souphttpsrc: Reset retry_count to 0 when GST_FLOW_FLUSHING

If a lot of seek method is called very quickly, sometimes data reading
and do_request occurs while seek flush event is occurring and error
occurs because retry_count
reaches to the max. Thus, reset retry_count if flush occurs after
do_request and read_buffer.
diff --git a/ext/soup/gstsouphttpsrc.c b/ext/soup/gstsouphttpsrc.c
index 9756924..28642e3 100644
--- a/ext/soup/gstsouphttpsrc.c
+++ b/ext/soup/gstsouphttpsrc.c
@@ -1835,6 +1835,13 @@
       goto retry;
+  if (ret == GST_FLOW_FLUSHING) {
+    g_mutex_lock (&src->mutex);
+    src->retry_count = 0;
+    g_mutex_unlock (&src->mutex);
+  }
   return ret;