qcacld-2.0: Monitor mode - Populate Ch info in Radiotap Header
In LL Monitor mode path obtain Channel information
from rx indication message and update the radiotap
header channel information field
Change-Id: I982080687d70f20fdb9e3ee5863995e1c5411f7a
CRs-Fixed: 2180948
diff --git a/CORE/CLD_TXRX/HTT/htt_rx.c b/CORE/CLD_TXRX/HTT/htt_rx.c
index 53c82ad..a34d5df 100644
--- a/CORE/CLD_TXRX/HTT/htt_rx.c
+++ b/CORE/CLD_TXRX/HTT/htt_rx.c
@@ -1646,14 +1646,18 @@
uint32_t msdu_count = 0;
struct htt_host_rx_desc_base *rx_desc;
struct mon_rx_status rx_status = {0};
+ struct htt_rx_in_ord_paddr_ind_hdr_t *host_msg_hdr;
uint32_t amsdu_len;
uint32_t len;
uint32_t last_frag;
+ uint32_t ch_freq;
HTT_ASSERT1(htt_rx_in_order_ring_elems(pdev) != 0);
rx_ind_data = adf_nbuf_data(rx_ind_msg);
msg_word = (uint32_t *)rx_ind_data;
+ host_msg_hdr = (struct htt_rx_in_ord_paddr_ind_hdr_t *)rx_ind_data;
+ ch_freq = vos_chan_to_freq(host_msg_hdr->reserved_1);
@@ -1695,6 +1699,7 @@
* Make the netbuf's data pointer point to the payload rather
* than the descriptor.
+ rx_status.chan = (uint16_t)ch_freq;
htt_get_radiotap_rx_status(rx_desc, &rx_status);
* 250 bytes of RX_STD_DESC size should be sufficient for