| #include <glib.h> |
| #include <gst/gst.h> |
| |
| extern gboolean _gst_plugin_spew; |
| |
| /* we don't need a lock around the application's state yet, since it's 1 |
| bit. as it gets more fleshed in, we'll need a lock so the callbacks |
| don't screw around with state unexpectedly */ |
| static gboolean playing = TRUE; |
| |
| void eof(GstElement *src) { |
| GST_DEBUG(0,"have EOF\n"); |
| playing = FALSE; |
| } |
| |
| int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { |
| GstElement *pipeline; |
| GstElement *decodethread; |
| GstElementFactory *srcfactory; |
| GstElement *src; |
| GstElementFactory *decodefactory; |
| GstElement *decode; |
| GstElementFactory *queuefactory; |
| GstElement *queue; |
| GstElement *playthread; |
| GstElementFactory *sinkfactory; |
| GstElement *sink; |
| |
| gst_init(&argc,&argv); |
| |
| /* first create the main pipeline */ |
| pipeline = GST_ELEMENT(gst_pipeline_new("pipeline")); |
| |
| /* then the decode thread, source, and decoder */ |
| decodethread = gst_thread_new("decodethread"); |
| |
| srcfactory = gst_elementfactory_find("disksrc"); |
| src = gst_elementfactory_create(srcfactory,"src"); |
| g_object_set(G_OBJECT(src),"location",argv[1],NULL); |
| gst_bin_add(GST_BIN(decodethread),GST_ELEMENT(src)); |
| |
| _gst_plugin_spew = TRUE; |
| |
| if (argc > 2) |
| gst_plugin_load(argv[2]); |
| else |
| gst_plugin_load_all(); |
| decodefactory = gst_elementfactory_find("mpg123"); |
| decode = gst_elementfactory_create(decodefactory,"decode"); |
| gst_bin_add(GST_BIN(decodethread),GST_ELEMENT(decode)); |
| gst_element_add_ghost_pad(GST_ELEMENT(decodethread), |
| gst_element_get_pad(decode,"src"),"src"); |
| |
| gst_pad_connect(gst_element_get_pad(src,"src"), |
| gst_element_get_pad(decode,"sink")); |
| |
| /* then the play thread and sink */ |
| playthread = gst_thread_new("playthread"); |
| |
| sinkfactory = gst_elementfactory_find("osssink"); |
| sink = gst_elementfactory_create(sinkfactory,"sink"); |
| gst_bin_add(GST_BIN(playthread),GST_ELEMENT(sink)); |
| gst_element_add_ghost_pad(GST_ELEMENT(playthread), |
| gst_element_get_pad(sink,"sink"),"sink"); |
| |
| /* create the queue */ |
| queuefactory = gst_elementfactory_find("queue"); |
| queue = gst_elementfactory_create(queuefactory,"queue"); |
| |
| /* add threads to the main pipeline */ |
| gst_bin_add(GST_BIN(pipeline),decodethread); |
| gst_bin_add(GST_BIN(pipeline),queue); |
| gst_bin_add(GST_BIN(pipeline),playthread); |
| |
| gst_pad_connect(gst_element_get_pad(decodethread,"src"), |
| // gst_element_get_pad(queue,"sink")); |
| // gst_pad_connect(gst_element_get_pad(queue,"src"), |
| gst_element_get_pad(playthread,"sink")); |
| |
| g_signal_connectc(G_OBJECT(src),"eof", |
| |
| g_print("\nsetting up the decode thread to *NOT* thread\n"); |
| // gtk_object_set(GTK_OBJECT(decodethread),"create_thread",TRUE,NULL); |
| g_object_set(G_OBJECT(playthread),"create_thread",FALSE,NULL); |
| |
| g_print("\neverything's built, setting it up to be runnable\n"); |
| gst_element_set_state(GST_ELEMENT(pipeline),GST_STATE_READY); |
| |
| g_print("\nok, runnable, hitting 'play'...\n"); |
| gst_element_set_state(GST_ELEMENT(pipeline),GST_STATE_PLAYING); |
| |
| g_print("\niterating on %p and %p\n",decodethread,playthread); |
| while (playing) { |
| gst_bin_iterate(GST_BIN(playthread)); |
| /* buffers got wedged in the queue, unstick them */ |
| // while (((GstQueue *)queue)->buffers_queued) |
| // gst_connection_push(GST_CONNECTION(queue)); |
| // gst_thread_iterate(GST_THREAD(playthread)); |
| // g_print("stuffed and unstuck the queue\n"); |
| // sleep(1); |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |