blob: cb84f4e6f08e85f24316e3e3cd095b8d2470ec8e [file] [log] [blame]
Bluetooth Management API
Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Marcel Holtmann <>
Packet Structures
0 4 8 12 16 22 24 28 31 35 39 43 47
| Command Code | Controller Index | Parameter Length |
| |
0 4 8 12 16 22 24 28 31 35 39 43 47
| Event Code | Controller Index | Parameter Length |
| |
Controller Index can have a special value <non-controller> to indicate that
command or event is not related to any controller. Possible values:
<controller id> 0x0000 to 0xFFFE
<non-controller> 0xFFFF
Read Management Version Information Command
Command Code: 0x0001
Controller Index: <non-controller>
Command Parameters:
Return Parameters: Version (1 Octets)
Revision (2 Octets)
Read Management Supported Features Command
Command Code: 0x0002
Controller Index: <non-controller>
Command Parameters:
Return Parameters: Features (8 Octets)
Feature Bit 0: Controller Support
Feature Bit 1: Tracing Support
Read Controller Index List Command
Command Code: 0x0003
Controller Index: <non-controller>
Command Parameters:
Return Parameters: Num_Controllers (2 Octets)
Controller_Index[i] (2 Octets)
Read Controller Information Command
Command Code: 0x0004
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters:
Return Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Bluetooth_Version (1 Octet)
Manufacturer (2 Octets)
Supported_Settings (4 Octets)
Current_Settings (4 Octets)
Class_Of_Device (3 Octets)
Name (249 Octets)
Short_Name (11 Octets)
If not short name is set the Short_Name parameter will be empty
(begin with a nul byte).
Current_Settings & Supported_Settings is a bitmask with
currently the following available bits:
1 Powered
2 Connectable
3 Fast Connectable
4 Discoverable
5 Pairable
6 Link Level Security (Sec. mode 3)
7 Secure Simple Pairing
8 Basic Rate/Enhanced Data Rate
9 High Speed
10 Low Energy
Set Powered Command
Command Code: 0x0005
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Powered (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Current_Settings (4 Octets)
Set Discoverable Command
Command Code: 0x0006
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Discoverable (1 Octet)
Timeout (2 Octets)
Return Parameters: Current_Settings (4 Octets)
Timeout is the time in seconds and is only meningful when
Discoverable is set to 1.
Set Connectable Command
Command Code: 0x0007
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Connectable (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Current_Settings (4 Octets)
Set Fast Connectable Command
Command Code: 0x0008
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Enable (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Current_Settings (4 Octets)
Set Pairable Command
Command Code: 0x0009
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Pairable (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Current_Settings (4 Octets)
Set Link Security Command
Command Code: 0x000A
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Link_Security (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Current_Settings (4 Octets)
Set Secure Simple Pairing Command
Command Code: 0x000B
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Secure_Simple_Pairing (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Current_Settings (4 Octets)
Set High Speed Command
Command Code: 0x000C
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: High_Speed (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Current_Settings (4 Octets)
Set Low Energy Command
Command Code: 0x000D
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Low_Energy (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Current_Settings (4 Octets)
Set Device Class
Command Code: 0x000E
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Major_Class (1 Octet)
Minor_Class (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Class_Of_Device (3 Octets)
This command will also implicitly disable caching of pending CoD
and EIR updates.
Set Local Name Command
Command Code: 0x000F
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Name (249 Octets)
Short_Name (11 Octets)
Return Parameters: Name (249 Octets)
Short_Name (11 Octets)
The name parameters need to always end with a nul byte (failure
to do so will cause the command to fail).
Add UUID Command
Command Code: 0x0010
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: UUID (16 Octets)
SVC_Hint (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Class_Of_Device (3 Octets)
Remove UUID Command
Command Code: 0x0011
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: UUID (16 Octets)
Return Parameters: Class_Of_Device (3 Octets)
Load Link Keys Command
Command Code: 0x0012
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Debug_Keys (1 Octet)
Key_Count (2 Octets)
Key1 {
Address (6 Octets)
Type (1 Octet)
Value (16 Octets)
PIN_Length (1 Octet)
Key2 { }
Return Parameters:
Remove Keys Command
Command Code: 0x0013
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Disconnect (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Status (1 Octet)
Removes all keys associated with the remote device.
Disconnect Command
Command Code: 0x0014
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Return Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Status (6 Octets)
Get Connections Command
Command Code: 0x0015
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters:
Return Parameters: Connection_Count (2 Octets)
Address1 {
Address (6 Octets)
Type (1 Octet)
Address2 { }
Possible values for the Type parameter:
1 LE Public
2 LE Random
PIN Code Reply Command
Command Code: 0x0016
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters:
Return Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
PIN_Length (1 Octet)
PIN_Code (16 Octets)
PIN Code Negative Reply Command
Command Code: 0x0017
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters:
Return Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Set IO Capability Command
Command Code: 0x0018
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: IO_Capability (1 Octet)
Return Parameters:
Pair Device Command
Command Code: 0x0019
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Address_Type (1 Octet)
IO_Capability (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Address_Type (1 Octet)
Status (1 Octet)
Possible values for the Address_Type parameter:
1 LE Public
2 LE Random
User Confirmation Reply Command
Command Code: 0x001A
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Return Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Status (1 Octet)
User Confirmation Negative Reply Command
Command Code: 0x001B
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Return Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Status (1 Octet)
User Passkey Reply Command
Command Code: 0x001C
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Passkey (4 Octets)
Return Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Status (1 Octet)
User Passkey Negative Reply Command
Command Code: 0x001D
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Return Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Status (1 Octet)
Read Local Out Of Band Data Command
Command Code: 0x001E
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters:
Return Parameters: Hash (16 Octets)
Randomizer (16 Octets)
Add Remote Out Of Band Data Command
Command Code: 0x001F
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Hash (16 Octets)
Randomizer (16 Octets)
Return Parameters:
Remove Remote Out Of Band Data Command
Command Code: 0x0020
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Return Parameters:
Start Discovery Command
Command Code: 0x00021
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Type (1 Octet)
Return Parameters:
Possible values for the Type parameter are a bit-wise or of the
following bits:
2 LE Public
3 LE Random
By combining these e.g. the following values are possible:
6 LE (public & random)
7 BR/EDR/LE (interleaved discovery)
Stop Discovery Command
Command Code: 0x00022
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters:
Return Parameters:
Confirm Name Command
Command Code: 0x00023
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Name_Known (1 Octet)
Return Parameters:
This command is only valid during device discovery and is
expected for each Device Found event with the Confirm Name
flag set.
Block Device Command
Command Code: 0x00024
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Return Parameters:
Unblock Device Command
Command Code: 0x00025
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
Return Parameters:
Load Long Term Keys Command
Command Code: 0x0026
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Key Count (2 Octets)
Key1 {
Address (6 Octets)
Authenticated (1 Octet)
Encryption Size (1 Octet)
Enc. Diversifier (2 Octets)
Random Number (8 Octets)
Value (16 Octets)
Key2 { }
Read Tracing Buffer Size Command
Command Code: <not yet assigned>
Controller Index: <non-controller>
Command Parameters:
Return Parameters: Status (1 Octet)
Buffer_Size (2 Octets)
Buffer Size in Kilobytes
Write Tracing Buffer Size Command
Command Code: <not yet assigned>
Controller Index: <non-controller>
Command Parameters: Buffer_Size (2 Octets)
Return Parameters: Status (1 Octet)
Buffer Size in Kilobytes
Read Controller Tracing Filter Command
Command Code: <not yet assigned>
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters:
Return Parameters: Status (1 Octet)
Tracing_Enable (1 Octect)
Num_Filters (2 Octect)
Protocol_UUID[i] (16 Octets)
Protocol_Identifier[i] (16 Octets)
Tracing_Enable: 0x00 Tracing disabled
0x01 Command and Event tracing
0x02 Command, Event and ACL tracing
0x03 Command, Event, ACL and SCO tracing
Write Controller Tracing Filter Command
Command Code: <not yet assigned>
Controller Index: <controller id>
Command Parameters: Tracing_Enable (1 Octect)
Num_Filters (2 Octect)
Protocol_UUID[i] (16 Octets)
Protocol_Identifier[i] (16 Octets)
Return Parameters: Status (1 Octet)
Command Complete Event
Event Code 0x0001
Controller Index: <controller id> or <non-controller>
Event Parameters Command_Opcode (2 Octets)
Command Status Event
Event Code 0x0002
Controller Index: <controller id> or <non-controller>
Event Parameters Status (1 Octet)
Command_Opcode (2 Octets)
Controller Error Event
Event Code 0x0003
Controller Index: <controller id>
Event Parameters Error_Code (1 Octet)
Index Added Event
Event Code 0x0004
Controller Index: <controller id>
Event Parameters
Index Removed Event
Event Code 0x0005
Controller Index: <controller id>
Event Parameters
New Settings Event
Event Code 0x0006
Controller Index: <controller id>
Event Parameters: Current_Settings (4 Octets)
Class Of Device Changed Event
Event Code 0x0007
Controller Index: <controller id>
Event Parameters: Class_Of_Device (3 Octets)
Local Name Changed Event
Event Code 0x0008
Controller Index <controller id>
Event Parameters Name (249 Octets)
Short_Name (11 Octets)
New Link Key Event
Event Code 0x0009
Controller Index: <controller id>
Event Parameters Key {
Address (6 Octets)
Type (1 Octet)
Value (16 Octets)
PIN_Length (1 Octet)
Old_Key_Type (1 Octet)
Device Connected Event
Event Code 0x000A
Controller Index: <controller id>
Event Parameters Address (6 Octets)
Type (1 Octet)
Possible values for the Type parameter:
1 LE Public
2 LE Random
Device Disconnected Event
Event Code 0x000B
Controller Index: <controller id>
Event Parameters Address (6 Octets)
Type (1 Octet)
Possible values for the Type parameter:
1 LE Public
2 LE Random
Connect Failed Event
Event Code 0x000C
Controller Index: <controller id>
Event Parameters Address (6 Octets)
Type (1 Octet)
Status (1 Octet)
Possible values for the Type parameter:
1 LE Public
2 LE Random
PIN Code Request Event
Event Code 0x000D
Controller Index: <controller id>
Event Parameters Address (6 Octets)
Secure (1 Octet)
Secure: 0x01 secure PIN code required
0x00 secure PIN code not required
User Confirmation Request Event
Event Code 0x000E
Controller Index: <controller id>
Event Parameters Address (6 Octets)
Value (4 Octets)
User Passkey Request Event
Event Code 0x000F
Controller Index: <controller id>
Event Parameters Address (6 Octets)
Authentication Failed Event
Event Code 0x0010
Controller Index: <controller id>
Event Parameters Address (6 Octets)
Status (1 Octet)
Device Found Event
Event Code 0x0011
Controller Index <controller id>
Event Parameters Address (6 Octets)
Type (1 Octet)
Class_Of_Device (3 Octets)
RSSI (1 Octet)
Confirm Name (1 Octet)
EIR_Data (240 Octets)
Possible values for the Type parameter:
1 LE Public
2 LE Random
Remote Name Event
Event Code 0x0012
Controller Index <controller id>
Event Parameters Address (6 Octets)
Name (249 Octets)
Discovering Event
Event Code 0x00013
Controller Index <controller id>
Event Parameters Discovering (1 Octet)
Device Blocked Event
Event Code 0x00014
Controller Index <controller id>
Event Parameters Address (6 Octets)
Device Unblocked Event
Event Code 0x00015
Controller Index <controller id>
Event Parameters Address (6 Octets)
New Long Term Key Event
Event Code 0x0016
Controller Index <controller id>
Event Parameters Store Hint (1 Octet)
Key {
Address (6 Octets)
Authenticated (1 Octet)
Encryption Size (1 Octet)
Enc. Diversifier (2 Octets)
Random Number (8 Octets)
Value (16 Octets)