blob: 1eb0ca5096c729a9c599c131292630b46a615796 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 NXP
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
.. highlight:: c
.. _sss-malloc-macros:
SSS Heap Management
For effective heap management, macros ``SSS_MALLOC``, ``SSS_CALLOC``
and ``SSS_FREE`` are available in :file:`sss/port/ksdk/fsl_sss_types.h`
for embedded build and in :file:`sss/port/default/fsl_sss_types.h`
for PC/Linux build.
.. literalinclude:: ../port/default/fsl_sss_types.h
:language: c
:start-after: /* doc:start:sss-heap_mgmt */
:end-before: /* doc:end:sss-heap_mgmt */
These macros are used in SSS for heap management
operations and can be defined as platform dependent
implementations of malloc, calloc and free APIs.