udpsrc: fix typo in documentation

diff --git a/gst/udp/gstudpsrc.c b/gst/udp/gstudpsrc.c
index 1f77251..fdeca5d 100644
--- a/gst/udp/gstudpsrc.c
+++ b/gst/udp/gstudpsrc.c
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
  * off proprietary header, for example.
  * The udpsrc is always a live source. It does however not provide a #GstClock,
- * this is left for upstream elements such as an RTP session manager or demuxer
+ * this is left for downstream elements such as an RTP session manager or demuxer
  * (such as an MPEG demuxer). As with all live sources, the captured buffers
  * will have their timestamp set to the current running time of the pipeline.