blob: 096f6de8648df9af5cea5d97e897cf53088987e4 [file] [log] [blame]
.. Copyright 2018,2020 NXP
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
.. _se05x-cmake-options:
CMake Options
.. include:: cmake_options_values.rst.txt
.. option:: WithNXPNFCRdLib
- Compile in NXP NFC RdLib support
- Default is OFF
- Use NXP NFC RdLib. This is used mainly for RC663 + SAM Use Cases. Package available under NDA is needed to use this feature
.. option:: WithOPCUA_open62541
- Compile With open62541 Support
- Default is OFF
- Compile with OPC UA. By default it is disabled from compilation.
.. option:: WithSharedLIB
- Create and use shared libraries
- Default is OFF
- Create shared libraries. Applicable for Engine DLL and other use cases.
NXP Internal Options
These options are not supported outside NXP.
.. option:: NXPInternal
- NXP Internal
- Default is OFF. (ON only within NXP)
.. note:: For deliveries outside NXP, this option is disabled.
.. option:: WithCodeCoverage
- Compile with Code Coverage
- Default is OFF
.. For internal testing.
.. Automatic generated options
Other Variables
.. option:: WithExtCustomerCode
- Include code from ../customer
- Default is OFF
- Include code from external folder. This way, experimental code can be included in build from outside the simw-top repository.
- Location where library header files are installed for linux based targets. (Used for iMX Linux)
- Default location is ``</usr/local/>include/se05x``
- Location where miscellaneous scripts
get copiled for linux based targets. (Used for iMX Linux)
- e.g. ``cmake_options.mak`` which has current cmake build settings.
- Default location is ``</usr/local/>share/se05x``
.. # End of documented part .....
.. # WithLargePrograms: Large enough programs that may
.. # not fit in smaller size, e.g. small boot loaders.
.. To build shared libraries
.. If using NDA Version of WithNXPNFCRdLib
.. for Legacy reasons, setting SSS_HAVE_OpenSSL_1_1_1 = ON
.. Checks and balances ########
.. By default, we don't have it
.. OFF
.. CACHE BOOL "Compile Tests with/without FIPS Mode aware"
.. )
.. Based on variant, we enable and expose that feature.