blob: 6b422d6bb8f013b5ec8d8be033fc21554112fdea [file] [log] [blame]
* @file
* @author NXP Semiconductors
* @version 1.0
* @par License
* Copyright 2017 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @par Description
* Command line handling main entry
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
// project specific include files
#include "sm_types.h"
#include "sm_apdu.h"
#include "tst_sm_util.h"
#include "tst_a71ch_util.h"
#include "probeAxUtil.h"
#include "configCli.h"
#include "axHostCrypto.h"
#include "tstHostCrypto.h"
#define FPRINTF(...) printf (__VA_ARGS__)
#define FPRINTF(...)
// #define DBG_PROBE_A70
#ifdef DBG_PROBE_A70
#define DBGPRINTF(...) printf (__VA_ARGS__)
#define DBGPRINTF(...)
* @brief Usage of the A71CH Config Tool
* Simply invoking the tool in standalone mode on an MCIMX6UL-EVKB board results in the following
* output (some output edited away)
* root@imx6ulevk:~# ./a71chConfig_i2c_imx
* a71chConfig (Rev 1.00) .. connect to A71CH. Chunksize at link layer = 256.
* ...
* Applet-Rev:SecureBox-Rev : 0x0131:0x0000
* ****************************
* Usage: a71chConfig [apdu|debug|erase|gen|info|interactive|lock|rcrt|scp|set|wcrt|help] <OptArg>
* apdu -cmd <hexval> -sw <hexval>
* debug [permanently_disable_debug|reset]
* ecrt -x <int>
* erase [cnt|pair|pub|sym] -x <int>
* gen pair -x <int>
* get pub -c <hex_value> -x <int> -k <keyfile.pem>
* info [all|cnt|device|objects|pair|pub|status]
* info gp -h <hexvalue_offset> -n <segments>
* interactive
* lock [pair|pub] -x <int>
* lock gp -h <hexvalue_offset> -n <segments>
* lock inject_plain
* obj erase -x <int>
* obj get -x <int> [-h <hexvalue_offset>] [-s <hexvalue_size>] [-f <data.txt> -t [hex_16|hex_32]]
* obj update -x <int> -h <hexvalue_offset> [-f <data.txt> -t [hex_16|hex_32] | -h <hexvalue_data>]
* obj write -x <int> [-f <data.txt> -t [hex_16|hex_32] | -h <hexvalue_data> | -n <segments>]
* rcrt -x <int> [-c <certfile.crt>]
* refpem -c <hex_value> -x <int> [-k <keyfile.pem>] -r <ref_keyfile.pem>
* script -f <script.txt>
* scp [put|auth] -h <hexvalue_keyversion> -k <keyfile>
* set gp -h <hexvalue_offset> -h <hexvalue_data>
* set pair -x <int> [-k <keyfile.pem> | -h <hexvalue_pub> -h <hexvalue_priv>] [-w <hexvalue_wrap_key>]
* set pub -x <int> [-k <keyfile.pem> | -h <hexvalue>] [-w <hexvalue_wrap_key>]
* set [cfg|cnt|sym] -x <int> -h <hexvalue> [-w <hexvalue_wrap_key>]
* transport [lock|unlock -h <hexvalue_tpkey>]
* ucrt -x <int> [-c <certfile.crt> | -h <hexvalue_data> | -p <certfile.pem>]
* wcrt -x <int> [-c <certfile.crt> | -h <hexvalue_data> | -p <certfile.pem>] [-n <padding-segments>]
* ****************************
int a7xConfigCliHelp(char *szName)
if ( strcmp(szName, "interactive") == 0)
printf("[apdu|debug|erase|gen|info|lock|scp|set|help|quit] <OptArg>\n");
printf("Usage: %s ", szName);
#if defined(SMCOM_JRCP_V1)
printf("[ip-address:8050] ");
printf("[apdu|debug|erase|gen|info|interactive|lock|scp|set|help|...] <OptArg>\n");
printf(" apdu -cmd <hexvalue> -sw <hexvalue>\n");
if ( strcmp(szName, "interactive") == 0)
printf(" connect [close|open]\n");
printf(" debug [permanently_disable_debug|reset]\n");
printf(" ecrt -x <int>\n");
printf(" erase [cnt|pair|pub|sym] -x <int>\n");
printf(" gen pair -x <int>\n");
printf(" get pub -c <hex_value> -x <int> -k <keyfile.pem>\n");
printf(" info [all|cnt|device|objects|pair|pub|status]\n");
printf(" info gp -h <hexvalue_offset> -n <segments>\n");
if ( strcmp(szName, "interactive") != 0)
printf(" interactive\n");
printf(" lock [pair|pub] -x <int>\n");
printf(" lock gp -h <hexvalue_offset> -n <segments>\n");
printf(" lock inject_plain\n");
printf(" obj erase -x <int>\n");
printf(" obj get -x <int> [-h <hexvalue_offset>] [-s <hexvalue_size>] [-f <data.txt> -t [hex_16|hex_32]]\n");
printf(" obj update -x <int> -h <hexvalue_offset> [-f <data.txt> -t [hex_16|hex_32] | -h <hexvalue_data>]\n");
printf(" obj write -x <int> [-f <data.txt> -t [hex_16|hex_32] | -h <hexvalue_data> | -n <segments>]\n");
printf(" rcrt -x <int> [-c <certfile.crt>]\n");
printf(" refpem -c <hex_value> -x <int> [-k <keyfile.pem>] -r <ref_keyfile.pem>\n");
printf(" script -f <script.txt>\n");
printf(" scp [put|auth] -h <hexvalue_keyversion> -k <keyfile>\n");
if ( strcmp(szName, "interactive") == 0)
printf(" scp clear_host\n");
printf(" set gp -h <hexvalue_offset> -h <hexvalue_data>\n");
printf(" set gp -h <hexvalue_offset> -c <certfile.pem>\n"); // deprecated
printf(" set pair -x <int> [-k <keyfile.pem> | -h <hexvalue_pub> -h <hexvalue_priv>] [-w <hexvalue_wrap_key>]\n");
printf(" set pub -x <int> [-k <keyfile.pem> | -h <hexvalue>] [-w <hexvalue_wrap_key>]\n");
printf(" set [cfg|cnt|sym] -x <int> -h <hexvalue> [-w <hexvalue_wrap_key>]\n");
printf(" transport [lock|unlock -h <hexvalue_tpkey>]\n");
printf(" ucrt -x <int> [-c <certfile.crt> | -h <hexvalue_data> | -p <certfile.pem>]\n");
printf(" wcrt -x <int> [-c <certfile.crt> | -h <hexvalue_data> | -p <certfile.pem>] [-n <padding-segments>]\n");
if ( strcmp(szName, "interactive") != 0)
// Parses commandline and invokes proper command
// \note Before this is called the optional IP:PORT argument has been stripped.
// \returns Returns ::AX_CLI_EXEC_OK upon success
int a7xConfigCli(char *progname, int argc, char **argv)
int nRet = AX_CLI_EXEC_OK;
#ifdef DBG_PROBE_A70
int i = 0;
U16 sw = 0;
DBGPRINTF("a7xConfigCli (%s): %d arguments left to parse.\n", progname, argc);
#ifdef DBG_PROBE_A70
for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
DBGPRINTF("\t Arg=%d: %s\n", i, argv[i]);
if (argc < 1)
if (strncmp(argv[0], "info", sizeof("info")) == 0)
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdInfo(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "apdu", sizeof("apdu")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdApdu(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "connect", sizeof("connect")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdConnect(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "debug", sizeof("debug")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdDebug(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "erase", sizeof("erase")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdErase(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "gen", sizeof("gen")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdGen(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "wcrt", sizeof("wcrt")) == 0 || strncmp(argv[0], "ucrt", sizeof("ucrt")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdWcrt(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "rcrt", sizeof("rcrt")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdRcrt(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "ecrt", sizeof("ecrt")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdEcrt(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "get", sizeof("get")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdGet(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "obj", sizeof("obj")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdObj(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "help", sizeof("help")) == 0) {
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "interactive", sizeof("interactive")) == 0) {
if (a7xConfigCliGetInteractiveMode() == AX_INTERACTIVE_MODE_OFF) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdInteractive(argc, argv);
else {
printf("Interactive mode already on.\n");
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "lock", sizeof("lock")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdLock(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "refpem", sizeof("refpem")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdRefpem(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "scp", sizeof("scp")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdScp(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "script", sizeof("script")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdScript(argc, argv);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "set", sizeof("set")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdSet(argc, argv, &sw);
else if (strncmp(argv[0], "transport", sizeof("transport")) == 0) {
nRet = a7xConfigCliCmdTransport(argc, argv, &sw);
else {
printf("'%s' is an unknown command\n", argv[0]);
nRet = a7xConfigCliHelp(progname);
if (nRet != AX_CLI_EXEC_OK) {
printf("Command Failed (%s (%d)", axGetErrorString(nRet), nRet);
if (nRet == AX_CLI_EXEC_FAILED) {
printf(": sw=0x%04X)\n", sw);
else {
return nRet;