blob: 7f4d055f38ccfb2ea341ac26efdc8606a3eb4f22 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2019,2020 NXP
.. highlight:: bat
.. _ex-sss-ecdaa:
ECDAA Example
This project demonstrates Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECDAA sign operation
using SSS APIs.
Refer - :file:`simw-top/sss/ex/ecdaa/ex_sss_ecdaa.c`
- Build Plug & Trust middleware stack. (Refer :ref:`building`)
About the Example
This example does a elliptic curve cryptography signing and verify operation.
It uses the following APIs and data types:
- :cpp:func:`sss_asymmetric_context_init()`
- :cpp:enumerator:`kAlgorithm_SSS_ECDAA` from :cpp:type:`sss_algorithm_t`
- :cpp:enumerator:`kMode_SSS_Sign` from :cpp:type:`sss_mode_t`
- :cpp:func:`sss_asymmetric_sign_digest()`
Console output
If everything is successful, the output will be similar to:
.. literalinclude:: out_ex_ecdaa.rst.txt
:start-after: sss :WARN :!!!Not recommended for production use.!!!