Make repo use a local manifest to override sso urls.
diff --git a/local_manifest.xml b/local_manifest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e4d383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local_manifest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+This local manifest includes overrides to make repo use https rather than sso
+URLs for fetching internal projects we cannot release. Unfortunately, this is
+required until we can get off of the internal build systems.
+    <remote fetch="" name="coral"
+      review="" />
+    <project path="a71ch-crypto-support" name="a71ch-crypto-support"
+      groups="notdefault,internal" remote="coral" />
+    <project path="packages/a71-crypto-support" name="a71ch-crypto-support-package"
+      groups="notdefault,internal" remote="coral" />
+    <project name="imx-gpu-viv" path="imx-gpu-viv" revision="source"
+      groups="notdefault,internal" remote="coral" />
+    <project name="imx-gpu-viv-debian" path="packages/imx-gpu-viv"
+      groups="notdefault,internal" remote="coral" />
+    <project name="imx-vpu-hantro" path="imx-vpu-hantro"
+      groups="notdefault,internal" remote="coral" />
+    <project name="imx-vpu-hantro-debian" path="packages/imx-vpu-hantro"
+      groups="notdefault,internal" remote="coral" />
+    <project name="imx-vpuwrap" path="imx-vpuwrap"
+      groups="notdefault,internal" remote="coral" />
+    <project name="imx-vpuwrap-debian" path="packages/imx-vpuwrap"
+      groups="notdefault,internal" remote="coral" />
+    <project name="kokoro-enterprise" path="kokoro"
+      groups="notdefault,internal" remote="coral" revision="master" />
diff --git a/vars/functions.groovy b/vars/functions.groovy
index 56ba4bf..1a82bb3 100644
--- a/vars/functions.groovy
+++ b/vars/functions.groovy
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
                   manifestBranch: 'master',
                   manifestFile: "${boardName}.xml",
                   manifestGroup: "default,internal",
+                  localManifest: "",
                   depth: 1,
                   quiet: true])