blob: 6f5b493e2feef0803664759f82675ff285774dc2 [file] [log] [blame]
* BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux
* Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Qualcomm Incorporated
* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Maxim Krasnyansky <>
* Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Marcel Holtmann <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <bluetooth/bluetooth.h>
#include <bluetooth/hci.h>
#include "glib-ectomy.h"
#define HCID_CONFIG_FILE CONFIGDIR "/hcid.conf"
#define HCID_DEFAULT_DISCOVERABLE_TIMEOUT 180 /* 3 minutes */
* Scanning modes, used by DEV_SET_MODE
* off: remote devices are not allowed to find or connect to this device
* connectable: remote devices are allowed to connect, but they are not
* allowed to find it.
* discoverable: remote devices are allowed to connect and find this device
* unknown: reserved to not allowed/future modes
#define MODE_OFF "off"
#define MODE_CONNECTABLE "connectable"
#define MODE_DISCOVERABLE "discoverable"
#define MODE_UNKNOWN "unknown"
enum {
struct device_opts {
unsigned long flags;
char *name;
uint32_t class;
uint16_t voice;
uint8_t inqmode;
uint16_t pageto;
uint16_t pkt_type;
uint16_t link_mode;
uint16_t link_policy;
uint16_t scan;
int discovto;
extern struct device_opts default_device;
extern struct device_opts *parser_device;
struct device_list {
char *ref; /* HCI device or Bluetooth address */
struct device_list *next;
struct device_opts opts;
struct hcid_opts {
char host_name[40];
int auto_init;
int security;
int pairing;
char *config_file;
uint8_t pin_code[16];
int pin_len;
int sock;
extern struct hcid_opts hcid;
typedef enum {
} req_status_t;
struct hci_req_data {
int dev_id;
int event;
req_status_t status;
bdaddr_t dba;
uint16_t ogf;
uint16_t ocf;
void *cparam;
int clen;
struct hci_req_data *hci_req_data_new(int dev_id, const bdaddr_t *dba, uint16_t ogf, uint16_t ocf, int event, const void *cparam, int clen);
void hci_req_queue_append(struct hci_req_data *data);
void hci_req_queue_remove(int dev_id, bdaddr_t *dba);
#define HCID_SEC_NONE 0
#define HCID_SEC_AUTO 1
#define HCID_SEC_USER 2
int read_config(char *file);
struct device_opts *alloc_device_opts(char *ref);
int get_discoverable_timeout(int dev_id);
void init_security_data(void);
void start_security_manager(int hdev);
void stop_security_manager(int hdev);
void toggle_pairing(int enable);
void set_pin_length(bdaddr_t *sba, int length);
int hcid_dbus_init(void);
void hcid_dbus_exit(void);
void hcid_dbus_set_experimental();
int hcid_dbus_use_experimental();
int hcid_dbus_register_device(uint16_t id);
int hcid_dbus_unregister_device(uint16_t id);
void hcid_dbus_pending_bonding_add(bdaddr_t *sba, bdaddr_t *dba);
void hcid_dbus_request_pin(int dev, bdaddr_t *sba, struct hci_conn_info *ci);
void hcid_dbus_inquiry_start(bdaddr_t *local);
void hcid_dbus_inquiry_complete(bdaddr_t *local);
void hcid_dbus_inquiry_result(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, uint32_t class, int8_t rssi);
void hcid_dbus_remote_class(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, uint32_t class);
void hcid_dbus_remote_name(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, uint8_t status, char *name);
void hcid_dbus_conn_complete(bdaddr_t *local, uint8_t status, uint16_t handle, bdaddr_t *peer);
void hcid_dbus_disconn_complete(bdaddr_t *local, uint8_t status, uint16_t handle, uint8_t reason);
void hcid_dbus_bonding_process_complete(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, const uint8_t status);
void hcid_dbus_create_conn_cancel(bdaddr_t *local, void *ptr);
void hcid_dbus_setname_complete(bdaddr_t *local);
void hcid_dbus_setscan_enable_complete(bdaddr_t *local);
void init_devices(void);
int add_device(uint16_t dev_id);
int remove_device(uint16_t dev_id);
int start_device(uint16_t dev_id);
int stop_device(uint16_t dev_id);
int get_device_address(uint16_t dev_id, char *address, size_t size);
int get_device_version(uint16_t dev_id, char *version, size_t size);
int get_device_revision(uint16_t dev_id, char *revision, size_t size);
int get_device_manufacturer(uint16_t dev_id, char *manufacturer, size_t size);
int get_device_company(uint16_t dev_id, char *company, size_t size);
int get_device_name(uint16_t dev_id, char *name, size_t size);
int set_device_name(uint16_t dev_id, const char *name);
int get_device_alias(uint16_t dev_id, const bdaddr_t *bdaddr, char *alias, size_t size);
int set_device_alias(uint16_t dev_id, const bdaddr_t *bdaddr, const char *alias);
int get_encryption_key_size(uint16_t dev_id, const bdaddr_t *baddr);
int write_discoverable_timeout(bdaddr_t *bdaddr, int timeout);
int read_discoverable_timeout(bdaddr_t *bdaddr, int *timeout);
int write_device_mode(bdaddr_t *bdaddr, const char *mode);
int read_device_mode(bdaddr_t *bdaddr, char *mode, int length);
int write_local_name(bdaddr_t *bdaddr, char *name);
int read_local_name(bdaddr_t *bdaddr, char *name);
int write_local_class(bdaddr_t *bdaddr, uint8_t *class);
int read_local_class(bdaddr_t *bdaddr, uint8_t *class);
int write_remote_class(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, uint32_t class);
int read_remote_class(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, uint32_t *class);
int write_device_name(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, char *name);
int read_device_name(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, char *name);
int write_version_info(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, uint16_t manufacturer, uint8_t lmp_ver, uint16_t lmp_subver);
int write_features_info(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, unsigned char *features);
int write_lastseen_info(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, struct tm *tm);
int write_lastused_info(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, struct tm *tm);
int write_link_key(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, unsigned char *key, int type, int length);
int read_link_key(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, unsigned char *key);
int read_pin_length(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer);
int read_pin_code(bdaddr_t *local, bdaddr_t *peer, char *pin);
void info(const char *format, ...);
void error(const char *format, ...);
void debug(const char *format, ...);
void enable_debug();
void disable_debug();
void start_logging(const char *ident, const char *message);
void stop_logging(void);