blob: 96ee638d7ef490588243c400a60d579ab05c5034 [file] [log] [blame]
/* GStreamer
* Copyright (C) <1999> Erik Walthinsen <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __ASF_DEMUX_H__
#define __ASF_DEMUX_H__
#include <gst/gst.h>
#include <gst/base/gstadapter.h>
#include "asfheaders.h"
#define GST_ASF_DEMUX(obj) \
#define GST_ASF_DEMUX_CLASS(klass) \
#define GST_IS_ASF_DEMUX(obj) \
#define GST_IS_ASF_DEMUX_CLASS(klass) \
#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT asfdemux_dbg
typedef struct _GstASFDemux GstASFDemux;
typedef struct _GstASFDemuxClass GstASFDemuxClass;
typedef struct {
guint32 packet;
guint16 count;
} AsfSimpleIndexEntry;
typedef struct {
AsfPayloadExtensionID id : 16; /* extension ID; the :16 makes sure the
* struct gets packed into 4 bytes */
guint16 len; /* save this so we can skip unknown IDs */
} AsfPayloadExtension;
typedef struct
gboolean valid; /* TRUE if structure is valid/filled */
GstClockTime start_time;
GstClockTime end_time;
GstClockTime avg_time_per_frame;
guint32 data_bitrate;
guint32 buffer_size;
guint32 intial_buf_fullness;
guint32 data_bitrate2;
guint32 buffer_size2;
guint32 intial_buf_fullness2;
guint32 max_obj_size;
guint32 flags;
guint16 lang_idx;
/* may be NULL if there are no extensions; otherwise, terminated by
* an AsfPayloadExtension record with len 0 */
AsfPayloadExtension *payload_extensions;
/* missing: stream names */
} AsfStreamExtProps;
typedef struct
AsfStreamType type;
gboolean active; /* if the stream has been activated (pad added) */
GstPad *pad;
guint16 id;
/* video-only */
gboolean is_video;
gboolean fps_known;
GstCaps *caps;
GstTagList *pending_tags;
gboolean discont;
/* Descrambler settings */
guint8 span;
guint16 ds_packet_size;
guint16 ds_chunk_size;
guint16 ds_data_size;
/* for new parsing code */
GstFlowReturn last_flow; /* last flow return */
GArray *payloads; /* pending payloads */
/* Video stream PAR & interlacing */
guint8 par_x;
guint8 par_y;
gboolean interlaced;
/* extended stream properties (optional) */
AsfStreamExtProps ext_props;
gboolean inspect_payload;
} AsfStream;
typedef enum {
} GstASFDemuxState;
struct _GstASFDemux {
GstElement element;
GstPad *sinkpad;
gboolean have_group_id;
guint group_id;
GstAdapter *adapter;
GstTagList *taglist;
GstASFDemuxState state;
/* byte offset where the asf starts, which might not be zero on chained
* asfs, index_offset and data_offset already are 'offseted' by base_offset */
guint64 base_offset;
guint64 index_offset; /* byte offset where index might be, or 0 */
guint64 data_offset; /* byte offset where packets start */
guint64 data_size; /* total size of packet data in bytes, or 0 */
guint64 num_packets; /* total number of data packets, or 0 */
gint64 packet; /* current packet */
guint speed_packets; /* Known number of packets to get in one go*/
gchar **languages;
guint num_languages;
GstCaps *metadata; /* metadata, for delayed parsing; one
* structure ('stream-N') per stream */
GstStructure *global_metadata; /* metadata which isn't specific to one stream */
GSList *ext_stream_props; /* for delayed processing (buffers) */
GSList *mut_ex_streams; /* mutually exclusive streams */
guint32 num_audio_streams;
guint32 num_video_streams;
guint32 num_streams;
gboolean activated_streams;
/* for chained asf handling, we need to hold the old asf streams until
* we detect the new ones */
AsfStream old_stream[GST_ASF_DEMUX_NUM_STREAMS];
gboolean old_num_streams;
GstClockTime first_ts; /* smallest timestamp found */
guint32 packet_size;
guint64 play_time;
guint64 preroll;
gboolean seekable;
gboolean broadcast;
GstSegment segment; /* configured play segment */
gboolean accurate;
gboolean need_newsegment; /* do we need to send a new-segment event? */
guint32 segment_seqnum; /* if the new segment must have this seqnum */
GstClockTime segment_ts; /* streaming; timestamp for segment start */
GstSegment in_segment; /* streaming; upstream segment info */
GstClockTime in_gap; /* streaming; upstream initial segment gap for interpolation */
gboolean segment_running; /* if we've started the current segment */
gboolean streaming; /* TRUE if we are operating chain-based */
GstClockTime latency;
/* for debugging only */
gchar *objpath;
/* simple index, if available */
GstClockTime sidx_interval; /* interval between entries in ns */
guint sidx_num_entries; /* number of index entries */
AsfSimpleIndexEntry *sidx_entries; /* packet number for each entry */
GSList *other_streams; /* remember streams that are in header but have unknown type */
struct _GstASFDemuxClass {
GstElementClass parent_class;
GType gst_asf_demux_get_type (void);
AsfStream * gst_asf_demux_get_stream (GstASFDemux * demux, guint16 id);
gboolean gst_asf_demux_is_unknown_stream(GstASFDemux *demux, guint stream_num);
#endif /* __ASF_DEMUX_H__ */