Rename and split up the seed job yaml.
diff --git a/operator-configs/configmap.yaml b/operator-configs/configmap.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b70c7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/operator-configs/configmap.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+  name: jenkins-mendel-linux-casc
+  1-config-as-code.yaml: |
+    credentials:
+      system:
+        domainCredentials:
+          - credentials:
+              - googleRobotMetadata:
+                  projectId: "mendel-linux-cloud-infra"
+    unclassified:
+      globalLibraries:
+        libraries:
+          - name: functions
+            defaultVersion: master
+            retriever:
+              modernSCM:
+                scm:
+                  git:
+                    remote:
+  2-custom-views.yaml: |
+    jenkins:
+      views:
+        - all:
+            name: "all"
+        - list:
+            columns:
+              - "status"
+              - "weather"
+              - "jobName"
+              - "lastSuccess"
+              - "lastFailure"
+              - "lastDuration"
+              - "buildButton"
+            description: "All Core Packages"
+            includeRegex: "^core\\..*"
+            name: "core"
+        - list:
+            columns:
+              - "status"
+              - "weather"
+              - "jobName"
+              - "lastSuccess"
+              - "lastFailure"
+              - "lastDuration"
+              - "buildButton"
+            description: "All Enterprise Packages"
+            includeRegex: "^enterprise\\..*"
+            name: "enterprise"
+  3-google-oauth-login.yaml: |
diff --git a/operator-configs/mendel-linux.yaml b/operator-configs/mendel-linux.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b362f42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/operator-configs/mendel-linux.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+kind: Jenkins
+  name: mendel-linux
+  master:
+    basePlugins:
+    - name: kubernetes
+      version: "1.15.7"
+    - name: workflow-job
+      version: "2.33"
+    - name: workflow-aggregator
+      version: "2.6"
+    - name: git
+      version: "3.10.0"
+    - name: job-dsl
+      version: "1.74"
+    - name: configuration-as-code
+      version: "1.30"
+    - name: configuration-as-code-support
+      version: "1.18"
+    - name: kubernetes-credentials-provider
+      version: "0.12.1"
+    - name: repo
+      version: "1.11.1"
+    plugins:
+    - name: copyartifact
+      version: "1.43"
+    - name: google-storage-plugin
+      version: "1.5.1"
+    - name: google-login
+      version: "1.6"
+  seedJobs:
+  - id: mendel-linux
+    targets: "cicd/jobs/*.jenkins"
+    description: "Mendel Linux Jenkins Repository"
+    repositoryBranch: "master"
+    repositoryUrl: ""
+    buildPeriodically: "*/30 * * * *"
+  configurationAsCode:
+    configurations:
+      - name: jenkins-mendel-linux-casc
diff --git a/operator-configs/seed-jobs.yaml b/operator-configs/seed-jobs.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4094e70..0000000
--- a/operator-configs/seed-jobs.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: ConfigMap
-  name: jenkins-mendel-linux-casc
-  1-config-as-code.yaml: |
-    credentials:
-      system:
-        domainCredentials:
-          - credentials:
-              - googleRobotMetadata:
-                  projectId: "mendel-linux-cloud-infra"
-    unclassified:
-      globalLibraries:
-        libraries:
-          - name: functions
-            defaultVersion: master
-            retriever:
-              modernSCM:
-                scm:
-                  git:
-                    remote:
-  2-custom-views.yaml: |
-    jenkins:
-      views:
-        - all:
-            name: "all"
-        - list:
-            columns:
-              - "status"
-              - "weather"
-              - "jobName"
-              - "lastSuccess"
-              - "lastFailure"
-              - "lastDuration"
-              - "buildButton"
-            description: "All Core Packages"
-            includeRegex: "^core\\..*"
-            name: "core"
-        - list:
-            columns:
-              - "status"
-              - "weather"
-              - "jobName"
-              - "lastSuccess"
-              - "lastFailure"
-              - "lastDuration"
-              - "buildButton"
-            description: "All Enterprise Packages"
-            includeRegex: "^enterprise\\..*"
-            name: "enterprise"
-  3-google-oauth-login.yaml: |
-kind: Jenkins
-  name: mendel-linux
-  master:
-    basePlugins:
-    - name: kubernetes
-      version: "1.15.7"
-    - name: workflow-job
-      version: "2.33"
-    - name: workflow-aggregator
-      version: "2.6"
-    - name: git
-      version: "3.10.0"
-    - name: job-dsl
-      version: "1.74"
-    - name: configuration-as-code
-      version: "1.30"
-    - name: configuration-as-code-support
-      version: "1.18"
-    - name: kubernetes-credentials-provider
-      version: "0.12.1"
-    - name: repo
-      version: "1.11.1"
-    plugins:
-    - name: copyartifact
-      version: "1.43"
-    - name: google-storage-plugin
-      version: 1.5.1
-    - name: google-login
-      version: 1.6
-  seedJobs:
-  - id: mendel-linux
-    targets: "cicd/jobs/*.jenkins"
-    description: "Mendel Linux Jenkins Repository"
-    repositoryBranch: master
-    repositoryUrl:
-    buildPeriodically: "*/30 * * * *"
-  configurationAsCode:
-    configurations:
-      - name: jenkins-mendel-linux-casc