blob: 4d0d296499ca25b31183377a10ac2b888063026a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.
r"""Demonstrates on-device last layer backprop with flowers dataset.
This demo runs a similar task as described in TF Poets tutorial, except that
learning happens on-device.
Here are the steps:
*) mkdir -p /tmp/retrain/
*) curl \
| tar xz -C /tmp/retrain
*) To start training, run the following in edgetpu/ directory
python3 edgetpu/demo/ \
--data_dir /tmp/retrain/flower_photos \
--embedding_extractor_path \
Weights for retrained last layer will be saved to /tmp/retrain/output by
*) To use the model, run
python3 edgetpu/demo/ \
--model /tmp/retrain/output/retrained_model_edgetpu.tflite \
--label /tmp/retrain/output/label_map.txt
--image [Image Path]
import argparse
import contextlib
import os
import sys
import time
from edgetpu.basic import basic_engine
from edgetpu.learn.backprop.softmax_regression import SoftmaxRegression
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
def test_image(path):
"""Returns opened test image."""
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
with as image:
yield image
def save_label_map(label_map, out_path):
"""Saves label map to a file."""
with open(out_path, 'w') as f:
for key, val in label_map.items():
f.write('%s %s\n' % (key, val))
def get_image_paths(data_dir):
"""Walks through data_dir and returns list of image paths and label map.
data_dir: string, path to data directory. It assumes data directory is
organized as,
-- image_class_0_a.jpg
-- image_class_0_b.jpg
-- ...
-- image_class_1_a.jpg
-- ...
A tuple of (image_paths, labels, label_map)
image_paths: list of string, represents image paths
labels: list of int, represents labels
label_map: a dictionary (int -> string), e.g., 0->class0, 1->class1, etc.
classes = None
image_paths = []
labels = []
class_idx = 0
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(data_dir):
if root == data_dir:
# Each sub-directory in `data_dir`
classes = dirs
# Read each sub-directory
assert classes[class_idx] in root
print('Reading dir: %s, which has %d images' % (root, len(files)))
for img_name in files:
image_paths.append(os.path.join(root, img_name))
class_idx += 1
return image_paths, labels, dict(zip(range(class_idx), classes))
def shuffle_and_split(image_paths, labels, val_percent=0.1, test_percent=0.1):
"""Shuffles and splits data into train, validation, and test sets.
image_paths: list of string, of dim num_data
labels: list of int of length num_data
val_percent: validation data set percentage.
test_percent: test data set percentage.
Two dictionaries (train_and_val_dataset, test_dataset).
train_and_val_dataset has the following fields.
'data_train': data_train
'labels_train': labels_train
'data_val': data_val
'labels_val': labels_val
test_dataset has the following fields.
'data_test': data_test
'labels_test': labels_test
image_paths = np.array(image_paths)
labels = np.array(labels)
perm = np.random.permutation(image_paths.shape[0])
image_paths = image_paths[perm]
labels = labels[perm]
num_total = image_paths.shape[0]
num_val = int(num_total * val_percent)
num_test = int(num_total * test_percent)
num_train = num_total - num_val - num_test
train_and_val_dataset = {}
train_and_val_dataset['data_train'] = image_paths[0:num_train]
train_and_val_dataset['labels_train'] = labels[0:num_train]
train_and_val_dataset['data_val'] = image_paths[num_train:num_train + num_val]
train_and_val_dataset['labels_val'] = labels[num_train:num_train + num_val]
test_dataset = {}
test_dataset['data_test'] = image_paths[num_train + num_val:]
test_dataset['labels_test'] = labels[num_train + num_val:]
return train_and_val_dataset, test_dataset
def extract_embeddings(image_paths, engine):
"""Uses model to process images as embeddings.
Reads image, resizes and feeds to model to get feature embeddings. Original
image is discarded to keep maximum memory consumption low.
image_paths: ndarray, represents a list of image paths.
engine: BasicEngine, wraps embedding extractor model.
ndarray of length image_paths.shape[0] of embeddings.
_, input_height, input_width, _ = engine.get_input_tensor_shape()
assert engine.get_num_of_output_tensors() == 1
feature_dim = engine.get_output_tensor_size(0)
embeddings = np.empty((len(image_paths), feature_dim), dtype=np.float32)
for idx, path in enumerate(image_paths):
with test_image(path) as img:
img = img.resize((input_width, input_height), Image.NEAREST)
_, embeddings[idx, :] = engine.RunInference(np.asarray(img).flatten())
return embeddings
def train(model_path, data_dir, output_dir):
"""Trains a softmax regression model given data and embedding extractor.
model_path: string, path to embedding extractor.
data_dir: string, directory that contains training data.
output_dir: string, directory to save retrained tflite model and label map.
t0 = time.perf_counter()
image_paths, labels, label_map = get_image_paths(data_dir)
train_and_val_dataset, test_dataset = shuffle_and_split(image_paths, labels)
# Initializes basic engine model here to avoid repeatedly initialization,
# which is time consuming.
engine = basic_engine.BasicEngine(model_path)
print('Extract embeddings for data_train')
train_and_val_dataset['data_train'] = extract_embeddings(
train_and_val_dataset['data_train'], engine)
print('Extract embeddings for data_val')
train_and_val_dataset['data_val'] = extract_embeddings(
train_and_val_dataset['data_val'], engine)
t1 = time.perf_counter()
print('Data preprocessing takes %.2f seconds' % (t1 - t0))
# Construct model and start training
weight_scale = 5e-2
reg = 0.0
feature_dim = train_and_val_dataset['data_train'].shape[1]
num_classes = np.max(train_and_val_dataset['labels_train']) + 1
model = SoftmaxRegression(
feature_dim, num_classes, weight_scale=weight_scale, reg=reg)
learning_rate = 1e-2
batch_size = 100
num_iter = 500
train_and_val_dataset, num_iter, learning_rate, batch_size=batch_size)
t2 = time.perf_counter()
print('Training takes %.2f seconds' % (t2 - t1))
# Append learned weights to input model and save as tflite format.
out_model_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'retrained_model_edgetpu.tflite')
model.save_as_tflite_model(model_path, out_model_path)
print('Model %s saved.' % out_model_path)
label_map_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'label_map.txt')
save_label_map(label_map, label_map_path)
print('Label map %s saved.' % label_map_path)
t3 = time.perf_counter()
print('Saving retrained model and label map takes %.2f seconds' % (t3 - t2))
retrained_engine = basic_engine.BasicEngine(out_model_path)
test_embeddings = extract_embeddings(test_dataset['data_test'],
saved_model_acc = np.mean(
np.argmax(test_embeddings, axis=1) == test_dataset['labels_test'])
print('Saved tflite model test accuracy: %.2f%%' % (saved_model_acc * 100))
t4 = time.perf_counter()
print('Checking test accuracy takes %.2f seconds' % (t4 - t3))
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='Path to embedding extractor tflite model.')
parser.add_argument('--data_dir', required=True, help='Directory to data.')
help='Path to directory to save retrained model and label map.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists(args.data_dir):
sys.exit('%s does not exist!' % args.data_dir)
if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir):
train(args.embedding_extractor_path, args.data_dir, args.output_dir)
if __name__ == '__main__':