blob: 210061fa683b2d9d9e4d42d616bf4bb471cca5ee [file] [log] [blame]
App :INFO :PlugAndTrust_v02.13.00_20200208
App :INFO :Running ..\..\..\simw-top_build\se_x86\bin\Debug\ex_policy.exe
App :INFO :Using PortName='' (gszSocketPortDefault)
App :INFO :If you want to over-ride the selection, use ENV=EX_SSS_BOOT_SSS_PORT or pass in command line arguments.
smCom :INFO :Opening connection to JRCP server on
sss :INFO :atr (Len=0)
sss :WARN :Communication channel is Plain.
sss :WARN :!!!Not recommended for production use.!!!
App :INFO :This example is to demonstrate the use of policies for secure objects
App :INFO :Signing was succesful
App :INFO :Example Success
App :INFO :ex_sss Finished