blob: fc73f44cb096a5abc0f4a938fc46941f63367541 [file] [log] [blame]
This device tree overlay is provided to enable the functionality of the Coral
Environmental Sensor Board. It is already included on the HAT EEPROM included
with the board.
If customization of the blob is desired, dtc is used to compile the overlay:
dtc -@ -I dts -O dtb -o coral-enviro-board-overlay.dtbo coral-enviro-board-overlay.dts
It is also possible to overwrite the EEPROM. In order to do this:
1) Short JP1 (a solder bridge) to unlock the EEPROM.
2) Enable I2C0 access (add dtparam=i2c0=on to config.txt in the boot partiton).
3) Rebuild and flash following instructions at