board: Initial commit of the porcelain tool

This gives us a unified way of working with the board.

Change-Id: I2bca8d69027f0655fe15180750efefe62eb7bf4f
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..21a18a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+SSH_OPTIONS="-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i${SSH_KEY_FILE}"
+function die
+    echo "board: $@" >/dev/stderr
+    exit 1
+function try
+    "$@" || die "$@ failed. Aborting."
+function copy-key
+    if [[ ! -f "${SSH_KEY_FILE}" ]]; then
+        die "${SSH_KEY_FILE} not found -- run setup-key first."
+    fi
+    local ssh_pub_file_contents="$(cat ${SSH_PUB_FILE})"
+    try ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -C aiy@${BOARD_IP_ADDRESS} " \
+        mkdir -p /home/aiy/.ssh; \
+        echo '${ssh_pub_file_contents}' >/home/aiy/.ssh/authorized_keys"
+function command::setup-key
+    if [[ ! -f "${SSH_KEY_FILE}" || ! -f "${SSH_PUB_FILE}" ]]; then
+        rm -f "${SSH_KEY_FILE}" "${SSH_PUB_FILE}"
+        echo "Generating SSH keyfile in ${SSH_KEY_FILE}..."
+        try ssh-keygen -f "${SSH_KEY_FILE}" -N "" >/dev/null
+    fi
+    echo "Copying keyfile to board (you may be prompted for aiy's password -- it's 'aiy')..."
+    copy-key
+    echo "Done."
+function command::install
+    local package_partial="$1"; shift
+    if [[ -z "${package_partial}" ]]; then
+        die "Usage: install <package-partial-name>"
+    fi
+    local filename="${package_partial}"
+    if [[ ! -f "${filename}" ]]; then
+        filename=$(echo $PRODUCT_OUT/packages/$filename*.deb)
+        if [[ ! -f "${filename}" ]]; then
+            die "push: no such package ${filename}"
+        fi
+    fi
+    copy-key
+    try scp ${SSH_OPTIONS} -C "${filename}" aiy@${BOARD_IP_ADDRESS}:/tmp
+    local basename=$(basename "${filename}")
+    try ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -Ct aiy@${BOARD_IP_ADDRESS} " \
+        sudo dpkg -i /tmp/${basename}; \
+        sudo apt-get -f -y install"
+function command::push
+    local source_path="$1"; shift
+    local dest_path="$1"; shift
+    if [[ -z "${source_path}" || -z "${dest_path}" ]]; then
+        die "Usage: pull <local-source> <remote-dest>"
+    fi
+    copy-key
+    try scp ${SSH_OPTIONS} -C "${source_path}" "aiy@${BOARD_IP_ADDRESS}:${dest_path}"
+function command::pull
+    local source_path="$1"; shift
+    local dest_path="$1"; shift
+    if [[ -z "${source_path}" || -z "${dest_path}" ]]; then
+        die "Usage: pull <remote-source> <local-dest>"
+    fi
+    copy-key
+    try scp ${SSH_OPTIONS} -C "aiy@${BOARD_IP_ADDRESS}:${source_path}" "${dest_path}"
+function command::shell
+    if [[ ! -f "${SSH_KEY_FILE}" ]]; then
+        die "${SSH_KEY_FILE} not found -- run setup-key first."
+    fi
+    copy-key
+    if [[ ! -z "$@" ]]; then
+        ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -Ct aiy@${BOARD_IP_ADDRESS} "$@"
+    else
+        ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -Ct aiy@${BOARD_IP_ADDRESS}
+    fi
+function command::reboot
+    if [[ ! -f "${SSH_KEY_FILE}" ]]; then
+        die "${SSH_KEY_FILE} not found -- run setup-key first."
+    fi
+    copy-key
+    ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -Ct aiy@${BOARD_IP_ADDRESS} "sudo reboot"
+function command::reboot-bootloader
+    if [[ ! -f "${SSH_KEY_FILE}" ]]; then
+        die "${SSH_KEY_FILE} not found -- run setup-key first."
+    fi
+    copy-key
+    ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -Ct aiy@${BOARD_IP_ADDRESS} "sudo reboot-bootloader"
+function command::help
+    local subcommand="$1"; shift
+    if [[ -z "${subcommand}" ]]; then
+        echo "Usage: [<options>] <subcommand> [<subcommand-options>]"
+        echo "Where <subcommand> is one of the following:"
+        echo
+        echo "    setup-key         - generate an ssh key and store it to the attached board."
+        echo "    install           - install a deb from your product directory to the board."
+        echo "    push              - upload a file somewhere to the board."
+        echo "    pull              - download a file from the board."
+        echo "    shell             - open a shell to the board."
+        echo "    reboot            - reboot the board."
+        echo "    reboot-bootloader - reboot the board into fastboot."
+        echo "    help              - get help on subcommands."
+        echo
+        echo "Global options are"
+        echo "    -i <filename>    - set the location of the identity filename"
+        echo "    -a <ip-address>  - use an alternative IP address"
+        echo "    -h               - show this help text"
+        echo
+        die "Use 'help <subcommand>' for more details."
+    fi
+function main
+    local subcommand="$1"; shift
+    if [[ -z "$ROOTDIR" ]]; then
+        die "\$ROOTDIR is not defined. 'source build/' first!"
+    fi
+    if ! which ssh >/dev/null || ! which scp >/dev/null; then
+        die "ssh or scp not found -- please ensure they're installed."
+    fi
+    case "${subcommand}" in
+        setup-key)         command::setup-key "$@" ;;
+        install)           command::install "$@" ;;
+        push)              command::push "$@" ;;
+        pull)              command::pull "$@" ;;
+        shell)             command::shell "$@" ;;
+        reboot)            command::reboot ;;
+        reboot-bootloader) command::reboot-bootloader ;;
+        help|'')           command::help "$@" ;;
+        *)
+            die "Unknown subcommand '${subcommand}' -- try 'help'."
+            ;;
+    esac
+    return 0
+main "$@"