blob: c6cef5238b3d37251968a8fc051744af55a75045 [file] [log] [blame]
<description>This element converts a stream of normal GStreamer buffers into a stream of buffers that are allocated in such a way that out-of-bounds access to data in the buffer is more likely to cause segmentation faults. This allocation method is very similar to the debugging tool &quot;Electric Fence&quot;.</description>
<package>GStreamer Good Plug-ins git</package>
<origin>Unknown package origin</origin>
<longname>Electric Fence</longname>
<description>This element converts a stream of normal GStreamer buffers into a stream of buffers that are allocated in such a way that out-of-bounds access to data in the buffer is more likely to cause segmentation faults. This allocation method is very similar to the debugging tool &quot;Electric Fence&quot;.</description>
<author>David A. Schleef &lt;;</author>