blob: 2be262ebd3084c7a9749ab805ca6d62ff3ef7a0d [file] [log] [blame]
if x11_dep.found() # FIXME: originally if USE_X
if gtk_x11_dep.found()
executable('gtk-videooverlay', 'gtk-videooverlay.c',
c_args : gst_plugins_base_args,
include_directories: [configinc, libsinc],
dependencies : [glib_deps, gst_dep, video_dep, libm, x11_dep, gtk_x11_dep],
install: false)
if have_cxx # check for C++ support
qt5_mod = import('qt5')
qt5widgets_dep = dependency('qt5', modules : ['Gui', 'Widgets'], required: false)
# FIXME Add a way to get that information out of the qt5 module
moc = find_program('moc-qt5', required : false)
if qt5widgets_dep.found() and moc.found()
executable('qt-videooverlay', 'qt-videooverlay.cpp',
cpp_args : gst_plugins_base_args,
include_directories: [configinc, libsinc],
dependencies : [glib_deps, gst_dep, video_dep, libm, x11_dep, qt5widgets_dep],
install: false)
# FIXME: this doesn't work properly yet, no moc_qtgv-videooverlay.cpp generated
moc_files = qt5_mod.preprocess(moc_headers : 'qtgv-videooverlay.h')#moc_sources : 'qtgv-videooverlay.cpp')
executable('qtgv-videooverlay', 'qtgv-videooverlay.cpp', moc_files,
cpp_args : gst_plugins_base_args,
include_directories: [configinc, libsinc],
dependencies : [glib_deps, gst_dep, video_dep, libm, x11_dep, qt5widgets_dep],
install: false)