range. Size must be correctly* aligned.
* It is client responsibility to correctly aligned size based on the future
* usage of allocated range.
* \param va_base_alignment - \c [in] Overwrite base address alignment
* requirement for GPU VM MC virtual
* address assignment. Must be multiple of size alignments received as
* 'amdgpu_buffer_size_alignments'.
* If 0 use the default one.
* \param va_base_required - \c [in] Specified required va base address.
* If 0 then library choose available one.
* If !0 value will be passed and those value already "in use" then
* corresponding error status will be returned.
* \param va_base_allocated - \c [out] On return: Allocated VA base to be used
* by client.
* \param va_range_handle - \c [out] On return: Handle assigned to allocation
* \param flags - \c [in] flags for special VA range
* \return 0 on success\n
* >0 - AMD specific error code\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
* \notes \n
* It is client responsibility to correctly handle VA assignments and usage.
* Neither kernel driver nor libdrm_amdpgu are able to prevent and
* detect wrong va assignemnt.
* It is client responsibility to correctly handle multi-GPU cases and to pass
* the corresponding arrays of all devices handles where corresponding VA will
* be used.
int amdgpu_va_range_alloc(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
enum amdgpu_gpu_va_range va_range_type,
uint64_t size,
uint64_t va_base_alignment,
uint64_t va_base_required,
uint64_t *va_base_allocated,
amdgpu_va_handle *va_range_handle,
uint64_t flags);
* Free previously allocated virtual address range
* \param va_range_handle - \c [in] Handle assigned to VA allocation
* \return 0 on success\n
* >0 - AMD specific error code\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_va_range_free(amdgpu_va_handle va_range_handle);
* Query virtual address range
* UMD can query GPU VM range supported by each device
* to initialize its own VAM accordingly.
* \param dev - [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \param type - \c [in] Type of virtual address range
* \param offset - \c [out] Start offset of virtual address range
* \param size - \c [out] Size of virtual address range
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_va_range_query(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
enum amdgpu_gpu_va_range type,
uint64_t *start,
uint64_t *end);
* VA mapping/unmapping for the buffer object
* \param bo - \c [in] BO handle
* \param offset - \c [in] Start offset to map
* \param size - \c [in] Size to map
* \param addr - \c [in] Start virtual address.
* \param flags - \c [in] Supported flags for mapping/unmapping
* \param ops - \c [in] AMDGPU_VA_OP_MAP or AMDGPU_VA_OP_UNMAP
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_bo_va_op(amdgpu_bo_handle bo,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t size,
uint64_t addr,
uint64_t flags,
uint32_t ops);
* VA mapping/unmapping for a buffer object or PRT region.
* This is not a simple drop-in extension for amdgpu_bo_va_op; instead, all
* parameters are treated "raw", i.e. size is not automatically aligned, and
* all flags must be specified explicitly.
* \param dev - \c [in] device handle
* \param bo - \c [in] BO handle (may be NULL)
* \param offset - \c [in] Start offset to map
* \param size - \c [in] Size to map
* \param addr - \c [in] Start virtual address.
* \param flags - \c [in] Supported flags for mapping/unmapping
* \param ops - \c [in] AMDGPU_VA_OP_MAP or AMDGPU_VA_OP_UNMAP
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_bo_va_op_raw(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
amdgpu_bo_handle bo,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t size,
uint64_t addr,
uint64_t flags,
uint32_t ops);
* create semaphore
* \param sem - \c [out] semaphore handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_cs_create_semaphore(amdgpu_semaphore_handle *sem);
* signal semaphore
* \param context - \c [in] GPU Context
* \param ip_type - \c [in] Hardware IP block type = AMDGPU_HW_IP_*
* \param ip_instance - \c [in] Index of the IP block of the same type
* \param ring - \c [in] Specify ring index of the IP
* \param sem - \c [in] semaphore handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_cs_signal_semaphore(amdgpu_context_handle ctx,
uint32_t ip_type,
uint32_t ip_instance,
uint32_t ring,
amdgpu_semaphore_handle sem);
* wait semaphore
* \param context - \c [in] GPU Context
* \param ip_type - \c [in] Hardware IP block type = AMDGPU_HW_IP_*
* \param ip_instance - \c [in] Index of the IP block of the same type
* \param ring - \c [in] Specify ring index of the IP
* \param sem - \c [in] semaphore handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_cs_wait_semaphore(amdgpu_context_handle ctx,
uint32_t ip_type,
uint32_t ip_instance,
uint32_t ring,
amdgpu_semaphore_handle sem);
* destroy semaphore
* \param sem - \c [in] semaphore handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_cs_destroy_semaphore(amdgpu_semaphore_handle sem);
* Get the ASIC marketing name
* \param dev - \c [in] Device handle. See #amdgpu_device_initialize()
* \return the constant string of the marketing name
* "NULL" means the ASIC is not found
const char *amdgpu_get_marketing_name(amdgpu_device_handle dev);
* Create kernel sync object
* \param dev - \c [in] device handle
* \param syncobj - \c [out] sync object handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_cs_create_syncobj(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
uint32_t *syncobj);
* Destroy kernel sync object
* \param dev - \c [in] device handle
* \param syncobj - \c [in] sync object handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_cs_destroy_syncobj(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
uint32_t syncobj);
* Wait for one or all sync objects to signal.
* \param dev - \c [in] self-explanatory
* \param handles - \c [in] array of sync object handles
* \param num_handles - \c [in] self-explanatory
* \param timeout_nsec - \c [in] self-explanatory
* \param flags - \c [in] a bitmask of DRM_SYNCOBJ_WAIT_FLAGS_*
* \param first_signaled - \c [in] self-explanatory
* \return 0 on success\n
* -ETIME - Timeout
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_cs_syncobj_wait(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
uint32_t *handles, unsigned num_handles,
int64_t timeout_nsec, unsigned flags,
uint32_t *first_signaled);
* Export kernel sync object to shareable fd.
* \param dev - \c [in] device handle
* \param syncobj - \c [in] sync object handle
* \param shared_fd - \c [out] shared file descriptor.
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_cs_export_syncobj(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
uint32_t syncobj,
int *shared_fd);
* Import kernel sync object from shareable fd.
* \param dev - \c [in] device handle
* \param shared_fd - \c [in] shared file descriptor.
* \param syncobj - \c [out] sync object handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_cs_import_syncobj(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
int shared_fd,
uint32_t *syncobj);
* Export kernel sync object to a sync_file.
* \param dev - \c [in] device handle
* \param syncobj - \c [in] sync object handle
* \param sync_file_fd - \c [out] sync_file file descriptor.
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_cs_syncobj_export_sync_file(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
uint32_t syncobj,
int *sync_file_fd);
* Import kernel sync object from a sync_file.
* \param dev - \c [in] device handle
* \param syncobj - \c [in] sync object handle
* \param sync_file_fd - \c [in] sync_file file descriptor.
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_cs_syncobj_import_sync_file(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
uint32_t syncobj,
int sync_file_fd);
* Export an amdgpu fence as a handle (syncobj or fd).
* \param out_handle returned handle
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
int amdgpu_cs_fence_to_handle(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
struct amdgpu_cs_fence *fence,
uint32_t what,
uint32_t *out_handle);
* Submit raw command submission to kernel
* \param dev - \c [in] device handle
* \param context - \c [in] context handle for context id
* \param bo_list_handle - \c [in] request bo list handle (0 for none)
* \param num_chunks - \c [in] number of CS chunks to submit
* \param chunks - \c [in] array of CS chunks
* \param seq_no - \c [out] output sequence number for submission.
* \return 0 on success\n
* <0 - Negative POSIX Error code
struct drm_amdgpu_cs_chunk;
struct drm_amdgpu_cs_chunk_dep;
struct drm_amdgpu_cs_chunk_data;
int amdgpu_cs_submit_raw(amdgpu_device_handle dev,
amdgpu_context_handle context,
amdgpu_bo_list_handle bo_list_handle,
int num_chunks,
struct drm_amdgpu_cs_chunk *chunks,
uint64_t *seq_no);
void amdgpu_cs_chunk_fence_to_dep(struct amdgpu_cs_fence *fence,
struct drm_amdgpu_cs_chunk_dep *dep);
void amdgpu_cs_chunk_fence_info_to_data(struct amdgpu_cs_fence_info *fence_info,
struct drm_amdgpu_cs_chunk_data *data);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* #ifdef _AMDGPU_H_ */