blob: ea4e26c2f95cdc652cff4749eaf2b55331ae65e3 [file] [log] [blame]
PTS test results for SPP
PTS version: 5.3
Tested: 12-November-2014
Android version: 5.0
PASS test passed
FAIL test failed
INC test is inconclusive
N/A test is disabled due to PICS setup
Test Name Result Notes
TC_DevA_APP_BV_01_C PASS rctest -n -P <channel> <bdaddr>
Note: IUT should sdp query PTS in order to
check given channel for COM5
TC_DevB_APP_BV_02_C PASS haltest: socket listen BTSOCK_RFCOMM
<srvc_name> <uuid>
TC_APP_BV_03_C N/A Missing in PTS
PTS issue #12388
Note: tests BV_03 : BV_6 currently not supported
ETA: December 2014 (PTS 6.0)
TC_APP_BV_04_C N/A Missing in PTS
TC_APP_BV_05_C N/A Missing in PTS
TC_APP_BV_06_C N/A Missing in PTS