blob: 2e6938a8c8469b5d31276356d94f49c1c050032e [file] [log] [blame]
* @author NXP Semiconductors
* @version 1.0
* @par License
* Copyright 2017,2020 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @par HISTORY
* @file HLSEMisc.h
* @par Description
* Host Lib wrapper API: Miscellaneous functions
#ifndef _HLSE_MISC_H_
#define _HLSE_MISC_H_
#include "HLSETypes.h"
* Permanently disables the Plain Injection mode
* \retval ::HLSE_SW_OK Upon successful execution
HLSE_RET_CODE HLSE_DisablePlainInjectionMode(void);
* Clears all user data.
* \retval ::HLSE_SW_OK Upon successful execution
HLSE_RET_CODE HLSE_ResetContents(void);
* Permanently disables the Debug API.
* \retval ::HLSE_SW_OK Upon successful execution
HLSE_RET_CODE HLSE_DbgDisableDebug(void);
* Invokes data reflection APDU (facilitates link testing). No check of data payload returned
* \param[in] inData The data to be sent to the Secure Element
* \param[in] inDataLen The length of \p inData
* \param[in,out] outData IN: caller passes a buffer to hold the data to be returned;
OUT: contains the retruend data
* \param[in,out] outDataLen IN: length of the \p outData buffer passed;
OUT: the number of bytes returned in \p outData
* \retval ::HLSE_SW_OK Upon successful execution
* \retval ::HLSE_ERR_API_ERROR Invalid function arguments
HLSE_RET_CODE HLSE_DbgReflect(U8* inData, U16 inDataLen,
U8* outData, U16* outDataLen);
* Resets the Secure Module to the initial state.
* \retval ::HLSE_SW_OK Upon successful execution
HLSE_RET_CODE HLSE_DbgReset(void);
The purpose of this function is to turn the proprietary ECDSA signature format - that
may be returned by the applet - into a normalized ASN.1 format.
* \param[in] signature buffer containing the ECDSA signature in the applet specific format; OUT: Signature compliant to ASN.1
* \param[in] signatureLen length of ECDSA signature length
* \param[in,out] normalizedSignature IN: caller passes a buffer to hold the data to be returned;
OUT: contains the retruend data
* \param[in,out] normalizedSignatureLen IN: length of the \p outData buffer passed;
OUT: the number of bytes returned in \p outData
* \retval ::HLSE_SW_OK upon successfull execution
* \retval ::HLSE_ERR_API_ERROR Invalid function arguments
HLSE_RET_CODE HLSE_NormalizeECCSignature(U8 *signature, U16 signatureLen,
U8 *normalizedSignature, U16 *normalizedSignatureLen);
#endif // _HLSE_MISC_H_