blob: 80aa24c62887262d34e16bf59a2725428e5137df [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <arch.h>
#include <asm_macros.S>
#include <cpu_macros.S>
#include <css_def.h>
.weak plat_secondary_cold_boot_setup
.weak plat_get_my_entrypoint
.globl css_calc_core_pos_swap_cluster
.weak plat_is_my_cpu_primary
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* void plat_secondary_cold_boot_setup(void);
* In the normal boot flow, cold-booting secondary
* CPUs is not yet implemented and they panic.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
func plat_secondary_cold_boot_setup
/* TODO: Implement secondary CPU cold boot setup on CSS platforms */
b cb_panic
endfunc plat_secondary_cold_boot_setup
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* uintptr_t plat_get_my_entrypoint (void);
* Main job of this routine is to distinguish between a cold and a warm
* boot. On CSS platforms, this distinction is based on the contents of
* the Trusted Mailbox. It is initialised to zero by the SCP before the
* AP cores are released from reset. Therefore, a zero mailbox means
* it's a cold reset.
* This functions returns the contents of the mailbox, i.e.:
* - 0 for a cold boot;
* - the warm boot entrypoint for a warm boot.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
func plat_get_my_entrypoint
ldr r0, [r0]
bx lr
endfunc plat_get_my_entrypoint
/* -----------------------------------------------------------
* unsigned int css_calc_core_pos_swap_cluster(u_register_t mpidr)
* Utility function to calculate the core position by
* swapping the cluster order. This is necessary in order to
* match the format of the boot information passed by the SCP
* and read in plat_is_my_cpu_primary below.
* -----------------------------------------------------------
func css_calc_core_pos_swap_cluster
and r1, r0, #MPIDR_CPU_MASK
eor r0, r0, #(1 << MPIDR_AFFINITY_BITS) // swap cluster order
add r0, r1, r0, LSR #6
bx lr
endfunc css_calc_core_pos_swap_cluster
/* -----------------------------------------------------
* unsigned int plat_is_my_cpu_primary (void);
* Find out whether the current cpu is the primary
* cpu (applicable ony after a cold boot)
* -----------------------------------------------------
func plat_is_my_cpu_primary
mov r10, lr
bl plat_my_core_pos
mov r4, r0
bl sds_get_primary_cpu_id
/* Check for error */
mov r1, #0xffffffff
cmp r0, r1
beq 1f
cmp r0, r4
moveq r0, #1
movne r0, #0
bx r10
no_ret plat_panic_handler
endfunc plat_is_my_cpu_primary
func plat_is_my_cpu_primary
mov r10, lr
bl plat_my_core_pos
ldr r1, [r1]
cmp r0, r1
moveq r0, #1
movne r0, #0
bx r10
endfunc plat_is_my_cpu_primary