blob: 5f7add23a4876f7c4ec66d4f2176262e8d2b2957 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 NXP
.. highlight:: bat
.. _delete-and-test-provision:
Delete and Test Provision
'Delete and Test Provision' is a utility that deletes a subset of the crypto objects stored on the secure element.
Next it provisions different types of key objects (as documented in the table below).
These key objects enable various use cases with the secure element.
As an example: the authentication objects for session based authentication (UserID/AESkey/ECKey)
are provisioned through this utility.
To enable concurrent (up to the maximum of two) authenticated user sessions, two authentication objects of
each type (UserID/AESkey/ECKey) are provisioned.
.. note:: Authentication objects - of the same object type - are provisioned on Ids with an offset of +0x10.
.. warning:: This utility provisions the same value for both authentication object type instances.
In a product deployment different
values must be used, do not re-use any of the values provisioned by this test utility in a
product deployment.
Object IDs provisioned
=========== ============= ==========================================================================
Object ID Object Type Usage
=========== ============= ==========================================================================
0x7DA00001 User ID Allows the user to Open User ID Auth Session to SE.
----------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7DA00002 Symm Key Allows the user to Open AES Key Auth Session to SE.
----------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7DA00003 EC Key Allows the user to Open EC Key Auth Session to SE.
----------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7DA00011 User ID Allows the user to Open additional User ID Auth Session to SE.
----------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7DA00012 Symm Key Allows the user to Open additional AES Key Auth Session to SE.
----------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7DA00013 EC Key Allows the user to Open additional EC Key Auth Session to SE.
----------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7FFF0200 Symm Key Allows the user to switch transport LockState of the SE.
----------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7FFF0201 EC Key Provisions ECKA pair at SE for EC key Session Authentication.
----------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7FFF0202 EC Key Provisions ECKA pair at SE for EC key Session Authentication.
----------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7FFF0203 EC Key Provisions ECKA pair at SE for EC key Session Authentication.
----------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7FFF0204 EC Key Used for applet personalization.
----------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7FFF0205 User ID Allows the user to delete all objects. Except those provisioned by NXP.
----------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7FFF0206 Binary Holds the device unique ID.
----------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7FFF0207 User ID Allows the user to make platform SCP mandatory or not.
=========== ============= ==========================================================================
.. warning:: Some of the object Ids here are provisioned with same values. This is for
test, example and demo purpose only.
Authentication Keys
.. warning:: These values are just for demonstration. The user **MUST**
modify these values in the secure element and the application for real world
use cases.
**User ID**
.. literalinclude:: ../../../sss/ex/inc/ex_sss_auth.h
:language: c
:start-after: /* doc:start:auth-key-user-id */
:end-before: /* doc:end:auth-key-user-id */
**Applet SCP**
.. literalinclude:: ../../../sss/ex/inc/ex_sss_auth.h
:language: c
:start-after: /* doc:start:auth-key-applet-scp */
:end-before: /* doc:end:auth-key-applet-scp */
**EC Key**
.. literalinclude:: ../../../sss/ex/inc/ex_sss_auth.h
:language: c
:start-after: /* doc:start:auth-key-fast-scp-ecdsa */
:end-before: /* doc:end:auth-key-fast-scp-ecdsa */
Building the Demo
- Build Plug & Trust middleware stack. (Refer :ref:`building`)
- ``SE05X_Auth=None``
- Project: ``se05x_Delete_and_test_provision``