blob: 93f48ec9291e8aecf5fe5ee72f4d9cb94589d8ab [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 2017-2018 NXP
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Vpu_wrapper.h
* header file contain all related vpu interface info
* History :
* Date (y.m.d) Author Version Description
* 2010-09-07 eagle zhou 0.1 Created
* 2011-02-17 eagle zhou 0.2 Add encoder part
* 2011-12-22 eagle zhou 1.0 refine api
* 2012-01-** eagle zhou 1.0.* add new features: including tile format,etc
* 2016-12-30 Song Bing 2.0.0 Add Hantro video decoder support
* 2017-11-20 Song Bing 3.0.0 Add Amphion video decoder support
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/**************************** version info ***********************************/
#define VPU_WRAPPER_VERSION(major, minor, release) \
(((major) << 16) + ((minor) << 8) + (release))
/**************************** decoder part **********************************/
//typedef RetCode VpuRetCode;
//typedef vpu_versioninfo VpuVersionInfo;
//typedef DecHandle VpuDecHandle;
typedef void * VpuDecHandle;
//typedef DecOpenParam VpuDecOpenParam;
//typedef DecInitialInfo VpuSeqInfo;
//typedef FrameBuffer VpuFrameBuffer;
//typedef DecBufInfo VpuDecBufInfo;
//typedef CodecCommand VpuCodecCommand;
//typedef DecParam VpuDecParam;
typedef enum {
VPU_DEC_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, /*the profile/level/features/... outrange the vpu's capability*/
VPU_DEC_ERR_CORRUPT, /*some syntax errors are detected*/
typedef enum {
VPU_V_MPEG4 = 0,
} VpuCodStd;
typedef enum {
VPU_DEC_ISEARCH, /*only decode IDR*/
typedef enum {
typedef enum {
VPU_DEC_CONF_INPUTTYPE, /*parameter value:
VPU_DEC_IN_NOMAL: normal(default)
VPU_DEC_IN_KICK: kick -- input data/size in VPU_DecDecodeBuf() will be ignored
VPU_DEC_IN_DRAIN: drain -- stream reach end, and input data/size in VPU_DecDecodeBuf() will be ignored
VPU_DEC_CONF_BUFDELAY, /*for stream mode:
parameter represent buf size(unit: bytes), buffer size==0 indicate no any delay*/
VPU_DEC_CONF_INIT_CNT_THRESHOLD, /*at seqinit stage: vpu will report error if data count reach the threshold*/
VPU_DEC_CONF_ENABLE_TILED, /*configure output frame to tiled after parsed sequence header and before register frame buffer */
} VpuDecConfig;
typedef enum
typedef enum
/* bit[0]: input buf info */
/* bit[1:6]: frame output info */
VPU_DEC_OUTPUT_DIS=0x4, /*one frame is output*/
VPU_DEC_OUTPUT_NODIS=0x8, /*no frame output*/
VPU_DEC_OUTPUT_REPEAT=0x10, /*one frame is output repeatly: mainly for VC1 specification: user need to get one timestamp*/
VPU_DEC_OUTPUT_DROPPED=0x20, /*for unclose gop case: (1) drop B or (2) drop non-I frame: user need to get one timestamp*/
VPU_DEC_OUTPUT_MOSAIC_DIS=0x40, /*for unclose gop case: the frame will be output, but not dropped by decoder: user need to get one timestamp*/
/* bit[7:8]: frame output info */
VPU_DEC_NO_ENOUGH_BUF=0x80, /*no enough frame buffer*/
VPU_DEC_NO_ENOUGH_INBUF=0x100, /*no enough input buffer: to avoid null run*/
/* bit[9]: init output info */
VPU_DEC_INIT_OK=0x200, /*user need to call VPU_DecGetInitialInfo()*/
/* bit[10]: skip decode */
VPU_DEC_SKIP=0x400, /*added for cases: need to get two time stamp*/
/*not decoded: interlace or corrupt: user need to get one time stamp*/
/*bit[11]: reserved to represent one frame is decoded*/
VPU_DEC_ONE_FRM_CONSUMED=0x800,/*added for case: need to get decoded(or skipped,corrupt...) frame length*/
/*user may call related api to get the decoded/skipped/.. frame related info*/
/*bit[12]: reolution changed*/
VPU_DEC_RESOLUTION_CHANGED=0x1000,/*added for case: upward change in resolution*/
/*user need to release all frames, call VPU_DecGetInitialInfo() and re-allocation/register frames according to new bigger resolution*/
/* bit[31]: flush is recommended */
VPU_DEC_FLUSH=0x80000000, /*for some clisps, special for h.264 TS stream(may has no IDR at all), the random start/seek point may introduce unrecoverable mosaic*/
typedef enum {
VPU_DEC_CAP_FILEMODE=0, /* file mode is supported ? 0: not; 1: yes*/
VPU_DEC_CAP_TILE, /* tile format is supported ? 0: not; 1: yes*/
VPU_DEC_CAP_FRAMESIZE, /* reporting frame size ? 0: not; 1: yes*/
VPU_DEC_CAP_RESOLUTION_CHANGE, /*resolution change notification ? 0: not; 1: yes*/
typedef enum
VPU_MEM_VIRT = 0, /* 0 for virtual Memory */
VPU_MEM_PHY = 1, /* 1 for physical continuous Memory */
typedef enum
VPU_I_PIC=0, /*I frame or I sclie(H.264)*/
VPU_P_PIC, /*P frame or P sclie(H.264)*/
VPU_B_PIC, /*B frame or B sclie(H.264)*/
VPU_IDR_PIC, /*IDR frame(H.264)*/
VPU_BI_PIC, /*BI frame(VC1)*/
VPU_SKIP_PIC, /*Skipped frame(VC1)*/
VPU_UNKNOWN_PIC, /*reserved*/
typedef enum
VPU_FIELD_NONE=0, /*frame*/
VPU_FIELD_TOP, /*only top field*/
VPU_FIELD_BOTTOM, /*only bottom field*/
VPU_FIELD_TB, /*top field + bottom field*/
VPU_FIELD_BT, /*bottom field + top field*/
VPU_FIELD_UNKNOWN, /*reserved*/
typedef struct {
int nAlignment; /* alignment limitation */
int nSize; /* Size in bytes */
VpuMemType MemType; /* Flag to indicate Static, Scratch or output data memory */
unsigned char* pVirtAddr; /* virtual address:Pointer to the base memory , which will be allocated and filled by the application*/
unsigned char* pPhyAddr; /* physical address: Pointer to the base memory , which will be allocated and filled by the application*/
int nReserved[3]; /*reserved for future extension*/
} VpuMemSubBlockInfo;
typedef struct{
int nSubBlockNum;
VpuMemSubBlockInfo MemSubBlock[VPU_DEC_MAX_NUM_MEM_REQS];
typedef struct
int nFwMajor; /* firmware major version */
int nFwMinor; /* firmware minor version */
int nFwRelease; /* firmware release version */
int nFwCode; /* firmware code version */
int nLibMajor; /* library major version */
int nLibMinor; /* library minor version */
int nLibRelease; /* library release version */
int nReserved; /*reserved for future extension*/
typedef struct
int nMajor; /* major version */
int nMinor; /* minor version */
int nRelease; /* release version */
char* pBinary; /* version info specified by user(such as build time), below is one example in makefile:
int nReserved[4]; /*reserved for future extension*/
typedef struct {
VpuCodStd CodecFormat;
//unsigned int bitstreamBuffer;
//int bitstreamBufferSize;
//int qpReport;
//int mp4DeblkEnable;
int nReorderEnable;
int nChromaInterleave; //should be set to 1 when (nMapType!=0)
int nMapType; //registered frame buffer type: 0--linear; 1--frame tile; 2--field tile
int nTiled2LinearEnable; //output frame(only valid when nMapType!=0) : 0--tile. eg. same with registered frame ; 1--linear(not supported)
//int filePlayEnable;
int nPicWidth;
int nPicHeight;
//int dynamicAllocEnable;
//int streamStartByteOffset;
//int mjpg_thumbNailDecEnable;
//unsigned int psSaveBuffer;
//int psSaveBufferSize;
//int mp4Class;
//int block;
int nEnableFileMode;
int nEnableVideoCompressor;
int nPixelFormat; /*output 10 bit or cut to 8 bit for Hantro G2. 0 for output 10 bit, 1 for cut to 8 bit */
int nAdaptiveMode;
void* pAppCxt; /*reserved for future application extension*/
int nSecureMode;
} VpuDecOpenParam;
typedef struct {
/* stride info */
unsigned int nStrideY;
unsigned int nStrideC;
/* physical address */
unsigned char* pbufY; //luma frame pointer or top field pointer(for field tile)
unsigned char* pbufCb; //chroma frame pointer or top field pointer(for field tile)
unsigned char* pbufCr;
unsigned char* pbufMvCol;
unsigned char* pbufY_tilebot; //for field tile: luma bottom pointer
unsigned char* pbufCb_tilebot; //for field tile: chroma bottom pointer
//unsigned char* pbufCr_tilebot; //not required since always enable interleave for tile
/* virtual address */
unsigned char* pbufVirtY; //luma frame pointer or top field pointer(for field tile)
unsigned char* pbufVirtCb; //chroma frame pointer or top field pointer(for field tile)
unsigned char* pbufVirtCr;
unsigned char* pbufVirtMvCol;
unsigned char* pbufVirtY_tilebot; //for field tile: luma bottom pointer
unsigned char* pbufVirtCb_tilebot; //for field tile: chroma bottom pointer
//unsigned char* pbufVirtCr_tilebot; //not required since always enable interleave for tile
int nReserved[5]; /*reserved for future extension*/
void* pPrivate; /*reserved for future special extension*/
} VpuFrameBuffer;
typedef struct {
unsigned int nLeft;
unsigned int nTop;
unsigned int nRight;
unsigned int nBottom;
} VpuRect;
//typedef struct {
// unsigned int sliceSaveBuffer;
// int sliceSaveBufferSize;
//} VpuDecAvcSliceBufInfo;
//typedef struct {
// VpuDecAvcSliceBufInfo avcSliceBufInfo;
//} VpuDecBufInfo;
typedef struct VpuHDR10Meta {
unsigned int redPrimary[2];
unsigned int greenPrimary[2];
unsigned int bluePrimary[2];
unsigned int whitePoint[2];
unsigned int maxMasteringLuminance;
unsigned int minMasteringLuminance;
unsigned int maxContentLightLevel;
unsigned int maxFrameAverageLightLevel;
} VpuHDR10Meta;
typedef struct VpuColourDesc {
unsigned int colourPrimaries;
unsigned int transferCharacteristics;
unsigned int matrixCoeffs;
unsigned int fullRange;
} VpuColourDesc;
typedef struct VpuChromaLocInfo {
unsigned int chromaSampleLocTypeTopField;
unsigned int chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField;
} VpuChromaLocInfo;
typedef struct {
int nPicWidth; // {(PicX+15)/16} * 16
int nPicHeight; // {(PicY+15)/16} * 16
int nFrameRateRes; // frameinfo: numerator. <=0 represent invalid
int nFrameRateDiv; // frameinfo: denominator. <=0 represent invalid
VpuRect PicCropRect;
//int mp4_dataPartitionEnable;
//int mp4_reversibleVlcEnable;
//int mp4_shortVideoHeader;
//int h263_annexJEnable;
int nMinFrameBufferCount;
//int frameBufDelay;
//int nextDecodedIdxNum;
//int normalSliceSize;
//int worstSliceSize;
//int mjpg_thumbNailEnable;
int nMjpgSourceFormat;
//int streamInfoObtained;
//int profile;
//int level;
int nInterlace;
//int constraint_set_flag[4];
//int direct8x8Flag;
//int vc1_psf;
unsigned int nQ16ShiftWidthDivHeightRatio; //fixed point for width/height: 1: 0x10000; 0.5: 0x8000;...
//Uint32 errorcode;
int nConsumedByte; /*reserved to record sequence length: value -1 indicate unknow*/
//DecReportBufSize reportBufSize;
int nAddressAlignment; /*address alignment for Y/Cb/Cr (unit: bytes)*/
int nFrameSize; /*hantro video decoder append DMV and compression table in pixel buffer */
int nBitDepth;
int nReserved[3]; /*reserved for future extension*/
void* pSpecialInfo; /*reserved for future special extension*/
int hasColorDesc;
int hasHdr10Meta;
VpuHDR10Meta Hdr10Meta; /* HDR10 meta data */
VpuColourDesc ColourDesc;
VpuChromaLocInfo ChromaLocInfo;
} VpuDecInitInfo;
typedef struct {
//int prescanEnable;
//int prescanMode;
//int dispReorderBuf;
//int iframeSearchEnable;
int skipframeMode;
//int skipframeNum;
#if 0 //move into VPU_DecDecBuf(..., VpuBufferNode* pInData,...)
int chunkSize;
int picStartByteOffset;
unsigned int picStreamBufferAddr;
} VpuDecParam;
typedef struct {
int nFrmWidth; /*support dynamic resolution*/
int nFrmHeight; /*support dynamic resolution*/
VpuRect FrmCropRect; /*support dynamic resolution*/
unsigned int nQ16ShiftWidthDivHeightRatio; /*support dynamic ratio, refer to definition in struct 'VpuDecInitInfo'*/
int rfc_luma_offset;
int rfc_chroma_offset;
int nReserved[7]; /*reserved for recording other info*/
typedef struct {
//int indexFrameDisplay;
//int indexFrameDecoded;
VpuFrameBuffer * pDisplayFrameBuf;
//VpuFrameBuffer * pDecodedFrameBuf;
//int NumDecFrameBuf;
VpuPicType ePicType;
//int numOfErrMBs;
//Uint32 *qpInfo;
//int hScaleFlag;
//int vScaleFlag;
//int indexFrameRangemap;
//int prescanresult;
//int notSufficientPsBuffer;
//int notSufficientSliceBuffer;
//int decodingSuccess;
//int interlacedFrame;
//int mp4PackedPBframe;
//int h264Npf;
//int pictureStructure;
//int nTopFieldFirst;
//int nRepeatFirstField;
//union {
// int progressiveFrame;
// int vc1_repeatFrame;
//int fieldSequence;
//int decPicHeight;
//int decPicWidth;
//Rect decPicCrop;
//DecReportInfo mbInfo;
//DecReportInfo mvInfo;
//DecReportInfo frameBufStat;
//DecReportInfo userData;
//int nConsumedByte; /*reserved to record frame length: value -1 indicate unknow*/
VpuFieldType eFieldType; /*added for user to implement deinterlace process*/
int nMVCViewID; /*used to indicate which view of MVC clips*/
VpuFrameExtInfo * pExtInfo; /*extended info: support dynamic resolution, ...*/
int nReserved[2]; /*reserved for future extension*/
void* pPrivate; /*reserved for future special extension*/
} VpuDecOutFrameInfo;
typedef struct
unsigned char* pData; /*buffer virtual addr*/
unsigned int nSize; /*valid data length */
typedef struct
unsigned char* pPhyAddr; /*buffer physical base addr*/
unsigned char* pVirAddr; /*buffer virtual base addr*/
unsigned int nSize; /*valid data length */
VpuCodecData sCodecData; /*private data specified by codec*/
int nReserved[2]; /*reserved for future extension*/
void* pPrivate; /*reserved for future special extension*/
typedef enum{
typedef struct
int nSize; /*!requested memory size */
unsigned long nPhyAddr; /*!physical memory address allocated */
unsigned long nCpuAddr; /*!cpu addr for system free usage */
unsigned long nVirtAddr; /*!virtual user space address */
VpuMemDescType nType;
int nReserved[3]; /*reserved for future extension*/
typedef struct {
VpuFrameBuffer* pFrame; /*point to the frame buffer. if it is NULL, it represent the frame is skipped by vpu, but the other length info are still valid*/
int nStuffLength; /*stuff data length ahead of frame. If it is < 0, mean the config data contain some valid frames, user need to process this case carefully*/
int nFrameLength; /*valid frame length: should be > 0*/
int nReserved[5]; /*reserved for recording other info*/
/**************************** encoder part **********************************/
typedef void * VpuEncHandle;
typedef enum
/*the value comply with the vpu lib header file, don't change it !*/
typedef enum {
} VpuEncMirrorDirection;
typedef struct {
int nMinFrameBufferCount;
int nAddressAlignment; /*address alignment for Y/Cb/Cr (unit: bytes)*/
} VpuEncInitInfo;
typedef enum
typedef enum
/* bit[0]: input buf info */
/* bit[1:4]: frame output info */
VPU_ENC_OUTPUT_SEQHEADER=0x4, /*sequence header(for H.264: SPS/PPS)*/
typedef struct {
VpuCodStd eFormat;
int nPicWidth;
int nPicHeight;
int nRotAngle;
int nFrameRate;
int nBitRate; /*unit: kbps*/
int nGOPSize;
int nIntraRefresh; /*intra macro block numbers*/
int nIntraQP; /*0: auto, >0: qp value*/
int nChromaInterleave; /*should be set to 1 when (nMapType!=0)*/
VpuEncMirrorDirection sMirror;
//int nQuantParam;
int nMapType; /*frame buffer: 0--linear ; 1--frame tile; 2--field tile*/
int nLinear2TiledEnable; /*valid when (nMapType!=0): 0--tile input; 1--yuv input*/
VpuColorFormat eColorFormat; /*only MJPG support non-420*/
int nIsAvcc; /*it is used for H.264 data format, 0: byte stream ; 1: avcc format*/
int nReserved[3]; /*reserved for future extension*/
void* pAppCxt; /*reserved for future extension*/
} VpuEncOpenParamSimp;
typedef struct {
int sliceMode;
int sliceSizeMode;
int sliceSize;
int nReserved; /*reserved for future extension*/
} VpuEncSliceMode;
typedef struct {
int mp4_dataPartitionEnable;
int mp4_reversibleVlcEnable;
int mp4_intraDcVlcThr;
int mp4_hecEnable;
int mp4_verid;
int nReserved[3]; /*reserved for future extension*/
} VpuEncMp4Param;
typedef struct {
int h263_annexIEnable;
int h263_annexJEnable;
int h263_annexKEnable;
int h263_annexTEnable;
int nReserved[4]; /*reserved for future extension*/
} VpuEncH263Param;
typedef struct {
int avc_constrainedIntraPredFlag;
int avc_disableDeblk;
int avc_deblkFilterOffsetAlpha;
int avc_deblkFilterOffsetBeta;
int avc_chromaQpOffset;
int avc_audEnable;
int avc_fmoEnable;
int avc_fmoSliceNum;
int avc_fmoType;
int avc_fmoSliceSaveBufSize;
int nReserved[6]; /*reserved for future extension*/
} VpuEncAvcParam;
typedef struct {
VpuCodStd eFormat;
int nPicWidth;
int nPicHeight;
int nRotAngle;
int nFrameRate;
int nBitRate; /*unit: kbps*/
int nGOPSize;
int nChromaInterleave; /*should be set to 1 when (nMapType!=0)*/
VpuEncMirrorDirection sMirror;
//int nQuantParam;
int nMapType; /*frame buffer: 0--linear ; 1--frame tile; 2--field tile*/
int nLinear2TiledEnable; /*valid when (nMapType!=0): 0--tile input; 1--yuv input*/
VpuColorFormat eColorFormat; /*only MJPG support non-420*/
int nUserQpMax;
int nUserQpMin;
int nUserQpMinEnable;
int nUserQpMaxEnable;
int nIntraRefresh;
int nRcIntraQp;
int nUserGamma;
int nRcIntervalMode; /* 0:normal, 1:frame_level, 2:slice_level, 3: user defined Mb_level */
int nMbInterval; /* use when RcintervalMode is 3 */
int nAvcIntra16x16OnlyModeEnable;
VpuEncSliceMode sliceMode;
int nInitialDelay;
int nVbvBufferSize;
union {
VpuEncMp4Param mp4Param;
VpuEncH263Param h263Param;
VpuEncAvcParam avcParam;
//EncMjpgParam mjpgParam;
} VpuEncStdParam;
int nMESearchRange; // 3: 16x16, 2:32x16, 1:64x32, 0:128x64, H.263(Short Header : always 3)
int nMEUseZeroPmv; // 0: PMV_ENABLE, 1: PMV_DISABLE
int nIntraCostWeight; // Additional weight of Intra Cost for mode decision to reduce Intra MB density
int nIsAvcc; /*it is used for H.264 data format, 0: byte stream ; 1: avcc format*/
int nReserved[8]; /*reserved for future extension*/
void* pAppCxt; /*reserved for future extension*/
} VpuEncOpenParam;
typedef struct {
VpuCodStd eFormat;
int nPicWidth;
int nPicHeight;
int nFrameRate;
int nQuantParam;
unsigned long nInPhyInput; //input buffer address
unsigned long nInVirtInput;
int nInInputSize;
unsigned long nInPhyOutput; //output frame address
unsigned long nInVirtOutput;
unsigned int nInOutputBufLen;
/*advanced options*/
int nForceIPicture;
int nSkipPicture;
int nEnableAutoSkip;
VpuEncBufRetCode eOutRetCode;
int nOutOutputSize;
VpuFrameBuffer * pInFrame;/*extended for advanced user to set crop info: if this pointer isn't null, the Y/Cb/Cr address in this struct will be adopted*/
int nReserved[2]; /*reserved for future extension*/
void* pPrivate; /*reserved for future extension*/
} VpuEncEncParam;
typedef enum {
VPU_ENC_CONF_BIT_RATE, /*parameter: kbps*/
VPU_ENC_CONF_INTRA_REFRESH, /*intra refresh: minimum number of macroblocks to refresh in a frame*/
VPU_ENC_CONF_ENA_SPSPPS_IDR, /*some muxers may ignore the sequence or config data(such as ts muxer), so SPS/PPS is needed for every IDR frame, including the first IDR*/
VPU_ENC_CONF_RC_INTRA_QP, /*intra qp value*/
VPU_ENC_CONF_INTRA_REFRESH_MODE, /*intra refresh mode: 0: normal; 1: cyclic*/
} VpuEncConfig;
/********************************** decoder APIs ***************************************/
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecLoad();
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetVersionInfo(VpuVersionInfo * pOutVerInfo);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetWrapperVersionInfo(VpuWrapperVersionInfo * pOutVerInfo);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecQueryMem(VpuMemInfo* pOutMemInfo);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecOpen(VpuDecHandle *pOutHandle, VpuDecOpenParam * pInParam,VpuMemInfo* pInMemInfo);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetCapability(VpuDecHandle InHandle,VpuDecCapability eInCapability, int* pOutCapbility);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecDisCapability(VpuDecHandle InHandle,VpuDecCapability eInCapability);
//VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecSeqInit(VpuDecHandle InHandle, VpuBufferNode* pInData, VpuSeqInfo * pOutInfo);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecConfig(VpuDecHandle InHandle, VpuDecConfig InDecConf, void* pInParam);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecDecodeBuf(VpuDecHandle InHandle, VpuBufferNode* pInData,int* pOutBufRetCode);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetInitialInfo(VpuDecHandle InHandle, VpuDecInitInfo * pOutInitInfo);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecRegisterFrameBuffer(VpuDecHandle InHandle,VpuFrameBuffer *pInFrameBufArray, int nNum);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetOutputFrame(VpuDecHandle InHandle, VpuDecOutFrameInfo * pOutFrameInfo);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetConsumedFrameInfo(VpuDecHandle InHandle,VpuDecFrameLengthInfo* pOutFrameInfo);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecOutFrameDisplayed(VpuDecHandle InHandle, VpuFrameBuffer* pInFrameBuf);
//VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecFlushLeftStream(VpuDecHandle InHandle);
//VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecFlushLeftFrame(VpuDecHandle InHandle);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecFlushAll(VpuDecHandle InHandle);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecAllRegFrameInfo(VpuDecHandle InHandle, VpuFrameBuffer** ppOutFrameBuf, int* pOutNum);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetNumAvailableFrameBuffers(VpuDecHandle InHandle,int* pOutBufNum);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecClose(VpuDecHandle InHandle);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecUnLoad();
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecReset(VpuDecHandle InHandle);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetErrInfo(VpuDecHandle InHandle,VpuDecErrInfo* pErrInfo);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetMem(VpuMemDesc* pInOutMem);
VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecFreeMem(VpuMemDesc* pInMem);
/********************************** encoder APIs ***************************************/
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncLoad();
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncUnLoad();
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncReset(VpuEncHandle InHandle);
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncOpenSimp(VpuEncHandle *pOutHandle, VpuMemInfo* pInMemInfo,VpuEncOpenParamSimp * pInParam);
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncOpen(VpuEncHandle *pOutHandle, VpuMemInfo* pInMemInfo,VpuEncOpenParam* pInParam);
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncClose(VpuEncHandle InHandle);
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncGetInitialInfo(VpuEncHandle InHandle, VpuEncInitInfo * pOutInitInfo);
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncGetVersionInfo(VpuVersionInfo * pOutVerInfo);
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncGetWrapperVersionInfo(VpuWrapperVersionInfo * pOutVerInfo);
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncRegisterFrameBuffer(VpuEncHandle InHandle,VpuFrameBuffer *pInFrameBufArray, int nNum,int nSrcStride);
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncQueryMem(VpuMemInfo* pOutMemInfo);
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncGetMem(VpuMemDesc* pInOutMem);
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncFreeMem(VpuMemDesc* pInMem);
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncConfig(VpuEncHandle InHandle, VpuEncConfig InEncConf, void* pInParam);
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncEncodeFrame(VpuEncHandle InHandle, VpuEncEncParam* pInOutParam);
VpuEncRetCode VPU_EncEncodeFrame(VpuEncHandle InHandle, VpuEncEncParam* pInOutParam);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif //#ifndef VPU_WRAPPER_H