blob: 1ca07bb3adbeab86581572aa7a020be758956bb8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
def initSourceTree(boardName, needsNative = false) {
sh """
apt-get update
apt-get -y install make python curl git qemu-user-static sudo
curl > /usr/local/bin/repo
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/repo
git clone /tmp/gcompute-tools
git config --global url. sso://aiyprojects/
mkdir -p .repo/local_manifests
mkdir -p cache
chmod 777 cache .repo/local_manifests
timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') {
checkout([$class: 'RepoScm',
currentBranch: true,
jobs: 24,
manifestRepositoryUrl: '',
manifestBranch: 'master',
manifestFile: "${boardName}.xml",
manifestGroup: "default,internal",
depth: 1,
quiet: true])
// Bring in the pbuilder tarballs.
// archiveArtifacts includes the relative path to the
// files we archive, so we don't have to specify cache/
// here in the target.
if (needsNative) {
copyArtifacts(projectName: 'global.pbuilder.native', filter: '**/*.tgz')
} else {
copyArtifacts(projectName: 'global.pbuilder.arm64', filter: '**/*.tgz')
copyArtifacts(projectName: 'global.pbuilder.armhf', filter: '**/*.tgz')
def buildTarget(targetName) {
sh "bash -c 'source build/; m prereqs ${targetName}; exit \$?'"
def nameFromRepoType(repoType, boardName) {
if (repoType == "core") {
return "core"
} else if (repoType == "bsp") {
return "bsp-${boardName}"
} else {
error 'Unknown repoType ${repoType}'
def archiveAllGeneratedPackages(repoType, boardName) {
def outPath = repoType
def repoName = nameFromRepoType(repoType, boardName)
sh """
mkdir -p pool/${repoName}
cp src/out/target/product/*/packages/${outPath}/* pool/${repoName}
archiveArtifacts([artifacts: "pool/${repoName}/*",
fingerprint: true])
def uploadAllGeneratedPackages(repoType, boardName) {
def outPath = repoType
def repoName = nameFromRepoType(repoType, boardName)
sh """
mkdir -p upload
cp src/out/target/product/*/packages/${outPath}/* upload/
googleStorageUpload([bucket: "gs://mendel-linux-apt/pool/${repoName}/",
credentialsId: 'mendel-linux-cloud-infra',
pattern: "upload/*",
pathPrefix: "upload/",
sharedPublicly: true])
def buildPackagePipeline(boardName, repoType, packageName, needsNative = false) {
def workspacePath = "/home/jenkins/workspace"
def buildLabel = "${packageName}-${UUID.randomUUID().toString()}"
def sourcePath = "${workspacePath}/src"
// FIXME(jtgans): Get rid of privileged! This is a security risk!
def jnlpContainer = containerTemplate(name: 'jnlp',
image: 'jenkins/jnlp-slave:alpine')
def debianContainer = containerTemplate(name: 'debian',
image: 'debian:buster-slim',
command: 'cat',
args: '',
ttyEnabled: true,
privileged: true)
podTemplate(label: buildLabel, containers: [jnlpContainer, debianContainer], envVars: []) {
node(buildLabel) {
dir(sourcePath) {
stage('Init') {
container('debian') {
initSourceTree(boardName, needsNative)
stage('Build') {
container('debian') {
dir(workspacePath) {
stage('Deploy') {
archiveAllGeneratedPackages(repoType, boardName)
uploadAllGeneratedPackages(repoType, boardName)